Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1109

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FIF'1`Y—NI,NTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 2509. 1907. 1079 himprplvilngl Raritan Bay, New Jersey: For maintenance, twenty-five R*“’*'·°° B°Y·N-·l- thousand dollars. _ Improving Cold Spring Inlet, New Jerse , to a depth of fifteen feet, NTM Sping Im"' in accordance with the plan printed in H$buse,Document Numbered Three hundred and eighty-eight, Fifty-ninth Congress, second session, three hundred and eleven thousand dollars: Pravided, That the depth m,;,,,,,, by 10 may be increased to twenty-five feet in case the local authorities or <=¤1¤¤¤¤¤ri¢i¤s. ¢¤¤· private persons or corporations shall within one year from the date of tlgis Actl ccpmiribute tpl the ilmprovement the lsumdof poe hundrpld thousand dollars ma 'ng the sum so contri nte su ject to the order of the Sedretary of War in such manner as he shall direct; and the said Secretary of War may receive and expend upon the improvemept to 3 sllepth of fsum”0fTp1ne C0 t is hundred thousand 0 so contribute : avi e urt at _ “"‘° · the Secretary of War may enter into a contract or contpacts fog such materia s and work as may be necessary to comp ete sai improvement, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made b law not toexceed in e a e ate, exclusive of the amount hy ated df ggl-€'btdf with sore erern approprra an 0 any sums con r1 u e ro 0 er u c s five hundred and ninety-six thousand dollars rn case the improvement be made to a depth of fifteen feet, or nine hundred thousand dollars _ _ in case the improvement be made to a depth of twenty-hve feet: Pro- mggs¤g,;f¤°¤¤ *°*

_;f•n·:tlhe£, 1Tgt no pggon   Jlhe funds h_erieindapp1roprl;atep and ’

au or1ze s a e n un r e necessary an an rig o way for the shore ends ofxdhh jetties, for light-houses, for the establishment of a life—savin station, and for a depot of engineer supplies, shall have been deedged to the United States free of cost, and unti assurance, §Il§‘E*2‘}“1l.’Q Efll?.€°€§°£7;”c§ibllZ2ZhSi»“§}l§l}l$§tZ°SZp§.§l“E`..Slh’L° EEE entrance, will be modified by increasing the istance between the bulkheads immediately ilnigde thmrore end}; of thpegletges rnhthelmalnneg . mmended in said ouse ument uinbe ree un re an

hty-eight, Fifgy-ninth Congress, second session, and that the work

proposed by the nrted States for the entrance channel to this harbor will be supplemented by such expenditure from private or corporate sources as s all make the harbor suitable for commerce and pfotected from injurious wave action: And pravided jiart/rei-, That the _ ·cr·eta:y “’¤¤**¤¤¤ ¢¤¤¤8¤*·· of War shall have power to prescribe, regulate, and at any time mo _- ify the wharfage charges at this harbor, and no xpart of this appropriation shall be expen ed until the Cape May eal lustate (,ompany shall, for itself and its successors and assigns, execute such formal acceptance of this proviso as the Secretary of Vl ar may require. mgm mm w J Improving Passaic River, New Jersey: Qompleting improvement ‘ and formaintenanceunderexrstrngprojectdifty-t reethousand dollars. Y _ kB _ Y J Improving channel in Newark ay and Passaic River, New Jersey, · °“*“ “’· " ‘ in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Fcurhnnndredand forty-one, F ifty-ninth Congress, secondsessicn, Pr v_ two hundredthousanddollarst Provided, ThattheSecr·etary of \Var may C,,',Q{Qg,,_ enter into a contract or contracts for such materials and work, as may be necessary for the prosecution of said work, to an amount not exceeding in the aggregate six hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to bc appropriagcd for frgrp tinge Fo time according to law, in addition to gh therein an rere 0 ore approprra e . _ _ _ lrlipliblivrinz Woodbridge Creek, Negv Jersgy gompleting improve- Nl_Zf’“""““*° °’°°"· d f ·t we nineteen thousand dollars. Y { m(l?1i;rii>viri)glll(::y1pi3>li·lt‘nlIarbor, Matawan Creewk; Raritan,` South, and etj§f§f’}" H“"’°’· Elizabeth rivers, Shoal Harbor, and Lompton preeégpnd (aheezpquake C k N J rse r: Continurng rmprovemen an or mam nance si;ty-eiglitVth<?usahd dollars. p l