Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1644

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(`JIXXXVIII INDEX. Victoria, British Columbia, P¤8¢· I Whbash River, PHS0- classification and salary of consul . 99 [ bridge authorized across, at Mount (`armel, appropriation for clerk hire 294, 924 g Ill ... 820 V·Ictor·ia, Tex., Whcanga, Indian Allottee, ' terms of court at 121 , fee-simple title to ,.. 357 Vidal, Fernando M., , Waccamaw River, N. C. and S. C., denciency appropriation for legal services. 1390 \ appropriation for improvement of . 1084 ` Vknna, Austria, Wade, Maggie, classification and salary of consul-general - 99 ! added to Chickasaw final roll 340 appropriation for clerk hire 294, 924 l Wadsworth, James W, Vincennes University, Ind., * appointed on Board of Managers Volunteer obsolete arms, etc., in possession of, do- · Soldiers’ Home ._. 828 V éigted for military instruction .. 834 l Wagon Service, Postal Service, 2`nita, a., appropriation for . 472, 1211 terms of court ... 275 dlegcigncy a ropriation for .._._...,..._. 658 Virginia, _ _ · , Walgcahunka, rE5in, Indian Allottee. appropriation for Indian service in 376, 1050 ; alienation restrictions removed 374 bridge authorized across Tug Fork of Big V Wahpzton, N. Dah., Sandy River, between West Vir- ‘ appropriation for Indian school . . - 360, 1042 _ _ _ ginizr sind_ . - ._ .. 891 I for water supply . . 1042 Vxrgmw Antiquities, Assomatwn for Preserve- . _ Waiunhunta, Baptiste, Indian Allottee, tion of, { a lotment patent ma be cancelled 361 appropriation for purchase or lease of pier, g Wefunhunta, Indian Ailottee, Jamestown Island; conditional 766 * allotment patent may be cancelled 361 Virginia Western Judicial District, { Wakefield, Va., 0Hi¤€!¤, €tC·, at Big $$0116 Gap ... 546 , appropriation for watchman, care of dock terms Of 00urt -... . -. 547 t and monument at 422, 967 Visiting Representatives of Foreign Govern- I for repairs to fence; em ________________ 1344 vfwnis,Wabinyangi on Samuel, Indian Allottec, entertamment of, allowed from emergency fee-simple m,];.; tp _______________________ 357 _ appropriation . 27 Wakulla River, Fla., · Vital Siuhshcs, D. C., x preliminary examination of, to be made- - 1117 regulations for reporting, etc., births .. 1010 I Waldgbwp, Mg,, Vita Statistics, etc., enlargement of public building at, authorappropriation for collecting by (`ensus Of- ized ______________________________ 774 Hee .._... 443. 989 appropriation for ...,_,,..,..,, 790 ' Vladirostok, Siberia, W?¥ld"0”· June E;, _ _ appropriation for interpreter at consulate- 294, 924 FPPFOPYMUOH TOY Paymmt OY JU‘lEm€’¤F $0- 1047 (g aggificgtipn and of QQDSUI ________ _ 99 "’(llk•?T, -171710 Jl0T_1]. OT Me khll bdf, I7l·d'L(l’lL Volin, Josiph, {mlian Allottee, f _ .·1{lv;(¢;¤i, t 350 9g.3im_ 9 [it 9 to _ ___________,, , _,..,.,. 374 (*9*SIm P I 9 0 -—··-------——·-··----—- I I Voluntary:) Personal S€f‘b‘1:L'€8, · Walkern PM . . . · acceptance by official, prohibited; excep- W2f£$l°;;L:£5“V"at‘°n f°r S°"‘°°S ······ 1397 tion .. 49 3 · . ·· . . Volunteer »S'old·iers’ Homes (ace National Home Ordcrciobxliizg Sixégg 5: to d0` 451 for Disbisd V¤¤¤¤*¤¤* S<>*<¤¤¤·>· www zum Imam Reservatimz M.- ‘‘`°‘`‘ Volunteers,appropriation for support, ete., of indians appropriation for arrears of pay and bounty. 750, . on ____ _ _______________________ 3587 1040 _ _ 1356 deficiency appropriation for survevs .. 654 {OF 00mm11i3U0H of mucus --··--- · · - 750, 1356 timber lands reserved for Indians of .. 358 deficiencyappropriigtionfor refund toSmte, mma mma (·0u·,,;y, Wd8h_, expenses raising .. . ... 46, 666 bridge authorized across Columbia River, fo¤' Pay, 9K`-, 0T9S0H and W¤$h|¤Et°¤·- - 46, I between Benton County and ... 866 Y _ 666, 1404 Walla WMM: etc., Indians, Oreg., for .\*[<*XlC‘£iIl War ...·...----»- - - 666 agpngpnation for stipport, etc., of .. 367, 1045 lblunterrs, S amish War, Wa h cmpany, HT ., issue of memijals m. who served beyond term deficiency appropriation for compensation. 1392 of enlistment to suppress Philippine Walu>0rth Cbunty, . Dal., insurrection ... 621 i bridge authorized across Missouri River appropriation or .. 621 in ...,.. . . 193 V0lu8€;)B5,_ Flaw r between Dexuey County and ..,_.__ 95 appropriation for improvement of . 1086 { W;1';7d"°”`m» Ind'"" ·’U}%’“» I d VM E¤*~f· R- H-» = m..l3Z“`°“‘e‘»I1?$?£‘ }“,l‘2€”.°,§`$“5°.·° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 361 deticiency appropriation forreimbursement 1375 f%_S;£’él€ mh {0 ° E ’ 379 S Wanyanka Mani or Rev. Luke C. llhlker, W• 1 fee-simple title to ..,.,_____._.._,_,_ 374 WStreet N W, D. C'., Wapaha, John B., Indian Allottee, appropriagon for purchasing land for ex- 1008 i Wfeesimplegitpe po. 357 ten ing ... appinger ee , . .. _ assessment of benefits, etc ... 2 . . . 1008 { appro riatiou for improvement of . 1078 proceedings to condemn land for extending, i War College, Army, Flagler to Second streets, etc ... 845 i apipropnstion for expenses . 240, 1158 appropriation for .. 845 ’ or manntenance . 255, 1152