Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/835

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2074 INDEX. Cooper, Elvira M. (widow), pension increased. Page. Corporations, 1625 | bankruptcy of, no release of liability of officers.. Coos Bay and Harbor, Oreg., appropriation for improvement of en- investigation, etc., of, engaged in inter- state and foreign commerce.. trance 347 Corporations, Alaska, Coos River, Oreg. organization of private, authorized; pur- 369 appropriation for improvement of Coosa River, Ga. and Ala., poses articles of incorporation to be filed; con- 353 appropriation for improvement of surveys authorized tents.. 353 Coosawattee River, Ga., effect of certified copy of articles.. powers conferred by charter; real estate holdings.. 353 appropriation for improvement of. Copenhagen, Denmark, board of directors; powers, elections, 83, 815 appropriation for consul at. Copley, John W., meetings, etc. pension increased. 1722 stock, subscriptions, assessments, votes, etc. dividends must be from net profits.. liability of directors for illegally disposing, Coppinger, Rebecca (widow), pension Copyright Office, 1389 etc., of stock appropriation for register, clerks, etc... 130, 864 Coquille River, Oreg., consideration for stock; liability for amounts unpaid liability of executors, trustees, etc appropriation for improvement of 269 Corbett, John (son), by-laws, offices, etc.; action to increase or diminish capital stock.... 1640 pension Corbett, Shadrack I., amendments to charter; lists of officers... dissolution proceedings pension 1371 Corbitt, Martin, and Whitcomb Henley, annual statements required from officers Corporations, Bureau of, Department of Com- merce and Labor, appropriation for payment to... 268 Cordingly, Thomas, granted honorable discharge. 1615 deficiency appropriation for Commis- sioner, assistant, etc Cordis, Joseph, for expenses payment of French spoliation claim to ad- ministrator of 229 Core, Elias R., 209 payment of Court of Claims judgment to . Core, John M., for special agents, pay and expenses established; Commissioner, deputy, etc. to investigate, etc., corporations in inter- state and foreign commerce common carriers excepted. powers to obtain testimony, evidence, etc., as to corporations... 1267 pension Corey, John Y., 1314 pension... Cork, Ireland, to compile, publish, etc., information as to insurance corporations Corporations, Commissioner of, appropriation for consul at. 83, 815 "Cornelia," Sloop, payment of French spoliation claim on ac- appointment, salary, etc authority of, as to corporations deficiency appropriation for assistant, clerks, etc count of. 233 Cornell, E. D., 491 Corporations, Common Currier, payment to Corning, N. Y., liable for violating interstate commerce regulations. deficiency appropriation for public build- ing site 1039 Corporations, D. C., 1 purchase of public building site author- ized 1208 charter granted Association of Military Surgeons of the United States General Education Board. Cornish, Martha A. (widow), pension 1472 Masonic Mutual Relief Association, char- ter modified. Cornman, Benjamin F., pension increased. 1673 National Florence Crittenton Mission, charter amended Cornwall, Canada, personal tax on; exemptions appropriation for consul at. 84.816 Coroner, D. C., appropriation for 593, 958 527 to be appointed by Commissioners. execution of writs in case of death, etc., of marshal or 541 if over 50 per cent alien ownership, not permitted to own real estate. officers who may sign deeds. exception as to dealing in real estate liability for not making annual reports.. responsibility for loans to stockholders. provision for appeal from decision in for- feiture proceedings repealed.. injunctions against foreign, for noncom- pliance with law. taking possession of goods under replevin; proceedings for return 544 Coroner's Office, D. C., appropriation for coroner. for expenses.... 593, 958 595, 961 Corporations, Philippines, , deficiency appropriation for deputy... Corporation Counsel, D. C., 560, 1042 conditions imposed on, granted franchises. use of slave labor prohibited 537 attorney for District to be known as Corporation Counsel's Office, D. C., appropriation for salaries.. real estate holdings, etc., of, restricted... interest in more than one mining or agri- 958 cultural, unlawful 1 Page. 797 828 947 947 947 917 948 949 949 949 950 950 950 951 951 952 1081 1081 1081 827 828 828 828 828 828 827 828 1081 847 784 768 923 824 619 530 531 533 533 533 534 534 709 709 709 709