Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/876

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umsx. 21 15 Horses, _ _ _ _ P¤8¤- House of Representatirec—Continued. WZ9- appropnahon for inspection of live, prod- appropriation for Postmaster, assistant, ucts, and carcasses ,.,.. 289, 1150 etc _,___,,_________________ 127, 861 Horses, Army,horses, mail wagons, etc ... 127, 861 appropriation for care, etc., of . 515, 937 for official re orters ... . ._,..,__, 127, 861 or purchase of ; hmit ... 515, 937 for stenograpbers to committees . 127, 861 purchase of officers’, when ordered be- " during the session " to mean 121 yond the seas, etc . 937 days ,.,,_,.,.,__,__,_____ 127 Horses, gw., Claims, to mean 207 dg s __,___,__________ 861 deficiency appropriation for . 30 for clerk hire, Members and Delegates 127, 861 Horton, James ., for contingent expenses; materials for pension increased ... 1377 folding ,.__ 128, 861 Hmm, William M, for fuel and oil . 128, 862 dehciency appropriation for contested-elem for furniture and repairs 128, 862 tion expenses 581 for packing boxes ... 128, 862 Hasaciq, lwllwms S., for miscellaneous items , 128, 862 Hpenm?11 DCM8E6d ... 1493 for expenses, special and select commiti2 86 oapnla Uorps, rmy, tees .,..,... 8 2 appropriation for pay of enlisted men . . 509, 930 for stationery ..,..,,,._. 128; 862 reorganimed; rank and pay .. 930 for postage stamps .. 128, 862 Hospitals, Army, for printing and binding ... 479, 1145 appropriation for construction, etc., post - 517, 939 for site for building for committee rooms, or building Vancouver Barracks, ash. 939 etc .. 1113 for general ... 517 deiicienc appropriation for folding matedeficiency appropriation for construction ria1s 26, 759 and repair ofpost ... 94, 1045 for J. C. Courts ... 26 Hoaletler, William HZ ., for furniture and repairs ..., 26, 1068 pension increased ... 1709 for funeral expenses, President McKin- Hot Qninga, Ark., ley . 26, 581 appropriation for public building 421 for miscellaneous items. . 27, 285, 581, 774, 1068 or Armgeand Navy Hospital 517, 939 for special and select committees .. 27, Hot Springs ermtiorn, Ark., 285, 774, 1068 appropriation for protection and improve- for printing and binding . 27, 31, 285, 1069 ment . 456, 1119 for fuel an oil 118, 1068 time extended for completing incline rail- for refifting document room ... 570 way, West Mountain ... 788 for library; shelvinfg .. 570 Hot Springs, S. Dak., for compensation o Members and Deleappropriation for national sanitarium for gates .. . ... 581,1067 volunteer soldiers . 282, 1136 for horses and wagons, Doorkeeper 581 Howling, Lyman, for stationer .. 581, 1068 ' nsion increased ... 1566 for contested election expenses . 581, 1067 H?:! Prcqwictors, D. C, for widows of deceased members 581, 1067 rsonal tax on - ... 619 for digest ofgrivate claims 582 iiccense tax on .. 625 for laborer, lerk’s office .. 582 Hough, WHL23am N., for janitor, official reporters’ rooms . 582 payment of Court of Claims judgment to for clerk to conference minority ... 582 administrator of ...,.. 216 for extra pay, official reporters . 582, 1068 Houghton, George E'., for paying clerk, contested elections exnsion increased ... 1310 lpenses ... 582 Hxsalowzirr River, Came., for erman Gauss and D. S. Porter. . 582,1068 appro riation for improvement of 349 for elevator conductors 582 Ilmuee, diary A., for John Douglas . 583 pension .. . . 1281 for Albert Scott 583, 1068 House of Detention, D. (L, for extra month’s pay to employees . 583, 1066 appropriation for expenses 607, 972 for clerk of Appropriations ommittee. 1066 House of Representatives, for assistant driver, folding room .. 1068 appropriation for compensation of Mem- for superintendent, Clerk’s document bers and Delegates .. 124, 858 room 1068 for mileage ... . ,_... 124, 858 for biographical Congressional Directory 1068 for S eaker’s office, clerks, etc ... 124, 858 for joint committee, dedication of Louifor Obs lain ... 124, 858 siana Purchase Exposition 1068 im- Clerg of the House, clerks, etc-.- 124, 858 for Laps D. McCord .. 1068 list of private claims 52d-57th Con- committee appointed to confer with one resses ... 858 [ from the Senate on Army appropriafor ciiéf engineer, assistants, etc . 125, 859 Q tion bill .. 1770 for clerks and messengers to committees, contingent expenses atppropriations, reannual , 125, 859 striction on use o .. . . 26 for jgnimrs to committees ... 125, 859 construction of building for committee for clerks to committees, session . 126, 859 rooms, etc., authorized 1114 for Sergeant-at-Arms, deputy, etc 126, 859 supervision of commision of Membersfor Doorkeeper. asistant, etc .. .. 126,860 elect . 1114 messengers, laborers, etc ,. 126,860 selection oi site; condemnation, etc 1114 superintendent folding room, etc. . . 126, 860 disbursements to be by Secretary of the pages, etc 126,860 Interior ... . .. 1114 superintendent document room, etc. 126, 860 employees to be paid December, 1901, salaspecial employees; successors .. 127, 860 nes, December 18 734