Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/996

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mnnx. 2235 Treasurers of 7'mvm, ztlasker, _ P¤8¤· 2 Treasury Dqzartment, hssbond required; drspositron of license appropriation for additional vaults, En- IDODBYS ·-----... . 946 graving and Printing Bureau ,_.. ., 422 Treasury Department, _ for ventilating apparatus .. 1090 appropriratéon tgor Secretary, Assrstantsi'33 867 £or quagiintgpe Fdtationsamif d. . 1091 0 67 9 0 -·------··-·---... , ·` , 't' , for chief clerk, assistant superintendent, or Idumnibususictfé .. j???.-.?!?- if 424 clerks, etc .. 133, 867 for light-houses, etc .,.. 430, 1091 forengmeers,_watchmen, laborers, etc- 133,868 statement of lands used by Governior ditvésrons in Secretary’s office, clerks,34 888 f Imfengato be pampered ,,,_,,,_____,_ 432 9 1 , or ° e- vingrvice . 433 1095 Revenue-Cutter cadets to serve three 869 for- Revenue-Cuttgr Service.h ... 434; 1096 years T -_  : .I or Engraving anting ureau - 435, 1097 for Spfpprvrsrng Architect, messenger- 135, 869 I for Coast and Geodetic Survey .. 436, 1097 · d men, engineers, etc .. 135, 869 * for Smithsonian Institution . 439, 1101 for Comptroller of the Treasury, assist- I for Fish Commission ,...,..____ 440, 1102 · ant, clerks, etlcl nh; . 135, 870 for Interstate Commerce Commission 444, 1107 payment to N. . ompson 136 for Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Govfor Auditor for Treasury Department, ernment exhibit, etc ... 445, 1108 deputy, clerks, etc .. 136, 870 construction of Government buildi;§- 446 for dAuditor I fir War Department, 70 time of openiplggndagosing, chang . 446 e uty, c er s, etc .. 136 8 coinage o go ol .. 446 for Auditer for Navy Department, dep-36, 870 for paper and stamps, internal revenue. 447, uty c erks, etc . 1 , 1108 for Auditor for Interior Department, 7 7 for punishliang violations of internal-revde uty clerks, etc .. 13 8 1 enue w .. 447 1109 for Aluditonfor Sgte, etc., Departments,37, 871 for aontingent expenses, Independep;7’ 11 e uty, cler , etc .. 1 reasury . 09 for Auditor for last-Oiiioe Department,37' 871 for transporting, recoining, etc., coins . . ’ de ut ,cler ,etc .. 1 , _ . for Tregsuier, assistant, clerks, etc. . . 137, 871 for mint, Denver, Colo ... Z 1109 for Register, assistant, clerks, etc 138, 872 for expenses, securities, and nataonal forComp;roller of the Currency, deputy, , currency _ z. -, . 448, 1109 cler , etc .. 138, 872 for expenses, public buildings .. 448, 1110 for Commissioner of Internal Revenue,38 872 gor suppressing count1prfe1liing,_eté: -- 443, d ti , tc ,_,,,,,___,,.,,,_,,_ 1 orcom onm euo more cs- , for light-Ilcsxse Board, chief clerk, 7 I for r¤’ meeting ... 449, 1111 em _______________ _ ____________ 139, 873 forAlaskan seal andsalmon sheries. 449, 111] for Superintendent Life-Saving Service, ger enforcing Chinese exclusiag . . 450, @2 ggigtgut, cle;-kc, ctc __,__,___,_., 139 873 _ or expenses, alien contract- a r laws. - , for Commissioner of Navigation, clerks, ’ 1112 Bw _______________________ _ ____ 139, 873 I for custody of lands, etc ... 450, 1112 icy- Director Bureau of Engraving and _ I for rebate QD @00000 -----·------------ 450 Pnnting, clerks, etc .. _. -, 139, 8:3 _ for quarantine service. . ., .. 450, 1112 ‘°' °.i{*°°{,,"‘.,1?,,"“"‘°* ““‘°““ °‘ S‘“““"°“13» 8-3 i3? §SX§§1'§1‘;§‘b?§é‘?§’§“‘“S ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1E3i11s 1 ·· ····· '**"" ‘‘‘ " 7 I . . .'`'`` "°" for chief of Secret Service Division,40 874 dedcrengy appropriation for Secn3tary’s I crc,-ks Bm ___________________ _ _ _ office, rvrsnon o oans an curfcr Dlrcctcr Nnticnul Bureau of Stand- ’ _ rcncy ----.-----.·---·--.-·..----. 6 ards, assistants, etc .. 140, 8:4 for Treasurefs office .. _., . 6, 1033 for Director of the Mint, clerks, etc- . 140, 874 for distinctive paper, securities ... 6, 1037 for Surgeon-General Marine-Hospital {or contmggrt eirpensesu 6,553,5%,58:, Service clerks, etc 141 or storage nil mg.._ , for SurgccniGe¤ml Public Health. ctc-. for rcccnnngo, role coins , .--. 7.1036 Service, clerks, ctc ,,__,,,,_,,,,,.. 875 for plans for public buildings .,,... 7 for Inspector-General Steamboat-Inspec·· for hinese exclusion . 7 29, 555, 1036 tion Service, clerks, etc .. 141, 875 {or enforciniiageg contract-labor laws- . 7 { (brnmigi -G n ral of 1mm1g11h` · 01‘T¤00m¤ l 0¤¤I>¤!l>' ~-·-·--·---— ; for tion, cler§8e‘tc.‘i f . :2; l§iI§r`cl1:r;t:;,Coal ompany . é f GX 11589 -----·--- -··· l `· ···: ····•····**•··'‘·• ,. ,§{ $§‘,},‘H‘€$'f ____ P? ____,__,,,_,. 141; gm so- ram 1¤¤p1m¤·»¤ company .. , for jngqmclqcvcnue collectors, deputies, for ‘ ‘ Rebww J- M0111i0H ” -—--·------- · ,Emq,,,,m ___________ , __,__.,.,. 142, 876 for collecting mm2g0rgnEs7wgg;,ng§é-i6éé.i6,2 10,76 gc,a¤ista ttreasu ’ Hices. 143,87" , , , Eg; ,,,;,,1:;;, miuunmd ggsgrgrgfgces- . . 145, 879 for internal revenue .Z ...--.·- 1--- ’ ofé for ovemment in the Territories 147, 882 _ 29, 55K, $$5, 588. IOW, 1072, I 4 fm, g0lic,w,._ cle,-ks, eu, __________ _ _ _ 168, 904 for Engraving and Prmtrng Bureau 8, 50, mu expeusg under 420, 1083 _ 2*% 35g§5gé1°5g8° sci- public bHIidl;l@-;] .. , . ,. 420,12; gcr Ccgpgcalngimuc Survey-- . , , 9, s ‘ cig; "ti 0 ce ..- $ of P¤ ----··-—-—-·--··--- · €§,.”§£§° of ¤?a°°$Z`r`m°ZYa¤¤ mpam, 1088 z f m _ qc _2s,s5s,ss5,sss,1wv,10{,c Pittsburg, Pu ..--------- · -·-·-~--· I °' 'mg L ············‘‘·· · Pm-m ·]d,·,,g, yvasmngmu, 29, 588,1037 1072,1076 for C_ _ _ ?_ T _________ __ _ _____ 422, 1090 I for Light-HOUSC Esttbllsblllvllli- iélh 10gé ’ gg-glgrmsystembuild- v ‘

  • 3* ‘,‘Q,‘;,"f’f{‘ff ___________ _ 422,10%; formints me my offices-10, 2s, sas; 1041, ww