Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/566

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CONVENTION—WAR ON LAND. JULY 29, 1899. 1803 Cbnvention between the Miited States of America and Certain Pmgers, J“lY29·1899· with respect to the laws and customs of war on land. Signed at H"? The Hague Jai;] 29, 18.9.9; ratification advised by the Senate March 1.4, 19093; ratz ed by the Idresident of t/ae United States .Mu·e/z 19, 1.902; ratifwations deposited with the Netherlands Government Sep- _ tember 4, 1900; proclaimed April 11, 1.9022. BY THE PRESIDENT or THE UNITE]} STATES or AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. _ Whereas a Convention with respect to the laws and customs of war Pmmble on land was concluded and signed on Jul 29, 1899, by the Plenip0— tentiaries of the United States of America, (germany, Austria-Hun ry, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Mexico, France, Great Britain and Ireildnd, Greece, Italy, Japan Luxembourg, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Persia, Portugal, umania, Russia, Servia, Siam, Sweden and Norway, Turkey, and·Bulgaria, the original of which Convention, in the French language, is word for word as follows: [Translation.] CONVENTION WITH BESPEGT T0 THE CONVENTION 0oNcERNANT Las LOIS LAWS AND cusrous or WAR ON ET c0U*rUMEs DE LA GUERRE SUB LAND. TERRE. His Majesty the Emperor of Sa Majesté l’Empereur d’Alle- commuug pmaes. Germany, King of Prussia; His magne, Roi de Prusse; Sa Majesté ‘ Majesty the Emperor of Austria, l’Empereur d’Autriche, ROI de King of Bohemia etc., and Alpes- Boheme etc. et Roi Agiostoli ue _ tolic Kin of Hungary; His aj- de Hongrie; Sa Majesté e Roiiles esty the Kingof the Belgians; His Bel es; Sa Majeste e Roi de Dane- Majesty the ing of Denmark; His maids; Sa Mafpsté le Roi d’Espagne Majesty the Kigg of Spain and in et en Son om Sa Majesté la His Name Her ajesty the gueen Reine-Régente du Royaume; le Regent of the Kingdom; the resi- President des Etats—Unis d’Amér- dent of the United States of Amer- i ue; le President des Etats-Unis ica; the President of the United Mexicains; le President de la Ré- Mexican States; the President of Egblique Francaise; Sa Majesté la the French Regublic; Her Majesty ine du Royaume-Uni de la the Queen of the United Kingdom Grande Bretagne et d’Irlande, of Great Britain and Ireland, Em- Im ératrice des Indes; Sa Majesté ress of India; His Majesty the le Roi des Hellenes; Sa Majesté Rin of the Hellenes; His Majesty le Roi d’Italie; Sa Majesté l’Emthe King of Italy; His Majesty the gereur du Japon; Son Altesse Em ror of Japan; His Royal oyale le Grand-Duc de Luxem- Higlhiiess the Grand Duke of Lux- bourg, Duc de Nassau; Son Alemburg, Duke of Nassau; His tesse le Prince de Monténé ro; Highness the Prince of Monte- Sa Majesté la Reine des Pays·Bas: