Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1227

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momx. 2523 Newarlc Day, M J, _ _ P¤8€· Nichols, Isabel (widow), Pmé- prellmmary examination of, to be made. . 1153 pension iucrgaggd _______________________ 2(X]1

gnmgmgienue taxes to 807 M”h°l8’ Surah E. (widow), 1b68

· ... pension . ,,,,_,,_,_,_____________ _ ______ * N¤0WTyPQ¤¢,_MM8., _ Nichols, Stephen Girard, Nupproprnptlou for 1mprovement of harbor. 1117 Npznsion increased _______________________ 1853 ewczurtle a., ‘ ~ 'c is M C! 'd Nappropriatipplior pnpgicdbuilding 1159 I NlpZ£sQ‘{[ing;g”eri _Q} ________________ 1523 ew —¢m— e, Eng n I ic ler, i·hael, approprialiitin for consul at . 7] tg, z22g I paymentho _____________________________ 305 . or clcr ire Nickels, John Newcoiner. _Hem·y, ’ I payment df French spoliation claim to Npefns1o(ii1l1n;:ireased ... 1932 I N L is #ministra.tor of ,_________________ 300 ew oun an · te ·e , dliam, NClf;1;1€i:¤SJD0t,li?$>l€t0hG2d tax 144 I paymepé; of French ppoliation claim to ew r ames ., ministmtor 0 __________________ 800 . payment of Court of Claims judgment to I Aickerson, Idrankbl, administrator of .. 745 I pension increased _______________________ 1440 Newman, Samuel,Nickerson, Wiliam LL, . ` paymepg of .Freneh spoliation claim to 791 I Vppymengof Court of Claims judgment to-. 746 mimstratnx o --L .. 1 ic · in an Company Philip I . . . Newport, R. L, payment of Frendh spoliation claim to appropriation for; naval torpedo station. 327,1g N_ administrator of surviving partner. 787 or pu ic wor s, torpedo station- .' . wolson, John O., , preliminpgy examination of harbor, to be 1154 I payment (pi Coprt of Claims judgment to m 8 wi owo . 744 Newport, Vt., ’ I Nightingale, Reuben, terms of court .. 249 I pension increased ... 1542 Newsboyf and Childrcn’s Aid Society, D. (1, I Niles, Llewellyn, Nappropriavtlion for mgmtenance . 388, 909 I pension increased ..,..., 1806 ewapaper rappers mped, . Nineteenth Street D. (1, appropriation fommanufacture; distribpés 1090 Nprpceedinggtdcondemnland,extensionof- 1007 tion .. · ilinl Light- ouse District, deficiency appropriation for manufacture- , 414 I Vaplprppriagpn 'ior establishing depot .. 467 N t ’ N y· B_ ·d . V mt reel at rresl, D. (Z,_

Or6€ng3maSég?_?7_)I _________________ 1817 ‘ l subway substituted for bridge at railroad _41

Newton, wen I1 Cmssing --·--·-----·-·—-···-·--—·- • pension increased ... 1382 I Niuchwang, China, Newton. Raynor IL, ‘ appropriation for consul at . 74, 921 A pensiog ... 1670 , Xoa, Rose B. (mother), kwton, " iam ., · pension 1687 pension increased ... 1628 I Noble, Albert H., Neuiown Oreck, M K, I pension increased ... 1947 appropriation for improvement of 1121 Noble County, Okla., Nez crcé Indiana, Joseph': Band, townships in Otoe and Missouria Reservaappropriation for support, etc., of . 203, 1058 tion added to . 1081 Nivwm P?¤”¤, N· Y, · mlwu, Jem M., appropriation for public building 1159 I wnsinn ________________________________ 20,16 Niagara Hills, Inlario, - I xo, W;l,;a,,, JL v?PP'2l’L‘?·;°¤ for mmsul at ·----·----··- ‘ 7· 9% 7 \ péyment rp Ciurt of Claims judgment to. . 769 4 Wlli"` "` » [oe , avor It mand, W¤¤€la:;;ll;l)*;_Ek8£?r Buffalo Wale" S“PPlY» 84%vpaavinen; oi Court of Claims judgment to. . 774 · ····•····•·· ·······••••,0g fly, f,I'll‘() Nicaragua, lbxlafkica and Salvador, 68 \ apprdpriptiorigor consul at ..,,..,,, TT, 925 appropriation or ministerto ... ,915 , . ’okes, 'il iam ., I iiyr secretary of legution . - 69, 916 paymenp of Court of Claims judgment tn Vice, France, at ministrator of .. '69 i appropriation for consul at . 77,925 Nolan, Julia (willow), { Wccwaner, John,pension 2010 I payment of Court of Claims judgment to » Nolan, ll'. l2:., administrator of .. 774 I bridge§augho1iéiaed across Tug Fork, Big ya-ram, Ezrmbem, ~ ‘¤¤ y wer, at --------·- Z ...-·... 1040 payment of Court of Claims judgment to 3cm8S Tvs Fork. Big S3¤dY RWM`, 98% administrator of .. 771(lf -··---·---——--------------··--- 1042 Nicholas, Nnnuel, I I Noland, George S., nsion increase ... 1938 . pension 1'06 Jllaghols, Ezra, Nolen, Martha E. (widow), I pensio} incfepped ... 1518 ... . .. 1402 Nichols ran · '. Nome, .· a, payment of Court of Claims judgment to- - 754 I life-saving station established at . 819 N "cl ols, Helen E (widow), Nome Im rorement (ompany, pdnsion increased . - .. 1531 I grantedgfiglht to dredge, etc., Snake River, Yichols, 'Ienry W A as a ... 1145 L pension increaséd ... 1327 I channel charges, etc .. . . 1145