Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1618

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clxii IN on X. _ Samoan Claims, PHG- San Framrisco Earthquake, P¤8¤· deiic1ency.appropria.tion for paying Ger- I apipropriation for naval and postal service- 168 Dmanyk 635 or rkeproducing land records destroyidg enmar ... 635 y , 1336 F mnce ... f5 for rebuilding light stations, etc., dam- Samuzis, Joseph, Indian Allottee, aged by . . . 710 fee—s1mple title to . 357 deficienciy appropriation for repairing, etc. , Sem Angelo, Tex., ai s to navigation destroyed by . 842 acquiring site and erecting public building for internalwevenue cutter service .. 638 at, authorized ... 781 for repairs to public buildings ... 639 si/pproprnation for ... 794, 1303 for losses, California Débris ommission- 644 San memo, Tex., for replacing military stores destroyed appropriation for land, military post near. . 253 by ...,_...,,.,...,. 645 eniiirgemeint of public building st, author- ior Marine Corps losses . i . . . 650 ize .. 775 _ or reproducing surveyor-genera1’s ats, agnpropriatiou for ... 790,1303 etc., destroyed by 653 Sem erjnardmo Forest Reserve, Cal., _ for postal emergencies ... 658 permit to occupy land, etc., for power 5 purchase of additional army supplies to plants m, y Edison Electric Com- issue to sufferers from .. 827 ZPKDY c 163 ’cooperation with State and municipal San Car 0; Agency, Amr., ~ authorities ______,_________________ 827 S apgrppriagpln for Indian agent at .. 332, 1021 _ use of natylal veasdsels, revenue cutters, etc., an go, ., 2 au oriz 827 appropriation for improvement of harbor- 1106 { appropriation for purchases, etc 827 acqiuring site and erecting public building : made availab e for medical supplies- 827 Bt, !}U6h0l'lZ€d .. 778 i for further relief; extra expenses .. 828 appropriation for ... 792, 1303 t use of relief fund extended to personal pre imbugary examination to be made of har- ! services, om ,..,,,,,______,_,_____, 644 r entrance .. 1112 change in weighing of mails authorized on San Diego County, Cal., account of .,,,_,,,,..,,,,,. 830 deiciency appropriation for resurvey of 20 L Sam Gabriel Forest Reserve Cal., for certain towns i s .. 1 permit to cccup lands, ctc., power time extended fc; settlement, etc., plants in, by Edison Electric Oomon pu IC n s m certain townships pany .,,.,..,...,_,__.,.,,.,,. 163 ' _ of 1052 San Gabriel Timber Land Reserve, Cal., ` San Diego Quarantine Station, right of way through, to Los Angeles .. 801 appropriation for fence 1307 San Joaquin River. Cal., San Francisco, Cal., _ V appropriation for lighting ... - - . 713, 1320 appropriation for post exchange, Presidio . or improvement of harbor . 1106 army hospital .. 253 prelimina examination of, to be made. . - 1112 for dispatch agent ... 289,919 I San Jose. CH, for warehouse, Indian supplies ,. 329, 1018 deficiency appropriation for repairs to postfor mint at ... 414, 961 office .., . .. 639 for reimbursipg officers and men of NavySan Jose, Costa Ruta, f and Marine gorps for losses by fire. .2 ISM (‘l3SSli1C&tI0l1};81'ld salary ofccgnsul . 100 or pneumatic tu e, etc., mai service. 47 , 11 _ San Juondc ayarus H' l, , foxil public building, custom-house. . .’ 699, 1303 use of transport "Sumner$ to convefy Comeating, etc., plant .. 699 V mission, etc., to dc ication o battle subtreasury .. 1303 monuments ,... 821 additional, for site 1303 , San Juan. del Norte, Nicaragua, for quarantine station .. 701classification and salary of consul . 99 for immigrant station, Angel Island . 710 San Juan Pah U tc Indians, Utah, for repairing monument, m national cem- Y appropriation for lands and sheep for .. 376 etery . Z . it . 1347 [ San Jwm, Porto Rico, for reconstructing military prison ... 1348 g appropriation for land, post cemetery . 741 deticiency aéppropriation for mint 31, 665 for improvement of harbor; contracts- - . 1110 for post-0 ce, etc .. 638 for Army hospital ..,.,.,,,, . 1172 for earthqplake damages, post-office and 639 construction 0i public building authorized court ouse ... I ut . 777 mint building 639 , appropriation for ... 791, 1303 subtreasury . 639 { San . nan Ridge, Cuba, appraisers stores . , ... 639 V use of transport "Sumner" to convey comac uiring land for, and extending subtreas- mission, etc., to dedication of battle , Z l ... . . e HIGH S ...- q ury at authori el 775 monu t 821 appropriation for .,... 790, 103 San Luis Obispo, Cal., coopemtio; with mahyor. relief of earth- 80 appropriation for improvement of harbor; qua e. etc., su erers.-, . Z ..7 contracts .. 1106 minor coins to be coined at mint; dxstribu- B2 entry, etoédoi vessels for petroleum pertion .. · mitt at ... 23 prclirnina examination to be made of har- San Marcos, Tex., borlior removing roclgs . 1111 . acquiring site for public building at, au- Sarn, Francisco Collection Dtsh"u‘t, Cal., thorized , . 784 entry, etcéécpf vessels for petgeum, per- ( S gpggmpéiatiog Sor .. 796 mit at San Luis ispo, ort on a o ay a ., Harford, and Monterey . 23 I appropriation for improvement of 736