Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/924

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immx. 2163 Osborn, Orlando S'., P¤H€· l Quarter Bayou, Ln., Pixepension increased ... 1667 light-house established at mouth of .. 75 Os orne, Ruth B. (widow), appropriation for ...,. 431 msion 1289 Qyster Iarbor, liz., Os m, Martha R. (widow), preliminary examination of, to be made., 383 pension 1305 Ozark and Cherokee ("entrnl Railway Company, Oskaloosa, Imm, may bridge Arkansas River near Fort Gibappropriation for public building ..,. 422 son, Ind. T ... 37 hmit of cost increased, public building . - . 315 aplpropriatiop for . 425 P, Oster us, Peter ., P , J W, Opensiolnrincreased ... 1462 I (;:¤¤i;,§?;nuwmd _______________________ 1708 lrwego, . ., Pnds, ¤·PP¤foI{!'i¤t10¤ l0!' 1p19F9V0mg1W of h¤Y'b0Y- 334 I (icmiilicain arms, etc., by citizens forbidden prelrminar extzmmation of, to be made; 380 _ in; punighmgnt __________________ 33 reaiwe 1’ -·-····-----·---·----·- Pacific Ocean, O8'w0ld, Joh", _ _ appropriation for survey oi Hawaiian, payment of Qvurt of 01¤¤¤¤ Jvdsmvnt to Alaskan, ew., coasts ... 436,10% OW H admrmstmor of . _ . . ._. .6h. 212 Ppr£>vi:io4n:;or1pap(a;(ll t0;he)At.lant.ic ., 481 014- · · G ***6*7* · ewar, "ei. ugter, ’ _ 9V6N, ’ _ _ _ pension 1297 defimency appropnauon for widow .. 581 Packard, Hglm M §qp[d0<w)' °“" Z'“'{’ fFre 1. u tion as to ad p,‘j,°'“‘M.,.°“ i2°T ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ *6* pay en o_ nc spo a m - re , er., Om d1$_DlS¥·l1{t01} ::5 _ ...·---·---- - -·----- 230 i completgn of harbor authorized . 341 an ws¢runa cans, Paducah, y. appropnagion for paying, for Nebraska 265 I limit of cost incrpased, public buildi¤g.é5 311 un s -...-... ati n r .. 1088 for erecting school for Otoes in Okla- Paga£$·t$:>l·:lrl,1aV¢‘;, 0 ’ Ou B homa ...- 1006 Pappropriation for improvement. of ... 351 , ai-neu _ _ ages payment bt Courtof Claims Judgment to appropriation for, House of Representa- Oda gfecggor of ... 217 tives ,,,,,,...,._.,..,,..,..,... 1%,84I) wa M for Senate . 122,856 $p?>!'1>p1’l&ti01; l0!' 00118111-gelleltl at .. 81, 813 deficiency gppm rigtion for-, Senate ,,__ 5K), IM? or glerk hire 86, 818 Painter, William lx, Ottawa, ll., pension 1647 construlgipntof public building author- 317 Palermo, july, { mm1 . 83 Sm ` a ... appropriatxon orco at . , Ou apptrppjgion M 428, 1088 Pa] Bu elm-`} ... 86, 818 eran ver, inn., . matory, o ., (purelgninary exarnmztilpn of, to be made-. 379 E paymcng ot Court of Claims judgment to 2 " o ildemeaw ,r , , a ministmtrixo . 17 grantedh American éegistergrdspd) Same 198 Palmer, Charles D., I w ~ anged to ‘ omew un . . pension increased ... 4 Ottumwa? Imca. _ _ _ Palmer, Elizabeth (u·idrm·), limit of cost increased, public building; pension increased ... 1643 additionulfland ... Palmer, Ilerlrn, $3 a pro riation or . payment to . H. Ouacllnita Igiver, Ark., Palmrr, Henry Id., bridge authorized across 89 appointed a umnaper. National Home tor Ouachita River, .·1;·k. and La., t f I k ml Ilgisable} Vo plntepr Soldiers ... 7148 appropriation or improvemen o · oc s { mer na A wi ow · pp P and dalms; contracts ..’... 357, 1127 ; Papcwopfixcrepmd .. I 1594 Oulman, Eugene . m ico 'rrr, r '. T'., pension increased ... 1326 { appropriation for improvement ot ,.. . 3-51 Outage Allowawuzi Internal Rercnue, g Pam ico Sound, Ar. C, extended to al s/pirits in bond ... 770 { Ptpppropriatioriior lighthouse, Bluff Shoal. T0 Overn n, Will 'am ., { n·.·lmerican position, pedgion incrleaaed ... 1320 foreign exhibits may be sent in bond to Owen, James C., Charleston Exposition 734 payment of Court of Claims judgment to g Pan-A merican Railmy, executgr of ...,... 214 appmpriatiop for expenses, etc., examina- I 38 Or , Thomas ., = tiono proposed .. 1 pinnyment of Court of Flaims judtrment to 2 I Panmnla Canal (azefnkotlisthmian Canal), - dminigt-mtor o ., 12. , pure ase, etc., o an ond 481 Ou-gm, Ilrwmqg AL, i construction authorized . 482 pension increased ... 1533 appropriation for . 482 Owengborg, Ky,' (‘3p8(‘l£y; locks; . ... -182 terms of court ,,..,... . . 58 , defense and protection; employees ... 482 Owosso, Mich-, ; Panama, Colombia, construction of public building authorized; 31 aptprommpipln for consubgeneral at .. nosite .. - ... 7or ts e ir? ... , appro uguéion for .. 426, 1088 , for contribution to foreign hospital,;..- GT, 819 limit oi cost increased, public building. f Panama Rmllroml. _ V to include site 1212 1 purchase oi, authonzed .. ... 481