Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1349

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 2918. 1907. 1319 For tender for use in Porto Rican waters, and elsewhere as may be ?`°”°°’ *°' Pam directed, two hundred thousand dollars. mmm wml For relief light-vessel for the fourth light-house district, one hun— , R;*,{°,Q.**tg,¤*·*¤¤¤- dred and fifteen thousand dollars. °° is °t‘ d 5 or beacon lights at La Trappe River, Maryland, ten thousand M? '*`¤¤PP¤ Kms o ars. . ‘ For wharf for buofys and other light-house material at O and Water YQ;$:;*,¤¤¢*¤¤· D· ¤· streets in the city o Washington, I)istrict of Columbia, in place of ` the old wharf, thirty thousand dollars. For tender for use in the seventh light-house district, two hundred , f'§¤°°¤’··¤'¤¤*¤ me thousand dollars. m` For tender for use in the eighth light-house district sixty thousand T*`°¤¤°*‘· ¤iH¤¢¤ dir dollars. ‘ , m"' For light station to take the place of the Horn Island light destroyed H°’¤ '¤'*¤‘· WK by storm, ten thousand dollars. For light and foggsignal station at White Shoal, north end of Lake M§(f,§*,g°:nSh¤•¤» Lek Michigan, to take the place of the light-vessel now maintained there, ' tw; huridrgd and lilfty thlousanei dollars. ost ig ts on ox iver, ake Winnebago and connectin lakes F°* R“'°*‘· L¤k° and channels, five hundred dollars. g m°°°b°g°` For light and fog·signal station at or near S lit Rock, near Beaver S\§P§{mR°•='¤· ¤¥¤ Bay, Lake Sulperior, seventy-five thousand dolihrs. pe ' For range `ghts at Grand lsland Harbor, Munising, Lake Supe- b0‘j*}_·£e¤;}]•¤·}_, HM rior, Michigan, fifteen thousand °r' For relief light—vessel for use on the Pacific coast, one hundred and *’¤°*¤*=•=¤¤·¢v¤¤¤¤- thirty thousand dollars. For light and fog-signal station at Carquinez Strait, between San &¤¤1¤*¤°· ¤¤·**· Pablo Bay and Suisun Bay, California, fifty thousand dollars. ` For light "and fog-signal station on the north shore of Molokai wf,¤*<>¥¤¥¤¤¤¤»¤•- Island, - awaii, sixty thousand dollars. ' For steam tender for the Light—House Service in Hawaiian and '¤‘¤¤¤·=*·¤¤w·¤»¤w— Pacific waters, two hundred and fifteen thousand dollars. For light-vessel at or near Swiftsure Bank, off the entrance of Juan Wmifmw B ¤ ¤ k. de F uca Strait, Washington, one hundred and thirty thousand dollars. ' For rebuilding and equipment of a light-house and fog signal at cape .4¤go.omg. Ca Ara o, Oregon, twenty thousand dollars. _ Fdr adchtional amount for light station at Battery Point, Washing- B‘“'“"" P°‘“‘·w""· ton, eight thousand dollars. Tmm Hm mth For new tender for use in the fifteenth light-house district, sixty iiunm.` thousand dollars. _ _ For light-keepers dwellings. and appurtenant structures, includin r ,,,lf""""” """“*"**· sites therefor, within the limit of cost lixed by said Act approved A¤¢¢.r•·¢¤*6- February twenty-sixth. nineteen hundred and seven, seventy-tive thousand dollars. · - ¤ nmnr-nous1c rzsranusnmnnr. 1_!·isb¢-H•>¤s¤ Emir ishment. Smnrmzs or mcnr-Houses: For supplying fog signals, light-houses, ”'*PP“°’· and other lights with illuminating, cleaning, preservative, and such other materials as may be required for annual consumption; for books, boats, and furniture for stations, traveling expenses of civilian members of the Light-House Board in atten ing meetings of board at Washington, actual hire of special conveyance when necessary to inspect light stations, and not exceeding three hundred dollars for the purchase of technical and professional books and periodicals for the use of the Light—House Board, and for all other necessary incidental ex uses, including the pay of officers and crews of light-house tenders nude of clerks and other employees in the offices of the light-house inspectors and light-house engineers and at light—house depots, six hundred thousan dollars.