Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/919

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2158 INDEX. Nhugara Falls, I K, P¤8¤- Noble, Elizq J (widow), P¤¥°· construction of public building authorized 3 9 rpe;l1S],?>Hh;HCl;§88€d .---------·-·----- 1353 at __,_____,_,_...__,,_____,,_,... 1 - oe att w ., appropriation for . . 428, 1088 pel1Si011 iu9W3S6d ... . -.-----··· 1519 immediate transportation facilities ex- 955 Nogales, Mcaizco, f I t 85 817 tended to ,,,,,.,.____._____., appropna ion or consu a . limit of cost increased, public building . . . 1205 Noggle, Jonathan, _ _ ’ Niagara Falla, Ontario, payment of Qourt of Clmms judgment 1:0 appropriation for consul at . 85,817 adluxnlstrutrnx of . 213 Nmgam River and Tunnel Company, Nolan, _Katw A., _ time extendeclv for bridging Niagara River. 73 Ndeiicxency ;¥pr0pz·1at?n for bulzncg gun. - 576 Niagara River . K on Compoc cnlis 806 unatics, . . . appropriation for improvement of 335 Norcroqs, C. A., _ _ _ txme extended for bridging, at Grand Is- deflmeucy appro]$vr1ation for SBIVICBS . 1067 lend, N. Y ,,_,_,, 73 Nordstrom, Marie . (widow), 1 Nicaragua, pension increased .. 306 control of territory for Isthmism canal to Norfolk, Nebr., be acquired by treat from 482 construction of new public building, auuse of Nicaraguan Canal ang harbors guar- thorimd . 316 zmteed to ...,._. _ ,... 483 Nmaggyreyhdm for ._ 426, 1088 Nicaragua Ctmal . ’a., control of territory ma be acquired . 482 appmpriatiou for ixlraprovement of harbor- 336 ecnstruction ;:tk;;>nze<{'b0 . gg or removing ospital Point; concapacity; loc ; ar rs tracts . 336 1125 defense and protection; payment for con- for waterway to Albemarle Sound ..351 cessions .. 482 for public works, navy—yard 673,1187 mwefysiagmgoyees ... j ki .- . g gor public wbegks, naval magazine 677, 1189 use 0 e icaragua. and Sam mm 'ver or marine rrac s .., 689 appropriation for preliminary expenses-,. 483 preliminary examination ·to be made of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Salvador, Waterway t0Beaufort Inlet, N. O. . . 381 appropriation for minister to ... 76, 807 to condemn lands authorized. 674 V olgszcrctary of legatiou .. 77, 808t of cost increased, public building . -- 315 . we, me, appr0pnation'or . 425 appropriation for consul at . 85, 817 Norris, Cyrus B., Nubewaner, Tabwaa, pension increased .,_..,,, ,, 1694 payment of Court of Claims judgment ho - 217 Norris, Elizabeth, M:.-hol,_ Wiqzhm, 1565 Npaymenf of Court of Claims judgment to- . 211 pensnou mcreand ... - mm 0 m, Nichols, Charles C., . payment of French spoliation claim to addeiiciency appropriation for father of 583 l miuistrator of .,,,,,,_______ 220, 220 Nichole, Iaqac ., 1735 N¢;·i.s,_:’etcr T, 1478 penmon 111 ... | ns1 u mc .,...,,__ __ ________ 1W0h0h, Mary (widow), I N0•rri:l0wn,_Pa., pension? incrgaged ... 1625 I ccnstrugtnon of public building nutborimed Nichole 0 an L, a , ,_________ 319 Qeiiclencv appropriation for balance due- - 571 , _ appropriation for , _-,,.,. ,,__________ 428, 1088 Lhchuals, Rwhard P., p Barth Amenccm Tramportahon and Trading pension increased ... 1356 [ _ Company, Mckelc, Samuel, _ _ _ ‘ I dcficlenqy apfpropriation for payment to , . 572 payment of French spohatxon clmm to ad- l for relief 0 Alaskans .. 1048 N k la gxrlgistrator of 230 < North Oarcilim Agricultural Society, ic e iam, 1 ymen to . 488 payment of French spoliation claim to ad- I "N:r¢h Chrolina," Brng, V k ministratcr of .. 230, 233 _ payment oftF1iench spoligticn claim on M. 1 ec mum Orson, ; coun 0 .. 226 \ pensiongéugzrmselcl ... 1680 · North Carxlina gollege of Agriculture and Me. 1% ina h-i t, ‘ comic its payment of Flfench qpclismon claim to ad- i relieved from responsibility for destroyed mimstratcrs or surviving partner- 218, 222 , ordnance 1445 Night Schools, D. Ci, » North Carolina Eastern Judwial District, appropriation for . 604, 968 clerk at Wilmington, authorized _________ 106 Nike Ferry, Term., _ _ g North Carolina Wéstem Judicial Dhzricz, bndge acr0ssh1;,£lestr'l‘1e:;n-nessee Rxver, 94 y vte1km5g court, Wilkegbqm _ ____ ____ 852 e a re ... . art om, Ninth Lighz-Home mma, ¤vP¤‘0D1’i¤¢i0¤ for Surveyor-general, clerks, appropriation for tender for inspector 431 9W_ ·---------·--- - -- _ 163, 899 En engineer __,,,.,,...,,,,,,_,,,,_,,_ 431 for l}¤01d€¤t8l BX}!-Buses, Iudmn service for relief vessel for Eleventh and ... 1093 _ U1 ------· _ - -'--_ -... - ..--- ?58, 993 Niobrara Form Rese1~ve,hNebr,, , P“bh°;g2nm°°‘P*·* ma W N ¤¤¤d {0f im- 388 proc smntion establis ing ... 1993 . E . _ ······ ; -----—~··--·--· · ~··· 1w'·“·`h“`“"$Zv q'i”;'#· I 9 :`(;7l;,)}EY0prii£<;;)1rl<;;Ki1§1'vrovement of .. ,- 352 _“PP"°P’{““°“ °’ °° "* -·-·—·---·—~— 8··» 81* Nor: Rover, N K (see gudson River, N, Y, ), X00b8a Hrjfvm North River, Wash., P€¤¤0¤ m€!’€¤S€d» -—---··---· · ---------- 1590 8pp!'0]Jl'l3ti0l1 for improvement of ________ 370