Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/851

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2090 INDEX. District of Columbia, C'ommiss·ione·rs—Cont’d. P¤8€· Dodd, Enoch, P”g°· appropriation authorized to administer pension increayd -- W4} oaths in examinations . 592 Dodge, A. L., coroner to be appointed by .. 527 I payment to . 487 duties in connection with new terminal Dodge, Amelia H, station ... · ,... 909 payment to 1453 use of streets, etc., for telephone service 393 Dodge,_ George WY, grunted reasonable time to abandon com- pe¤sion increased--. 1362 deuumtiou proceedings 530 Dodge, Hckmng, jurisdictioxéd over surveyors’ records re- , paymeuéc of French Fpoliation claim to 22 peal ,.. 5-L4 ‘ a ministmtoro .. 7 punishment for false swearing, iuvestiga- é Dodge, Thomas W, - tions by ,, 591 ~ pension increased ... 1450 statement of all employees to be made 1 Dodge, W. C., with estimates 594 j deficiency appropriation for services .. 1042 to apportiou appropriations to prevent de· ‘ 1 Dodge, I/Wlliam O, ficiencies , . ... 561 { payment to 1277 to cause changes in Aqueduct Bridge for j Dogs, D. O., electric railway; conditions., .. 781 { regulations as to running at large, etc 547 to file ordcrrg to change alleys, with plat for g "Dolphin," h 1 I reco ... 545 § payment 0 renc spo iation caim on oblitemting subdivisions, with plats for _ account of 230 MM: <=z<r>¢¤¤<>¤ -------------·--- 545 2 ··1>¤zpm» ·· sczwmm to mai'; £;¤r!?;1;;¤» 9W-, fo1' Guild Army 748 payment of Fr}-zneh spoliation claim on .. . - - e t _ _ _____ _ ________________ to order recording plats of subdivisions . - 544 ] repeal gcggn rgpdatiou for French Hp01m_ 220 to ¤=p<>¤ pim for cw of d¤h¤q¤¤¤¤ and ; tion clgim on mom of _,_,.._____ wm U dependent cluldreu ..,, ‘. .. 978 1 MDOIPMHYM U S_ _Nm.y_ D'”"·’»_ ChT'“°Phe" G-: _ claim for damages, collision of, referred to Dl{’€""‘l 3;* “‘°’°”°d ······-················ M5 3 _ com ¤f¤dmir¤Ity ---·-... 242 declgraiion of first and final, of b&¤k¥'\1pt’S. gil};'; or 1:?ge1:uey who may swear to ` 88**** --·-·-·-·---··-·--------···- 800 ownership for enrollment ,________ 399 Divorceal Alaska, "D¢m Juan d’Audria," Spambh Battle Ship, Diplainug') s ibesidence reduced to two years. 944 magt fromhdougted to Alabama .. 304 varccs, . . ’ Dona , arie rene, provision for riotifyging attorney of _2 intermgritt of, mzugéiter, permitted in proceedings or, omi ... v T is not o o um ia. _____,________ 908 mses prior to effect of Code to be com- Dm,,,,,, Daniel, - Plamq ~-·~··—···——------·-- ; —·-·- 537pension increased ,.,,___,____ __ 14]] husbm1d’s right to appeal from alimony · -D0n0h'0e, Tgmolhw °’d€"» mP°a¥€d ···---·---···----·- 537pension increased ..,.,,,_,_,_,______ 1540 Dixon, Charles, ) Doorkeeper, House of Representatives, ' Dipensigg increased ... 1382 D;ppr0p1;a20n_forbassismuts, etc _,_____ 126, 350 rm, ., man mmm . deHciency appropriation for public build- pension increased.-’ ..,,.,,__,____ _ __ 1368 ing site ... 1038 Doss, Annie E. (widow) , purchase of public building site author- · pension ..,.,,,,,__,_,_,__ _ _________ _ ____ 1549 _ ized --—-~----·-·-· · ·—·····-··-··· 1207 Dosselt, Tenn., D¤"m» J Bw bridge authorized across Clinch River at. . 793 D5¤yr¤;;¤¤Z--i ---—---·-·---------—------ *87 menu", Harqford and rzmm Baum, om- ' on, . art a ,., pany · paymevrglof Court of Claims judgment to. 211 may bx;1idi;e,}EI_a?stSaintAndrew·s Bay, Farm- Dixon, iam, a e. a ...,,,_,,___ _ ____ *3 pension 1582 Dougan, mlliawi A., Dixon, William IL, pension increased ... 1688 pension increased ... 1396 Dougherty, Daniel, Doane, Mary L. (widow), pension .. .. 1566 pension increased ... 1431 Dougherty, John R., ` Dobbins, Rebecca (u·id0u·), pension 1700 pension 1264 Douglas, John, Doberrer, John, deiiciencyappropriation for ,. 583 pensmn ... 1669 "Dm`e," Brig,f Egrtletl, Master, Dubay ar, a., payment 0 rench s liat' 1a' appropriation for improvement of harbor- 337 account of .. Fi). . . T1. F:. . .?? 222 Document Room, Home of Represenialires, "Dm·v," Brig, Goodhve, Master, approprhgiox: for superintendent, a.ssisti26 860 payment of Frpnch spoliation claim on an , e c ...,.,...,,,,,,,,,_, , account o _,,,,,,,,_,,_,,_,.,.,,,_ 2Q` "'“""“‘r€?¥"’ ‘?S¥“Z$1pmm nd 1 m "°'°"» “‘ ·’~ 6 HPPPOP I ¤ 9 en r ass ‘ __ appropriation for army powder depot - 4'8 1121 m;‘“·A;;’ --·-······· · —·-···--··-- 121¤8°° D0 gnrpubiicworks,navalpowderdepot. 677; 1189 l)o¢u,m ry mps, g rer mn., time for redeeming, extended to July 1, . appropriation for road to national ceme- 1904 .. , ,. 506 } tery .,,..,,...,.,..,,.,.. 277