Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/901

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. H2. 1907. 871 such meetings as shall be necessary for the transaction of business, and shall issue all licenses to practice veterinary medicine in the _ District of Columbia. Said board shall kee an official record of its R¤<=¤r¤¤- meetings, and also an official register of all) applicants for licenses, which register shall show the name, age, place, and duration of residence of each applicant, the time spent in the study of veterinary medicine, in and out of medical schools, and the names and locations of all medical schools which have granted said applicant any degree or certiiicate of attendance upon lectures, and It shall_ also show whether said applicant was rejected or licensed under this Act, and said register shall be prima facie evidence of all matters contained therein. The Commissioners o°f the District of Columbia shall have Bond- Brwer to require any or all officers of said board to give bond to the istrict of Columbia in such form and penalty as they may deem proper. The said board shall in the month of July in each year sub- R¤1>¤r¢· mitlto said Ckpmmissmlnerp a full rgpport of its transactions during the twe ve mont s imme `ate y prece ing. ' Sec. 3. That from and after the passage of this Act all persons m1g£li¤¤*i¤¤¤ f¤¤‘ desiring to practice veterinary medicine or an branch thereof in the ' District of Columbia, or who shall desire to hold themselves out to the public as practicing veterinary medicine or any branch thereof in the District of Columbia, shall make application to said board of examiners in veterinary medicine for a license so to do. Application Q¤¤l*¤¤·¤<>¤¤»¤¤¢- for this purpose shall be upon a form furnished by said board, and shall be accompanied by satisfactory evidence of good moral character-, . and by a diploma from some veterinary college authorized by law to confer the same, which college shall require at least two sessions of study of veterinary medicine of not less than six months each prior to the issue of such diploma, and graduates of two—year colleges shall accompany their diplomas by satisfactory evidence that they have practiced veterinary medicine for five years last (past subsequent to the issue of such diplomas, and by a fee of ten ollars, except as herein otherwise F¤¤· directed, and from the fund thus created, the board shall pay such necessary expenses as it may incur. Such expenses shall not exceed in any E¤x>·=¤¤¤1i¤¤*¢· one fiscal year the amount of fees collected during that period, but if any balance remain after paying all such expenses the Commissioners of said District shall authorize the payment therefrom to the members of said board for their services of such amounts as said Commissioners deem proper. Said board shall, by means of examinations, ascertain F¤·¤¤*¤¤¤<>¤¤· the professional qualifications of all apiplicants for license to practice veterinary medicine in said District, an shall issue such licenses to all who are found by such examinations to be, in the judgment of said board, competent to so practice; and no such license shall be issued to any person who has not so demonstrated his competence, except as here-- inafter otherwise provided. Such examinations shall be hel in Jann- 1*****0*- arv, April, July, and October of each year, and shall include all such subjects as are ordinarily included rn the curricula of veterinary colleges in ood standing, but examinations may be held at such other times andiinclude such other subjects as said board shall authorize and direct. Said board shall number consecutively all applications received, note upon each the disposition made_0f rt, and preserve the same for reference, and shall number consecutively all licenses issued. _ Sr-xc. 4. That said board of examiners, so far as may be possible, mgfgg,gQg*;,{,*g;g;g shall make arrangements with analogous boards of the several. States boards. and Territories whereby due credit for State and Territorial licenses will be allowed in the District of Columbia to such licentiates of said boards as desire to secure licenses_to practice veterinary medicine in this District, and whereby licentiates of the board of examiners in veterinary medicine in the District of Columbia will secure due credit for licenses issued by said board whenever such licentiates desire to