Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1146

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2442 INDEX. District of Columbia-Continued. P¤8€- District of Columbia-Continued. PHS8- appropriation for marking grave of Pierre dentistry regulations; certificates of other Charles L' Enfant . 741 bO8I'dS_I'€COgl1iZBd .,.. 10 for constructing and maintaining public electrical wiring regulations . 306 eonvenience stations ., 984 penalty for v10lations . 307 for maintaining order, etc., inaugural electrical engineer and inspectors anceremonies ... 1277 thorized . 307 for public comfort stations, etc., inau— tion of wiring; enalties . 307 gura.1 ceremonie . 1278 men' s Hospital to Ee under Secretary · for paying estate of John Jacoby for of th? Irbterior 1190 claim against . 2004 contract or istrict patients ... 1190 deficiency appropriation for harbor and refund of sums from District revenues f river trontné gi, 1g2O spent for new building 1190 - or assessor s 0 ce .. , 1 20 urbage co ection and dis sal contracts,- 621 for public schools ... 24, 398, 1222 government building, Loiiisiana Purchase for police ... 24, 399, 1222 Exposition, given to .. 1165 for pnign railroadstation; purchase of harborbyegulations extended to all navian etc . 24 ga ewaters in . 11 for support of convicts .. 36, 1222 sunken vessels at docks, etc., to be refor c0roner’s officc . 398, 1220 moved ...,..,,,..,,.. 11 for judicial expenses ... 398,1220 height, etc., of buildings, Union Station for advertising . 398, 1220 plaza ...,_,,,__,,,,.,,,,, 709 for bathine beach .. 398, 1221 highway bridge, temporary use of overfor disposa of r€fuS6 .. 398 head trolley by electric cars perfor electrical dermrtment .,.,,...,. 398 mitted __,_,______________________ 823 electricity in Government Depart- time forcompleting, extended one year. 1283 ments; cost be reported 398 highway plan ict southern portion to be for electrical engmeeran inspectors 398 prepared . 628 {Or Erelcglepgrtmcut -.t .. g,]??; inaugurpl ceremonies, provisions for use or ea e men . ,1 ‘ o streets, etc . 1276 for paying j¤s;;1¤H¤: . 400,1222 iucorpomtions, American Academy in for unacy write . - . 400,1222 Rome ...,,,..,...1044 for Washington Asylum ... 400 Carnegie Institution of Washington 575 for Freedmerfs Hospital . ; . 400, 1223 ‘ General Federation of Womeu’s Clubs - 542 for feeble-minded children Q- . . 400 Mutual Investment Fire Insurance Comfor Industrial Home School ... 400 pany ..,.,,,,_______,,_,,..,..,_, 822 for relief of the poor  ; . 400 Trustees of the Grand Encampment of for naval militia . . f ... 400 Knights Templar _,,.. 688 for excise board, directory . - .. 400 Union rust and Storage Company for Joseph A. NRSY1 ... 400 changed to Union Trust Company - 612 for water department . 401 Washington Sanitary Housing Comfor refund to Oscar W. White and H. R. § pany ... . 301 Howenstein ... . .. 401 insane persons, temporary commitment for Zoological Park .., 1219 i provisions .. . 316 for contingent expenses ... 1220 ’ interment permitted of Rose Dillon Seofor recorder of deeds ...,.. 1220 ger .. 1725 for pernuuiont system oi highways . 1220 license tux on Turkish, etc., baths; pen- {01- estensriorkof streets i22i nity ior nelministering to persons of or i ·e . i . ... 1221 other se-x 174 for Leviis 1. ()’§g;al ..,...,..., 1221 lunacy proceedings, in case of homicidal for police court . - .: . r ,.. z . 1222etc., tendency .._ I 740 {<>r police court b¤¤¤<l¤¤s --------·----- 12*22 g iiieiiieiiie ond surgery, eoiiiiiiioiis for imi3£ &“§f¤3Li"ii%L’§i‘2ai?€?;;;::::1;;:;:;; {S5? l ,*;§::g:¤ *0 ¤m*·*·* **°*·°··* ·=m·*· 6,, i3.? $;3»2{“i;r;g.,;iei1;:;;;;::;;;;:;;;:3;;; “P¤**°°¤‘°.‘"°* 0***** mi ”i¢***°*¥?¥? 610 alien ownership of real estate in . 733 - °v°rhf°g_i:;§°S P*"{‘?’“°d mr "muguml _ alleys, opening, closing, etc., proceedings- 7 33 itecf _. P,:!'"? wu ···· I ······· 2 ···~ 1217 assessment of ml www Outside Of city, pena. y oruoa mgmaugura regulations. 1247 provisions for designating lots, etc- 737 ~ P€¤¤!°¤¤» H}? d€P¤¤¤1€¤¢. ¢Xf€¤d€d to bgudg on ggntmcts for work or Captalus and d€p€Ild€Ht I`DOth€¥`S. . . t1 .._,. '04 l' d rt t, d t - buildiiiéafegnlations; hleight of nontire- { . po msnt goth?;?-.?????. . 822 proo residences, ospita s, etc . 14· . , · . com .,m.,mi, Columbian corre.: r i "°'”“§?§i,§¥.$‘§E“6§€i¥;§{L“2¥§’ '°`°'*"°" 14 conduit permitted across D street by S. . 1. t . ’ . `‘°`‘‘ Hmm, Sous and Company. nu nn .:19 I pipe rpg; umou passenger station authormmss Seventh street northwest ..--.--- 7*1 i poles etc •5;,;-•;,;B}HQQ(i 8 damages to propertv, Ynion Station con- » ’ `J - · " · ~ struction, to lx: paid from District ? quling constmcmm Ot [mon Sm`

  • °"°¤°°* ---···——·-··-··——··---··— 250 i quitclaiinnoi §;§£éiiéf¤K sid}iL·k`iaiéi>éL' ig

appointment of commission; proceed- R my estate Outside of cm. des;· ` . . . . _ , gnation of mg? ‘j ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘· · ······•····••·· Z?) ’ subdivision, etc., for taxation .. 737 appropriation for expenses and awards. 201 i volume of plats to be prepared .,,.,,,_ 738