Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/841

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2080 INDEX. Deeds, D. O. see also Real Estate, DZ C. , NSG- De cimcy Appropnh ti01•s—Conti11ued. Y1189- rglgagg of égwgr _ _ _ _____________ _ _ _ _1_ _ _ of D6p81'tID8Dt of Justice ..------- 24; acknowledged out of the District; authen- United States courts ...--.. 284, 579, 1065 giqmqn _______________,,_,,.. 531 juchcxal . _ .. _. . , .·.-- 578, 10*54 made in foreign country; officers author- for Spamsh Claims C0mm1ssion 24, 1069 ized _______________________,___,, 531 for Department of Agriculture . 25, 758, 1062 by corporations; officers authorized to for Court of Claims . ; . 20, 579, 1066 sign .,.,,.,., 531 for Senate 25, 118, 285, 580, 759, 1067 take effect from delivery; as to creditors, fOr House ofR6p1‘8¤011¤1*·1V€¤ -------··-—- 26, from recording ..,,___,___,,,,_,,, 531_ 118, 285, 581, 759, 774, 1067 provision asto implied covenants repealed - 532 for printing and bmding ..----- I; 27, estates which may be conveyed extended. 532 94,118, 285, 583, 7:4, 1069 acknowled ments prior to Code rec0g—. for judgments, C0\u’t of Claims 27,583, 1070 mug _____________________, , ,,,.. 532 in Indian depredation claims 27, 584, 1070 effect of, executed prior to adoption of United State COURTS 28, 584, 1070 code ,__,,,.,.,,,,,,,, 532 Potomac flats cases ... 1071 punishment for maliciously recording prize·m0ney claims, battle of Manila false, _______ _ , ___,__,_______,_,... 535 Bay . 1072 Deeds, Indian Terrilm·y, for paying claims certified by accounting provisions for recording . 841 , officers . 28, 585, 1072 Deed.; of Trust, D. O., I for Executive office . . 118, 1031 effect of execution, etc., the same as ab- { for Civil Service Commission 285 solute deeds ..,... 532for widow of William McKinley . 579 absolute title conveyed under ... 532 for index of Congresional Debates ... 580 recording ._,,.. 532 for Legislative .. 1066 sections of Code as to asdgnmeuts re- for Library of Congress . 1069 pealed ... 532 i for Botanic Garden . 1069 power of court as to sales under .. 532 _ for refund to States .,... 1078 sections as to iujunctious, bids by debtors, for balance to South Carolina ... 1078 etc., repealed . 533 for paying insurance companies . 1078 Deny, Eliza C. (widow), for sa ries and expenses Department of pension increased ... 1575 Commerce and Labor . 1080 Defending Suits in Claims, Degetau, Federico, up ropriation for expenses of . 473, 1139 eiiciency appropriation for traveling ex-_ degciency appropriation for expenses 25, uses .,.,...,..,,,,, 1042 577, 1063 Deals, Alf;-!, _ De cienqy Ap oprah tions, _ pension increased .,.,_,,___. 1420 1,51* transcript from records, etc., public Dekalb, Ill., lands . . .. 1 construction of public building authorized for Department of State 5, 552, 1031 at ,,____,_____ 318 di lomatic and consular service. . . 5, 552, 1032 appropriation for .., , ,,..,__,__ 427, 1084 for ’Freasury Department ... 6, 118, 553, 1033 limit of cost increased, public building. . . 1203 collecting customs revenue ... 7, 557, 1036 Del .\brte, Colo., collecting internal revenue ... 8, 557, 1040 court, etc., transferred to Montrose .. 833 public buildings . 8, 558, 1037 Delzyield, him, mgravin and Printing Bureau. . . 8, 558, 1040 payment of French spoliation claim to ad- Coust sncigtéeodetic Survey 9, 558 ininistrator of 223 Ligbtr-House Estalnlishriierit .. 9, 559, 1041 Delamnter, Almond, mints and assay offices .. 10, 559, 1041 pension increased .,. 1313 Independent Treasury ... 10. 559 Dehmy, }·1·¢mkIin B , . government in the Territories . . . 10, 560, 10-12 pension increased ..,______, _ ____________ 1305 Fish Commission 10,559 l Del/rmy, L¤·u·i.s II., Revenue-Cutter Se-rvive 558, 1041 f pension increased ..__________ _ __________ 1359 expositions ... - ... 555 Delaware, Li e-Saving Service ... 1037 { payment t0, Spanish war claim ,._.______ 486 for Interstate Commerce Commission . . 11, 1042 . Delaware Bay, for District of Columbia; half from Dis- preliminary examination of, to be made trivt revenues . . - 11, 93, 119, 560, 774, 1042 of harbor of refuge ,... 376 for War Department .. 12, 563, 758, 1044 · Delaware Indians, Army ... 12, 94, 563, 1045 Q detemiiuarion of right to Cherokee {ands_ 718 Military Academy ... 13,564 { Delaware Rim-, Volunteer Soldiers’ Homes . . .. 13, 561, 1048 1 ap wropriation for lighting ____________ .153, 1094 ‘ buildingeand grounds, D. C ... 1046 E ior ranges, Port Pam], Rggdy 181311.1, {0I' NSY] ERYYHIBDW . 15, 565, 1049 i and Finns Point ______ _ ___________ .1,30 navalesta lishmeut ...,.. 15, 94, 565, 1049 1 Delmrrrre Rirer, N. J., Pa., and Del., Marine Corps ... . ... 17, 568, 1052 1 appropriation for impmvgmgng Of; confor Interior Department ... 18, 569, 759, 1054 l tracts _______________ _ ____________ 350 Capitol and grounds 19, 570, 10% 1 im- im mvemqm gf, Philaddphja to Twelfth Census . . ,,_,., 570, 1059 · Deli;"-31-g Bgyr _____________ _ ______ 1126 Gogfrmmeémt Hospital for Insane- 20, 571, 1055 “Delaware," Bmw, PU ic an S ---·-·—·—-~------·-- 20. 57}. 1055 l d06C1Q11C :1 no riation for m ` Geological SHTVCY ... 21, 9-1, 1057 i ouynelrgpgfl;) _________ _ ??_ 1053 IYidl§¤ D€P¤!'tm€¤t -~-·-·--- · · · - 22, 553, Delvgalea from T errilories, muon! ·--·—---··-·——---·-- - -·---- - , 8 T0 Piation for co' 1.,1-"i».m»m Department mm, 759, wm "" *1,9 .. 'T‘ T'}?‘TY‘E"T‘.T‘T`1T‘?f"?24 es P08C8i ¤€!'Vi¢0 --··---···..-.. 23,576, 759, 1061 for clerk him ________ _ _____________ _ 127;