Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1380

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1350 rirrrsirrn couonnss. sm. 11. cH. 2918. 1907. G°‘*Y°‘““g· Gntrrrsnnno NAr1oNAL PARK: For continuing the work of establishing the national park at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania; for the acquisition of lands, surveys, and maps; constructing, improving, and maintaining avenues, roads, and bridges thereon; making fences and gates; marking the lines of battle with tablets and guns, each tablet bearing a. brief legend giving historic facts, and compiled without censure and without praise; preserving the features of the battlefield and the monuments thereon; providing for a suitable office for the commissioners in Gettysburg; compensation of three civilian commissioners, clerical and other services; expenses and labor; the urchase and preparation of tablets and gun carriages and placing them in position, and all other expenses incidental to the foregoing, one hundred and twelve thousand dollars. vienbum. VICKSBURG NATIONAL M1LrrARY PARK: For continuing the work · of establishing the Vicksburg National Military Park; for the compensation of three civilian commissioners and the secretary and historian; for clerical' and other services, labor, iron gun carria es, the mounting of siege guns, monuments, markers, and historicaPtablets giving historical facts, compiled without praise and without censure; mips and surveys; roads, bridges, restoration of earth works, purchase an transportation of supplies and materials; and other necessary ex§nses, one hundred thousand dollars. M¤n;¤- Ars, WA}: DEPARTZSIENTZ For publication of engineer maps for use of the War Department, inclusive of war maps, five thousand dollars. ,,,§{’§,"§{,‘{,§'§,{§‘;°{,’} Scnvnr or NORTHERN AND Nonruwnsrmnn nuns: For survey of 1¤k<->¤- northern and northwestern lakes, including all necessary expenses for reparing, correcting, extending, printing, and issuing charts and bullbtins, and of investigating lake levels, with a view to their regulation, to be immediately available, seventyhve thousand dollars. A¤i¤¤i¤*“mb*»°'<‘- AXRTIFICIAL Lures: For furnishing artilicial limbs and apparatus, or commutation therefor, and necessary transportation, to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of \Var, one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. S“"—"°‘*"‘*’*’"“°°°S· ArrmAxons ron DISABLED soLnu1Rs: For furnishing surgical appliances to persons disabled in the military or naval service of the United States, and not entitled to artificial limbs or trusses for the same disabilities. to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of War, two thousand dollars. ,_,{"°”***€¤°° H°°¥’*‘ Sum-our Asn MEDICAL ·rRnA·r:nnN·r or m:s·rrro·m 1·A·rms·rs: For 1$¤·sri¤¤t¤ v¤¤¤¤¥-··· the support and medical treatment of ninety-tive medical and surgical patients who are destitute, in the city of ll/'asliington, under a contract to be made with the Providence Hospital by the Surgeon·General of ,,{.§lf,€§f°'“ m“"'°‘ the Army, nineteen thousand dollars, one-half of which sum shall be . paid from the revenues of the District of Columbia and the other half from the Treasury of the United States. re£:§;QLyé*j,$:‘§°{)*f,,{gf To reimburse Providence Hozpital. in the District of Columbia, for ings. expenses incurred in the reconstruction of the Providence Hospital buildings, in square numbered seven hundred and sixt_v—four, in the District of Columbia, one hundred and thirty thousand six hundred mn from namcz and twenty-nine dollars and sixtv—seven cents, one half to be paid by """"“‘ the United States and the other half out of the revenues of the Disz>m·zm. trict of Columbia: Prmjded That if the said property be sold or ,.,,I;,$,.§_“‘°“° °f m` diverted from use expressed in the Act of Congress entitled "An "°’·B·P-*3- Act to incor rate Providence Hospital, of the city of Washington, District of Cglumbia." approved April eighteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, all money advanced by the United States and the District of Columbia on account of the reconstruction of any of the buildings on said square shall be first paid out of the proceeds thereof into the United States Treasury to reimburse the sums heretofore cream. appropriated and hereby appropriated. This appropriation is made