Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/695

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1932 MONEY-012.DER c01WENT10N-GREECE. Quarterly l>¤lle¢i¤¤- Le bulletin trimestriel ci—haut men- The qpearterly bulletin above referred tionné sera adressé au commencement de to shall sent at the commencement of chaque trimestre a l’Administration des each quarter to the Postal Administra- Postes des Etats-Unis pour en prendre tion o the United States for its informaconnaissance. tion. . Armcrn X. Anrrcm X. Duplicate quarterly Le compte trimestriel devra 'toujours The quarterly account shall alwaéys be ‘°°°““· etre transmis en double expédition zi transmitted in duiplicate to the ostal l'Administration des Postes des Etats· Administration o the United States, Unis, laquelle en renverra une expédi- which shall return one copy, duly action, dument acceptée, ou moditiée s’il cepted, or corrected, if necessary, to the E lieu, a l’Administration des Postes Postal Administration of Greece. elléniques. ' Akner-B XI- Amore XI.

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anu, pp. rm, rem. 10 et 12 de la Convention seront effectnés cies X md XII of thepgonvcntgon are to N1 ¤l0Y9¤ 605 t1’¤¤t€S ell france d 013 be effected by means of bills of exchange, sur Pans et payablea a l erdre du Dlrec- drawn in francs in gold, on Paris, and tear Généraldes Pe¤teaetde¤Té1ézraphe¤ payable to the Order of the Director- Helléulqllee 0¤ 9 I 0¤'<l}‘6 dll P0¤¤1l¤¤*¤1‘· Generalof PostsandTelegraphs of Greece, General des Etafa·U¤l¤ eugvaut q{=e la or or the Postmaster-General ot the balance est en favear de lAdmug¤¤tra- United States, according to whether the uau dee Etat¤·Uuw eu de eelle de (Mece- balance is in favor of the Postal Administration of Greece, or of the United States. Arrncm: XII. Amrcnn XII. NW of ¤¤'¤¤¤*°¤· Pour établir la balance du compte For the purpose of balancing the quartzimestriel la conversion de l’une es terly account the conversion of the one monnaies dans l’autre sera faite coniormé- money into the other shall be made in ment au cours adopté par l’Administra- conformity with the rate ado ted by the tion des Etats-Unis pour les mandats pay- Postal Admirristration of t.heIl)nited States ables en francs,c’est a dire l d01lar=francs for Money Orders payable in francs, i. e., 5.15. - 1 dollar-=Frs. 5.15. Armcrn XIII. ARTICLE XIII. Disposition or other Outre les demandes dont il est question In addition to the claims mentioned in wwp lm a Particle 9 concernant le rernboursement Article IX concerning the repayment of ' ‘desmandatsdesdeuxAdminrstrationscon- Orders, the two administrations agree to . viennent de donner suite aux demandes take charge of other claims in relation to relatives aux mandate échangés entre la Orders exchanged between Greece and Grece et les Etats-L ms, en ce qui touche, the United States, for example, in regard parexemqile, les changlements de nom, to changes oi name, places of payment, de lieux epayement, es demandes de requests for infomation concerning pay- rensergnements au sujet de payements ments which have been made, etc., and ettectués, etc., et de traiter ces demandes to dispose oi them in accordance with conformcment aux réglements en vigueur the regulations in force in each country dans cheque pays respectivement. respectively. Anrrcrz XIV. Armcm: XIV. D¤i‘•¤¤¤ ¤f•l¤¤¤ile¤ Le present reglement de detail sera mis The resent detailed regnlati b ll ’°'“°l°¤°°°' en errécution en meme temps cme la Con- take efgect at the same time aszlh; 2)::1- vention du 13 Novembre et 7 écembre, vention of the 13th November and 7th 1894,et rl aura la meme durée que cette December, 1894, and shall continue in dernrem. _ q force as long as_the latter. signatures. Fart en double et srgne Athénes le Done in lg>llCEt€ and signed at Athens 17-30 Mars, 1902, et il Washington le 22 the 17/30th ay of March, 1902, and at Avril, 1902. Washington the 22d day of April, 1902. A. x Le Dm-' at 4 ('énéml de m rs,'- Th- A. Roving, err J _ n eu at drs Tele ea Drrector General of Posts and Telegraphes Hellémquen. graphs of Greece. H. C. Pawn H. C. P -· Led, foaézzaastcr Génfral des Evita- {Bois Postmas¢er—General of the Etnies. .1 TR QNC. [k1of thePost O(HceDepartm t fth United States.] cn 0 3