Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/682

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PROTOCOL—MEXICO. PIOUS FUND. MAY 22, 1902. 1919 car, a (iuicio del tribunal, una prorroga el término senalado para la audiencia 6 resolucion, segun sea el caso, con tal que ella no pase de treinta dias. III. III. ‘ All pleadings, testimon , roofs, Todas las alegaciones, testimo- A’8“m°¤'¤· °*°· arguments of counsel and fiiidings 11i0S, p111Gb3S, informos en dereor awards of commissioners or cho y conclusiones 6 laudos de los umpire, tiled before or arrived at Comisionados 6 del tercero en disby the Mixed Commission above cordisapresentadosantelaComisi6n referred to, are to be placed in Mixta arriba referida 6 acordados evidence before the Court herein- RSPB11R, SOD d6 8·d\1CiI'S6 00m0pl‘uo— before provided for, together with S M10-! Bl tribunal que 8h0m So all correspondence between the ¤0¤1b1‘¤1, jlllltamcuté COD toda la two countries relating to the snb- correspondencia habida entre los ject matter involved in this arbi- f10S PMSGS COH00l‘Hi€H¢€ H l0S PUB- tration; originals or copies thereof tos comprendidos en este arbitradul certified by the Departments mento; exhibiéndose al nuevo triof gtate of the High (jontreoting bunal dichos documentos origina- Parties being presented to said les 6 copies de ellos debidamente new tribunal, Where printed certiiica os por los Departamentos books are referred to in evidenoe de Estado respectivos de las Altas by either party, the perty offering Partes Uontratantes. Cuando cual— the same shell speoify volume, quiera de las dos (partes cite libros edition and page of the portion iII1pI'€SOS p0I' via 0 p111Gb1I, la que desired to be read, and shall fur- of1’0Z08 ml P1‘¤€b8 €SPO¢iH0¤1'£.6l nish the Court in print the ex- volumen, edicién y péginn dc Ia tracts relied upon; their accuracy PPYW *]*16 QH19m S6 1*% Y PNP0I" _ beingattested by aiiidavit. lf the clonam al tmbunal impresos los original work is not already on Pisa16S ilu? d€S€81‘€‘ h51C9f WISP, file as 8. portion of the record of GUYS GX{10t1tLid sera comprobada the former Mixed Commission, the 009 l6SUm0m<] Egg}? Y Si la ohm book itself shall be placed at the 0¤g1¤9-l_}\0<·>St¤ ¥’¤fo!fm¤¥1d0(§>8¤'§G digpgggl of the Opposite; party in del archivo de a primera omitbe res ctive of the Seem- Sr6¤ Mixta. el libre mismo semi tn;-y oi)eStete or of the Mexican puesto a disposicion de la parte Ambassador in lVashington, as €9¤tY¤i'i8i €¤ 08 d<{8l¤*·0h0$ ¥‘<=‘¤3>€¢· the case may be, thirty days before tives d€l $90¤'€i·¤¤‘10 de EQM 0 6 the meeting of the tribunal herein del Emb¤]&d0¥` fl€ México N1 provided for_ Wash1n(gton, segun sca cl caso, treinta ias antes de la reunion del tribunal que aqui se nombra. IV. IV. Either party may demand from (Jada parte podra pedir a la otra d£gg¤¤=*=¤“·¤'Y WP tbe other the discovery of any fact que dé a conocer cualquier hecho `· or of any document deemed to be o documento considerado como or to contain material evidence for prueba 0 que contenga materia de the party asking it; the document rueba interesante 0 la parte que I desired to be described with suiii- la solicita; debiendo ser descrito · cient accuracy for identification, el documento deseado con sutiand the demanded discovery shall ciente exactitud para su identiticabe made by delivering a statement cion; y se daré. la noticia 0 se harai of the fact or by depositing a copy la exhibicion dida, mediante una of such document (certified by its relacién del hgcho, o el deposito lawful custodian, if it be a public de una copia de dicho documento