Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/870

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nmnx. 2109 Grubaugh, George R., P¤8¢- H. pension 1705 Guudizlupe River, Tex., be ad Ham, Jviwign CNW1d, pre imina examination of to m e. . 383 1181011 -------·----·.----- - - .. Guadel¢mpe,rh’e.s¢ Indies, ’ Hgana, appropriation for consul at . 84, 816 ¤PP1'0Pfl¤W;1l} l0!` €0¤S¤rg€¤6!‘¤l 8i --.·. 199, 813 Gm .1.,»2¤’.§§..°"‘. "$.;:;.;1a;,;.‘s,;; 1;a;= ‘‘‘‘‘ 2%,3 approprtzpion for general storehouse, naval 1188 Hanks M WD Pg.) P °r lm · · · S OD_--~.-.--··--·.-...·~.-·-·-I 'I'! · deficiency appropriation for repairs, etc., Hgfgrglssvgxjgs °w°°m’ 1***18** ‘j ‘········ 624 °f m"m° ks ‘‘‘'‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘ 1052 deiicienc, a .10 riat' n f bl' b 'ld trade statistics ofcommerce with,required. 172 myd? P 10 01 pu 1° m1039 G~¤~<·~·m<>· °‘~’>¤· 1 mms30i ¤i»iieL;aiai..‘g‘ 1207 appropriation for naval station .. 1188 'Hp am IP au °“

i'i,on with as to tenure of property 1944 echmygiil :5 munching pmjecmes fmm 1 3

7S---. ... .. trade—mark convention with- . 1866 for mtemntgjoml ubiuttiou _____________ 1g7g G*W¢¢`”{¤l¢{ ind H0¤dW‘<]·¤» __ governing maritime warfare by principles appropriation for minister to ... 76, 804 of Geneva Convention _______ _ 1827

°*' °11°8·*t1°11 -··---·—---—·· 77» 808 governing war on land . 1803

appropriation for consul-general at .. 81, 813 Hahmxefyk M'; 1290 Gwyawd. gvuaéivrl ml t. 81 813 H,?,,, L,,,,,, ‘’‘‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘ a ropria 'on or c0nsurgcne a .. ’ - - ' Pg; cm-k hire ,...,,.,.,,.,... sc; 818 HP?’;lj‘°J',}ll“°’,j“°d ···-··-·-·--·--·---·--- 1361 Guelph, 0 ldig Z 'lt18 ., appropriation for consul at . 84, 816 ptzimou umm ‘`’’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1315 Gumn, George W, How, _ _ _ _ pension increased ,.,,,.. 1357 Hgppgopmtjpu for mimmr to ... 76, 807 ` Gzldditionalw 'es,of bulletin on geology oi, HP°1“1(;1101,¤°éé”°d ---·--·--···--—--··---- 1638 Omegpmm .. 1764 ale, {$24 (www). lm Gulfport, Maha., Exmdi '‘‘’‘‘‘’ - ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘°‘‘‘‘ - - · fax Nova Scams, appropriation for improvement of harbor. 463 up répmdon for wnmlgemml at- ___·. 81, 813 G1;’1°i"1n“1°1’1 ), 1*63 H u£)i13l$.imZf ```' if ````'``'`' 8B' 818 ' ‘$ ’°‘''°' a , n' . ia.: iam na , Gunand 305 -°¤incé!¤1 —·-- ·•-·•·---.}??--.---. G.::*;:.v,,.,¤¤·¤‘::·..:;°·· ···· ···--·· · 1 ¤4’»??°`»··- E. appropriation ion- iinishing seacoassél 1025 H;?;?5‘g7:e;“g°“°d ‘‘··‘‘‘······· · ‘········ 1509 Gun num STD?. Nam," ’ 016011113 of Claims judgment to - 217 appropriation foL1)t•eel—t¢:sing plant. . . 666, 1360 * An inc 1373 or eqmpp _ ra ry .. ‘ "‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘*·‘···· for new 666, 1180 Ha”;]£g;;°i;i’ I 1712 for new power house .. 1180 H5 J hn W '`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ for converting lathes .. 1180 ’ ° nt {bonu f Cl - . t to 217 Gunboam ,`Yaly’ Hpuaymc _ 1; ( _ o) mms gudgmen - Guconstructiopl of twcpz authorized; cost . 690 Hp€;1g·'g:li¤émas€dw°d°w ’ 1302 nboats cn Elem ivan, °'°’''' deficiency appropriation for `30, 589 °u;]gi'ggm"’ 12.,5 Gun7wry Nat?}, ., 684 of-Rec·u·q-d‘-;.·5-6!----·----·_--•-~·---- Gggfrggggggn °r ‘‘‘‘’‘’```‘`‘ ’ deficiency appippriation for purchase of 10

  • J . ’ square or 39

°Pf'°p"°t;°° fm °°lm°°t ```` 3:% for preliminary plans; limit of cost . 1039 Gum3z;’r?`g17;éJ j' 1* 'fi'5 “''' ’ purchase of saiuare 1::3 as site for, author- ' ) ° Y ° • . ____________ _ ____ _ __________ 1513 1zed,p ,e ... 1212 e5’SIZr°`£&e An., Hall, zum, bl-sage miumand mm Temmme River, p¤ym¤¤¢ of Court of 0l¤i¤¤¤ iudgment to Gu grgmmmyis Blrgff to, ______________ 921 H Iadrmulstrator of .. 214 meg an . * it ,_ srqe , payment of French spoliation claim to ad- pension increased ... 1448 ministrator of surviving partner --. 222 Halle, etc., D. (L, _ Gum,,.;!' Ohh, i license tairwplnlproprietors of , 625 construcgipn of public building author- 316 H‘;g;lg1§:1?t0 ·¤ 1492 iz · site · ···•···· · ··············-···- appropriation for . . 426, 1086 H¤M·l·<>J3 Mrmv or gmewnk, sm .. _ , . ._ .. 1142 HP¤¤¤°,*;.¤¤,j*°·¤°d ·-—··----··-···--—-—-—— 1424 limit of cost increased, public bmlding - - . 1205 °'”°‘”» me **6/6 , _ Guy, Wduam M_, payment of _ urt of Claims Judgment to peusiqn imrgugd _______________________ 1287 Ham adpnnistrator of .. 215 Gomnanuma . . . Dam `liqmgg of on ,,1 ,,,,,,. 626 pension increased ...,... 1527