Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/609

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1846 mizcnnsrosr c0NvnNr1oN-NEW ZEALAND. ”*“¤¤8°" P°'°°"- 6. Should a parcel be received in a damaged or imperfect condition, full particulars should be reported on the same form. °°"°°*’“°“”~ 7. If no veridcation certificate or note of error be received, a parcel mail shall be considered as duly delivered, having been found on examination correct in all respects. Axrrcnn XI. F*““'°°°"°“*’"· 1. If a parcel can not be delivered as addressed, or is refused, it must be returned without charlge directly to the despatching office of exchange, at the expiration of t irty days f1·0m its receipt at the office of destination; and the country of origin may collect from the sender for the return of the parcel a sum equal to the postage when first mailed. _,§§};' P°"*’*" 2. When the contents of a parcel which can not be delivered are liable to deterioration or corru tion, they may be destroyed at once if necessary, or, if expedient, sold, without previous notice or judicial formality, for the nefit of the right person, the particulars of each sale being noticed by one post·office to the othe1·. de{*,F ,'f;j 3. An order for redirection or reforwardingl must be accompanied by the amount due for postage necessary for the return of the article to the office of origin, at the ordinary parcel rates. Aunonn XH. ,°§°§gf°”“”‘*‘*Y‘°'- The Post Office Department of either of the contracting countries ` will not be responsib e for the loss or damage of any parcel, and consealuently no indemnity can be claimed by the sender or addressee in ei er country. ` · ARTICIlE XIII. -

  • `“"“°"°¥‘**°“°”*- The Postmaster General of the United States of America and the

Postmaster General of New Zealand shall have authority to jointly make such further regulations of order and detail as may be found necessary to carry out the pgesent Convention from time to time; and may, by agreement, prescri conditions for the admission to the mails of any of the articles prohibited by Article Il of this Convention. Airrrcua XIV. °°"°°"'°°"° This Convention shall take effect, and operations thereunder shall begin, on the first day of July, 1900; and s all continue in force until terminated by mutua agreement, but may be annulled at the desire of either Department. upon six monthsgprevious notice given to the other. S*‘"°“‘"’· Done in duplicate, and signed at uhington, the eighteenth day of Afpril, one thousand nine hundred, and at ellington the twelfth day 0 February, one thonsand nine hundred. [san,.] Ch. Emoar Smrrn, Postmaster General of the United States- of America. [sun.] J. G. Wann, Postmaster General of Nena Zealand. Signed; sealed and delivered by the Honorable Joseph George Ward as Postmaster General of the Co ony of New Zealand in the presence of _ FRANK Hmm, I Hzwte Secretary, llwlingtmz.