Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/346

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316 F IFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 3444-3446. 1906. dul tested and sealed by the sealer or an assistant sealer of weights m'·,u c , , 1 andy measures: Provided, That berries, when offered for sale in an po<=k¤se¤1»¤¤i¤¤¤· original package or basket containing a standard measure, may be sold in said ckage or basket without e same having first been tested and sealesii, but in no case shall said basket be refilled for use in the , sale of berries or produce of any kind whatsoever: And pro/vided furb,g’“"" md '°¥°‘°‘ ther, That poultry and vegetables, usually sold by the head or_bunch, . may be olfered for sale and sold in other manner than by weight or measure; but in all cases where the person intendinglto purchase shall so desire and request, ultry shall be weighed as ereinbefore plremgS““"¥”I“”°‘*” scribed: And pro·videdB"0urther, That scales reported not in use s all ` be sealed down, and said seal shall not be broken except by authority of the sealer of weights and measures." Approved, June 20, 1906. \ J¤¤¢ W- 1906- CHAP. 3445.-An Act To provide for a reconnoissance and preliminary survey of [H' R' 1751*] a land route for a mail and pack trail from the navigable waters of the Tanana River [Public, No. mg] to the Seward Peninsula in Alaska, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United @mm for States of America in Congress assmnbled, That the sum of thirty-five mu-dl; or mn, my- thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any l"'""""°°““"“ °'”· money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for a recon noissance · and reliminary survey of a land route from the navigable waters of _ the 'Fanana River, at or near Fairbanks, to the vicinity of Council City, in the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, for a mail and pack trail along such route, such sum to be immediately available, and to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War; report of said survey and reconnoissance to be made to Congress at the earliest practicable day. Approved, June 20, 1906. June 20, 1906. CHAP. 3448.-An Act To fix and regulate the salaries of teachers, school officers, [H· R- 18**2-] and other employees of the board of education of the District of Columbia. [Public, No. 254.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatioes of the United l,Z_§¤,§{}§;gf1$};¤¤b¤· States of America in Congress a.~r.~¢»·mbZed, That on and after July first, wma day sessions nineteen hundred and six, all children of school age bein instructed “°°" ’°°°“° “"‘°°‘ in the schools of the District beyond the second grade shall be given a whole school day session. f’,f:,'f“Q;d°?;‘$,§,*f;“· Sec. 2. That the control of the public schools of the District of Columbia is hereby vested in a board of education to consist of nine members all of whom shall have been for live years immediately preceding their appointment bona fide residents of the District of Colum- APP°*“*"‘°”*· bia and three of whom shall be women. The members of the board of education shall be appointed by the supreme court judges of the District of Columbia for terms of three years each, except that the T*"’¤*‘· original appointments under this Act shall be as follows: Three for one year, three for two years, and three for three years, and members N"°°m¤°”““°“· shal be eligible for reappointment. The members shall serve without "“°**“°*°*· compensation. Vacancies for unexpired terms, caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled by the `udges of the supreme court of the District of Columbia. The board shall meet for organization within S°°*°°¤*Y· thirty days after appointment. They shall appoint a secretary, who “°*’¤¤8* shall not be a member of the board, and they shailllhold stated meetings _ at least once a month during the school year and such additionalmeet- OP°"'°“‘° P“b‘*°· ings as they may from time to time provide for. The organization