Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1484

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XXVIII INDEX. Cha lains, Army, P¤z¤· Chattanooga Northern Railway Company, PSB8- aufditioual for artillery; rank, pay, etc 864 may bridge Tennessee River, Chattanooga, for Engineer Corps . . 256 Term . 388 Chaplaim, Nary, Chattanooga, Tegan., pay and emoluments of, above grade of budge authorized across Tennessee Rnver

éieu$e?ant-mmmauder .. 554   at ..   .        . . 388

iu e 0 ieutenaut to receive sea pay e ement 0 pu ic u i ut, au orwhen on shore duty . 554 ized . ... 775 rank, pay, etc., of appomtments; promo- approfriation for ... 790, 1296 tions .,. 554 I terms 0 court: . 298, 882 present number not increased, nor pay re- gmt R.;,,,,. W Va duced, vi pr<>¤<¤¤t ¤Hi¤<¢r¤ -·---------»- 555 I preliminéry examination 0:, m be made 1118 Chapman, Bushman, Iwuiian Allouee, Chcbcygan Mich f9€‘Si-mP1€ tiylc V) ·--·-- Z -----—-·-··------- 357 appropriation fer improvement of harbor. . 1097 C'Mryé¤ d’AJ¤v¤·¤ ad Imam.Checks, Lost, ew., ¤v£¤2v¤¤¤<>¤ fw ¤=e1¤r¤<·>¤ --------- , ------- 287, 917 issue of dupumm sor; restriction removed. 84, 301 d8 °1€¤°Y ¤PPT°P¤aU°¤ {M ¤°·19·¤°¤ --·- i - · 2 not exceeding $50, after 30 days ... 84 301 37 ’ · · - ’ Checsoqwzh Oreck, N. I, C];°I:£:§P:i:€i0€l°?Q?tBw" ’d1%f giarmes 508 1148 appropriation for improvement of . 1079 or wmmgm Asylum . sos, 1149 €'h¤f<>vl CMM. · for Home for Aged and [nm-m _______ 50g 1150 classuicatnon and salary of COIISUI-g0l1€l‘81. . 99 for transporting prisoners . 510, 1150 Chefumte River, La., for medical chanties . 510, 1151 appropriation for nmpmvement of . 1089 for child-caring institutions .. 511, 1152 Chchalia Indians, Wash., for temporary omes 512, 1153 claims of, to be investigated .. 369 for indxéent mssmc . 512, 1153 Chehalia River, Wash., for relie of the poor . 512, 1153 a proprintion for improvement of . 1108- for transporting paupers .. 513, 1153 Giga 1la.¤., Cha,-g,,,-,,; ph ns. magazmo to e dmcontmu ; e uamgsa a 4 mm li an · gr¤¤md¤ ---------------------------- 568

1 an, augmfazed    {Y?.   jg 780 pr¤c¤<>d¤ fvr mvdemizinz h<>¤pi¤~1, etc - - 568

appropriation for; .. 793, 1296 Ch*”*·VJ“L‘{» D- gw f _ Charleston and Saint Andrews Railway Com- C g°g’; L;?l;:?5? 1 ?;2?L1;* jt°:‘·mL Q · 1 qmh - appropriaticn fer sa. aries ... 6é5, 1271 mw €€LiE$y,§?he?Y.-.F?Y?{’..S1T?Yl??YY? gw ; fer g¢¤¤~g.¤=<g€¤¤g¤- H - — - { ----· d it- 685,1271 C' l t C t S C or aixés nga mg oo , e c., a u ergg bridge authorized across Ashley River in. . 877 fm. invcsdééting prQ3Qé§,{ t iv€S 686 1271 Charleston Light and Water Company, for inspecting food products for exmzdmwse Creek, S. C .. 265 I port A ... 686, 1272 ton, . ., ; or dair ro ucts investi ations .. 686. 1272 appropriation for public works, navy-yard; E for stud§rH>f cereals .. ... 686, 1272 dry dock ... 565, 1187 f for study of sugar and starch producing for improvement of waterway between g plants . 686,1272 McC1e11anvillc and 1084 1 for investigating adultemtion, false labelfor improvement of harbor 1084 I ing, etc., of foods, drugs, etc., imfor construction of immigrant station 1415 » ported . 686 t€¥TD8 of court at . 1002 senzure of unwholesome, etc., imports. 686 Chw‘Zvv0lZ‘¤, Mich., § for executing pure-food law . 1272 appropriation for improvement of harbor.. 1097 é re rt of a ents to State officials, Chargme, fla., Ego . . 1272

£;p§>r;gnR;;i0é1 for improvement of harbor. . 1086 E examirgtious Pnder pure-food act by . 723

r 0 , . ., ; certi cate 0 vio ations . . ... 7 appropriation for assay office at . 415, 962 * Chemnitz, Germany, Char cite, N. K, I classitication and salary of consul . 99 appropriation for improvement of harbor,. 1078 appropriation for clerk hire . 294, 924 Char olleaville, Va., Cherokee Advocate, terms Of Court at ...---.·. 547 I ublication continued for one year 345 Chartottetawn, Prince Edward Island, Chgrolzee Claims, Consolidated, clussihcation and salary of consul . 100 i deficiency appropriation for paying Court Ch¢IT?€T8 and CVm$i€fUNO’¤8, of Claims judgments in 664 appreprnatnon for purchase of manuscnpt of Cherokee Indiana (see ako Five Civilized new edition qi..:. . . Z .. 759 Tribes), printing ordered; dl¤tl'lb\1tl0D 759 appmpriatiou for gxpgngeg leasing lands Chattahoochee River, Ga. and Ala., of _____________________________ 338, 1025 appropriation for improvement of . 1085 fm- establishing highway; ______________ _ 339 budge authorized across, between Colum- fg; mba] Schools ____________________ 34() 1025 b\1S 3116 Flllllklill, G3 .------·------ 324 deficiency up ropriation for expenses leasmnszm. ························· 33% fo,;:gh;$¤»2; --···· { -·~···· M -----·- (,2: , .·... mn ,¤e1-vcesasa me bridges authorized across, between Eufaula, added toéiaml roll; Nancy Bigknife, Xlice A18., and C0]\1mbuS, G8 . . . 325 Owen and children __________ _ _ __ 340