Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/978

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INDEX. 1 7 S¢”":”°k IZ"di‘m@» _ _ _ Page- · »€enate—C0ntinued. Page. S;'5g;zP{"’$;3: fm' MHIIIW t!'6¤¤¤¤ with- 253, 989 g deficierlvy appropriation for stationery and . * v ‘s s ,,_______ _ ____ · tribal government to end March 3, 1906- . 1008 for (gag. ··` - conveyances to allottees; homesteads 1008 { for Harry C. Robertson I I 1067 Sem] 8: _ _ _ 1 for W. M. Mallo ___________ _ _______ I 1067 ¤PP1‘0p¤¤¤0¤ for compensation of Sena.- for Parker \Vil1iZmS ________________ __ 1067 - for 1:31** -·-·--··--·---- · -----------· x for j01nt Icomlmittei, dedication Lonjsj. ·--——· ; -—-·-- ; --·--——---- 1 ana s’t’ ...,.,____ for secrstayy to Vice-President, etc .. 121,854 committee ailpposzsed ligoggiiggr with one 1068 for Chaplain 121, 854 I from the House 0n Army appr0priafoYS€cl°G6BYy, ¢°l€I`kB, Etc,. ...,_, __,, {jg];biu________________.__-__•_·- for ssnxzwgorltent document room, asim 855 { contiugelnigtiggygoriims afppropriations, re- 2 v ---~--·------- - ----- I use 0 .,,,,,,_ _ _ _ _ iorclerksand messengsrstocommittees 121:,855 employees to be paid December, 1901 sal- 6 fore]?-¥3tp¤0muuttgas$t$2,1003ye3r- 122, 855aries December 18 ,___________ , ____ 7 34 "°V'¤¤8 Senate M¤¤¤¤l ·-··--------- 856 December, 1902, salaries December 1$_ _ 1229 ior cggks to committees atgl 5800) a year- 122, 856 i executive officers in Philippines to be con- 0l’ 139311 at- rms an rkeeper, firumd b __ ________________ _ _____ 2 3$$l$tKHl'B, OCC -.. 122,856 EVG mémbcls {9 gg[vg`0n joint Ijbmry 69 for mesengcm, laborers, pages, em--. 122, 856 , Commitfgg ______________ _ ________ 735 for Postmaster, assistant etc . 123, 856 . joint committee with House of Representa- V for snpsnénteetntdent folding mom, as;23 856 i tgves autlfgrized toatteud dedication mmm .------.--.-.-.-- , 0t ¤i¤ F for chief engineer, assistants, etc . 123, 856 I joint meeting with Hgrirse of Bspmsenta- 1774 for clerks to Senators ... 123, 856 tives for mémgrigl addy; on hu, for contingent expenses, stationery a11d2S 856 gresident McKinley by Hon. John ¤°WsP¢P°?8 ·--·------·--------- » 8Y .--... - ... , , , 1763 {cr Kcehsn stamps] .. 1;:3%, g? proclaniaatioln gallégg special Swann 0;, for 0I' of88D 811 mm W Ds .. 7 - arc 1 ______ _ ________ _ ____ my {01* folding !D8t9Ti3l8;¥)(;d1Dg 129; 857 to confirm Philippine judges ‘ 695 for fuel, 01l, etc . 123, 857 Senate Manual, for f\lf¤i!•\ll’€, repairs, ctc 123, 857 · appropriation for clerk to Committee ou for P00k-\Dg boxes .. 123, 857 Rules for preparing ... &% for miscellaneous items . 123, 857 Senators, { L@nltby_Buildgn; r . .6 .. 123, appropriation for compensation and mile- . ormqmncsan mvestign ons .. 23, age ..., 121,854 for rs ebates 124, 857 for clerks to ... L 123, 856 for repairs, ltby Building . 124, 857 deficiency appropriation for clerks to- - - 5, 1067 for rent, document warehouse ... 124, 479, 857 appointment of midsbipmen on recomfor printing and binding 479, 1145 mendation of ..,________ _ _ 535 for re¢grd_oi private Fifty-sixth 857 I numbetr of copies of Congressional Record an Fifty-seven ngrvnsu .. 0 mcr . "B6 for steel shelving, libmry, etc., use of 451 to receixig ¢;n§ copy of Revised Statutes I balance .. an o upp ements ,.,,_,,_,__ 631 for steel cases for tiles . 1113 Bbpecer Indiana, for Thomas G. Garrett 478 mwrest to be paid-on fund of ,,,, 262 for William B. Turner 479 payment par capita from credits and for William M. Malloii 479 trust funds . . ..,. , 262 for bust of President cKinley 1144 acts of council ratified .. 262 deiiciency appropriation for clerks toSsnaé5 06 Seneca Indicim 04.Nm Itwk, myg ,,.,,,,,,..,,... . ... 1 7 appropria ion or interest ..,,,, 253 939 for fuel, oil, etc ,,..., . .. 26, 285; 1067 ·S%0u£Ix£fgd,_ ’ im- iumimro _,,,,,,,,,... . - . . 26 apipropnation for consul-general at .,,,__ 77, 303 for inquiries and investigations . .. 26, 118, 285 or intcqpreter ... . . . . 78, 809 for miscellaneous items . 26, 118, 759, 1064 Srquom Nqhqnul Park, _ for mnt, smrnfe of documents . 26 [ appropriation for protecting, etc. 2 456,1119 for widow of ames H. Kyle .. 26 deficiency appropriation for supplies . 1060 for widow of William J. Sewell 26 Sergeant-at-Apu; and Doqrkcepcr, Senate, for eigpeinses, funeral of President Mc- 26 appr0;;1cation for, assistants, msssongu-%22

. . ‘ ----------·--- - . , 856

fm- yi;];;;); and binding 27, 1069 ~ &·rgeanl-aty.-lg·ms, House of Rqweaeritatims, for Box-ses and mail wagons .. ééo 135 · Seglpprgpnatnop fcézldeputy, etc . 126, 859 { _________,_, , , , I o, wwmm an mcenzo {3: m1 mnoygyg ,,,...,, 580, lggg ; deicienpxpproygadon fdr heirs of, killed 1032 f P l C k ri e . . .. ’ I Wm, - ISS ·-··-·--. - . fg; Rvii. lgcrogter ... . - 589 { »$?¤’¤m8, _ _ _ _ _ for _)_ H_ Jongg, ____________ _ ,_,,,, 580, 1064 regulation of sale in Distnq; of Columbm, for indexing Executive J ournsls ... 580 Q aud interstate trlilic m 728 for A_ H_ Hgwg ______, __ ,_,,,,,., 580 Servanis, Domemc, gn, Dennis M_ Km ________ , .,. 580, 1067 g 1 alien, not excluded admission .,, 1214 for John H. Walker .. nl ...·--- -··- 580, 1067 bvnw, _ _ _ for index to private claims 580 · ¢¤5¤=¤dr¤¤¤ treaty with- t 1890 for extra m0nt.h’s pay to employees- 583, 1066 Scrum ¢md_Grecce, Rosemynm, {0, cgerk 05 A pmpnations omrmttee. 1066 appropnauon for mxmstcr to ... 76, 807 for widow or Jpames McMillan . 1067 ‘ Or www of 1¢z=¤¤¤ ··--~. 77, 808