Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/799

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2038 INDEX. Admiralty Court, PMB- j Akron, Sterling and Northern Railroad ( bm- Pug; claims referred to .., _ __,_,_,____,,__ 242 pany, Admirahu Pleadings, Alaska, time extended for constructing road in omittedl from section of code abolishing Alaska ... 1230 p eadings 944 Alabama Adnan, Mich-, homeséead certificates to rfes hold' ¢<>¤¤¤<;¤¤<{¤ <>f pybhc budding an ¤¤th<>r- mm to mas {mm mgm; milmaagi 1222 a 1:°g;l§g:?‘;g;*1 mm -----·-------- Q6 lgég l spam of Spanish battle ships donated to. . 304 Ad upglprmlgg B `°``’`' ’ -Alaba·ma Middle Judimkzl District, siibject to Sim, etc laws 193 tcrms °f com M°“*¥°“‘°'Y *‘··‘*···· · · · 820 ae:-iumou 0:- . .’ . ff]`Z I I f I III 194 A’“"“,"‘“ ·’"’”?,' s is.1 tax on manufacturers and dealers- 195 m vmmu °r°°t ················· 832 dlcalem defined _____________________ _ _ _ _ 195 court rooms, process, etc ... 832 Special tax laws applicable .. 195 mgs °i °‘};"lt* A¤m¤*<>¤ ··············· ém regulations for manufacturers 195 Humtlsvguam ······················· · 86 packages required; sales  ; ... 195 lm _ ° ··························· 820 lggennlties for violations 196 Alabama Rwff, Ala-; _ bels required; penalties ______________ 196 v.ppr0pr1ation_ for improvement ox 354 tax on manufacture; stamps _____________ 196 bfldgé 811tl10I'1Z€d RCYOSS, 111 Wilcpx County 772 oleomirfgarine rules and penalties applica- AMF, Manaiw and Gulf 00*1** Rummy Oome to ... ‘ . 196 PM » Aéeturns, €|2(2.-}_l‘;}: llfIlCtI1fBfS; penalties- 197 €!`¥¤t°%1;'¤?{él;;sg:vl;*L§Y1 G¤·¤P¤·Fill¤ I¤lv-¤d, 384 ulloralwns 0 c., · , l011S ... . . appropriation for investigation 296, 1157 Alaska, analysis of imported articles; seizure if appropriation for emergency mail service l uuwhglegome ,_________,___,,_ 296, 1158 in ___________________,__,_____ 114, 1172 Advertisements, _ _ _ for salaries, government in .. 147, 882 punuhmqpt fg]-, sunuI3_h_u€ mms of 9119 for cgntipggut expenses _______ _ _____ 147,882 United States or o any foreign for surveyor-general, clerks, etc . 162, 897 Ad A gormtry ...-.·---..--------------- 1223 ;or{·ie§]ortl;,etc.,¤g‘;;cu1turulreso¤m=e¤. 301, 1164 y, n rm, _ or t- ousean 0g·signa.l stations. 433, 1095 P¤¤¤10¤ --------··--------------···---.. 1576 for protecting seal, em., iisheries ,___ 435 1096 Aerial hw, ‘ f survcoasts 436, gutborized oveIr Duluth MQau.s], Minn . 3 fg; expeliisleg? seal fisheries . . 449; " menzie,-ua," rcmclad onitor, for protecting salmon fisheries . % 1111 cgm for extra compensation turrets of form est1gn'ml resources l l referred to Court, of Clgiins __,__,_ I 244 for reagdggr 2:5 TT? ____________ ::-457, Agate Bay, llfum., _ . for traveling expenses, court officials. 474, 1140 A gpg9m?;-éa1:;on for nmprovement of harbor- 346 Eur inciidental expenses, court officials 474, 1140 gen , noon or "ta t h;. t' ed .. appropnatidn for pay of civilian, at agen- for fwd: End llgidgeg; balance 508 cies 245, 982 availa le .. 517 Agrggyngnlgy f °]`tg v bl t0___ _______ M____- ‘ proclamationdeelaring ratification of, with , fg; Ielnillibil Ei Ilaouisiana Purcliase--Ein; 929 Creeks _,___,,,,,,,_,___,,,,,__.,, 1971 Pggitjou ______,_ , ________________ 1108 Agricultural Colleges, etc., I for site, military post ..1130 appropriation for exhibit at Louisiana I deficiency appropriation for reindeer- 19 _ Purchase Exposition by ... 1108 for investigating mineral resources . . 22 deficiency in lpuymguts fur! from pinlwlic- for surveyor-general _-__-,,__,,_____ 31 gltgassa es, to be paid by bmted 803 iort.n:velmge;xpenses,courtoilicials 25,5711063 · .. _ .. t · or so aries 0 00mm18S' ... 560 on lneieloenlngmof reclamation fund, pro- 388 l iortransgorting destitulnlelizitizens from 563, 1046 --·-------------·--·---- . 1 or co x ,-_________ _ _____ _ Agficultzgal .D¢{t)?Tt77;€D¢ (ave Department of E for fodld tg ,,___,_,__,_______ é?'], _ z¤¤¤¤f¢- frffrdrtm { ______ _ Agrwculturql Qrperimenl Statiom, I adcl)itil0(i1i5sgrge‘;1isl1SigIi12a::,)(i>srps, for·sei·;·; 1048 IPPTOPHBYZIOD forexpenses; bla.¤ks,etc, 301,1163 g {ce in _________ _ _____ _ _________ 509 or renort on Alaska resources, etc- . 301, 1164 i Alexander Archipelago Forest Reserve, m" Eudex -·-- ;, ····-··-·--·--··- 302» 1164 g proclamation establishing _________ 2925 fork) Sgt10E! Hgwggmn [glands _______ 302, 1164 E game prgfgcfign in _______________ 397 _ 0 0 1c0 . ; 302, 1164 1 destruction of wild me lirlrlledi ~ Agncudura] Lundy, _ description .. -1 l 327 A ¤¤l¤¤ of, rn Phrlrppmes ·--.--..-·-------- 696 sealing, etc., laws not affected ..--.. - . 327 grwulturo _ nds, _ _ x opengame seasons; sgaecial prohibitions. 327 appmplgagxen for extending forergn rngéo 1162 j restncgpn on sales 0 game, etc 32s _ ..---...·-·---- on s ipmeuts ... 328 Agrwulturql Report, _ _ _ _ l · penalties; arrests, etc . 328 Alazggtoproraglrglléfof P¤¤*·\¤g¤·¤d blndmg- 480, 1146 homestead laws extended to 1028 _» _ - » restriction on indemnit *, t ·., l f . 102 Algeénlsiouéqlgwved ·-··---·--------—-—-—-- 1410 distance fren: prior locgtigns oncdaiiiigin- 8 , _ _·· _ _ ewa ers 1029 A Spgiogguggu gif lmpwvemont of h¤J‘b0!‘- 3-15 Il13Kl¤lUl11 com mutation allowed .,,,_,_ 1029 pq » 1/» entries along shores lllDlt€d ... 1029 ap mpngugn for congnl 31; ____,_____,_ _ 82 8]4 Of qhor t H ·ed E); dm-k him 86, 313 i es no 3 Ow ```````````````` 1029 ····-·—·-·--··----·---·· » · up to 320 acres allowed . 1029