Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1356

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1326 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 2918. 1907. hundred dollars; machinist, nine hundred and sixty dollars; laborer, five hundred and forty dollars; in all, four thousand six hundred dollars.

  • '°*’*******°·*“°**- Northville (Michigan) Station: Superintendent, one thousand live

hundred dollars· foreman, nine hundred and sixty dollars; fish culturist, nine hundred dollars; skilled laborer, six hundred dollars; three laborers, at five hundred and forty dollars each; in all, five thousand five hundred and eight dollars. A*P¤¤¤·****°**· Alpena (Michigan) Station: Foreman, one thousand two hundred dollalrsillilsli culturist, nine hundred dollars; in all, two thousand one hun re 0 lars.

                    • · M*****· Duluth (Minnesota) Station: Superintendent, one thousand five hundred dollars; foreman nine hundred dollars; lish culturist, nine hundred doéladrs; twodlablogepp, at six hundred dollars each; in all, four

thousand ve hun re dollars.

  • `*°°¤**°·**°· N eosho (Missouri) Station: Superintendent, one thousand five hundred dollars; foreman, nine hundred dollars; skilled laborer, seven

hundred and twenty dollars; two laborers, at six hundred dollars each; in all, four thousand three hundred and twenty dollars.

  • ¤•*'***°· °°*°· Leadville (Colorado) Station: Superintendent, one thousand five hundred dollars; foreman, one thousand two hundred dollars; two fish

culturists, at nine hundred dollars each; skilled laborer, seven hundred and twentiy dollars; two laborers, at six hundred dollars each; cook f10I;;' hun red and eighty dollars; in all, six thousand nine hundred 0 SPS; S'“‘ um"' T°" San Marcos (Texas) Station: Superintendent, one thousand five hundred dollars; foreman, one thousand two hundred dollars; fish culturist, nine hundred dollars; three laborers, at five hundred and forty dollars _ each; in all, five thousand two hundred and twenty dollars. C,E,§‘Q,’C‘;f“d B“"1° Baird (California) and Battle Creek (California) stations: Superintendent, one thousand five hundred dollars; foreman, one thousand and eighty dollars; foreman, nine hundred dollars; two laborers, at six hundred dollars each; laborer, five hundred and forty dollars; in all, five thousand two hundred and twenty dollars. °l“°k""“”‘ °'°“‘ Clackamas (Oregon) Station: Superintendent, one thousand five hundred dollars; fish culturist, nine hundred dollars; laborer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; two laborers, at six hundred dollars each; in all, four thousand three hundred and twenty dollars. “"’°”°"°'· I°"" Manchester (Iowa) Station: Superintendent, one thousand five hun- _ dred dollars; trsh culturist, nine hundred dollars; three laborers, at gva hundred and forty dollars each; in all, four thousand and twenty . dollars. B°"‘”“"· M°"°‘ · Bozeman (Montana) Station: Superintendent, one thousand five hundred dollars; fish culturist, nine hundred dollars; two laborers, at five hupdredltang §orty dollars each; in all, three thousand four hundred an B1 V dollars. E’“"“·T°““· Erwdln (Tennessee) Station: Superintendent, one thousand five hundred dollars; lish culturist, nine hundred dollars; three laborers, at Siva hundred and forty dollars each; in all, four thousand and twenty o ars. N“*‘“‘·N*H· Nashua (New Hampshire) Station: Superintendent, one thousand five hundred dollars; fish culturist, nine hundred dollars; two laborers, at five hundred and forty dollars each; in all, three thousand four hundred and eighty dollars. E‘*°“'°“·N·°· Edenton (North Carolina) Station: Superintendent, one thousand five hundred dollars; fish culturist, nine hundred dollars; two laborers, it Hyecgundred lgnddfplpty dollars each; in all, three thousand four un r an er 0 rs. B‘*‘°'**“*‘°·w°°**· Baker Lake $\Vyashin,qton) Station: Superintendent, one thousand five hundred dollars; fish culturist, nine hundred dollars; two laborers,