Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/793

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2032 PROCLAMATIONS. xo. iz. along the quarter-section lines to the north-west corner of the northeast uarter of Section two (2), Township forty-nine (49) North, Range one hundred and three (103) West; thence easterly to the north—east corner of said section; thence southerly to the south-east corner of Section twenty-three (23), said township; thence westerly to the southwest corner og Section nineteen (19), said township; thence southerly to the south-east corner of Township forth-nine (49) North, Range one hundred and four (104) West; thence easterly along the Twelfth (12th) Standard Parallel North to the north-east corner of Township forty-eight (48) North, Range one hundred and four (104) West; thence southerly to the south-east corner of Section one (1), said township; thence westerly to the north-east corner of Section nine (9), said township; thence southerly to the south-east corner of Section thirty-three (33), said township; thence easterly to the south-west corner of Township forty-eight (48) North, Range one hundred and three (103) West; thence northerly to the north-west corner of the south-west quarter of the north-west gluarter of Section thirty-one (31), said township; thence easterly alon the quarter-quarter section lines to the north-east corner of the sough-west quarter of the north-east quarter of said section; thence southerly along the quarter-quarter section lines to the south-east corner of the south-west uarter of the south-east quarter of said section; thence easterly to the north-east corner of Section six (6), Township forty-seven (47) North, Range one hundred and three (103) West; thence southerly to the south-east corner of Section seven (7), said township; thence easterly to the north—east corner of Section thirteen (13), said township; thence southerly to the south-east corner of said section; thence easterly to the north-east corner of Section twenty-one (2%), Township forty-seven (47) North, Range one hundred and two (102) est; thence southerlv alonglthe section lines to the north-east corner of Section four (4), Towns ip forty-tive (45) North, Range one hundred and two (102) West; thence easterly to the north-east corner of said Township; thence southerly along the range line, allowing for the proper offset on the Eleventh (11th) Standard. Parallel North, to its intersection with the northern boundary of the YVind River or Shoshone Indian Reservation; thence, in a general northwesterly and southwesterly direction, along the northern and western boundary of said reservation to its intersection with the township line between Townships forty-two (42) and forty-three (43) North; thence westerly along said township line to the north-east corner of Township forty-two (42) North, Range one hundred and nine (109) West; thence southerly along the range line to the south-east corner of Township forty-one (41) North, Range one hundred and nine (109) West; thence easterly along the Tenth (10th) Standard Parallel North to its intersection with the western boundary of the Wind River or Shoshone Indian Reservation; thence, in a southeasterly, southerly and easterly direction, along the western and southern boundary of said reservation to its intersection with the range line between Ranges one hundred and one (101) and one hundred and two (102) West; thence southerly to the south-east corner of Townshi thirty-three (33) North, Range one hundred and two (102) West; thence easterly alon the Eighth (8th) Standard Parallel North to the north—west corner of '1€>wnship thirty-two (32) North, Range one hundred (100) West; thence southerly to the north-west corner of Section nineteen (19), said township; thence easterly to the north-east corner of Section twentv-one (21), said township; thence southerly to the south-east corner ot Section thi.rty-three (33), said township; thence easterly to the south-cast corner of said township; thence southerly along the range line to the south-east corner of Township twenty-nine (29) North, Ran e one hundred (100) West; thence westerly to the south—west corner ogsaid township; thence northerly to the north-west corner of Section nineteen