Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/1580

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Im DEX. lxxm PQ¤3i0m—C0ntinued. Page. pemiws_C0utinu€d Page 1ncreased—contin11ed. increased continued ` Cock. John _ __,_______ 1537 ~ (joy Edward 1466 C°°kvJ°hn -----··--———------ - -------- 1756i Coyle Jeb11B- 2267 C°°k·J°h¤T ·-·--·--·------------ - ----- 1767Crabtxlee Job 2247 C¤¢>k· J¤¤¢p1¤ F ------·-----. 2195 I Craig, Démiel [ f ff '`'```````'```‘ 1880 C°°k’ L“*°““° --·---—-—--·-----·—-·--- 1788 Craig, Franklin ... ZZ1I2z11i;::;;];; 2682 Cook, NGISOII ..-... . . . .. 1823 John B ___________ ____ _________ 1746 ’ G00k, Newpon G -.. 1859 cmg, Thomas c _______________________ 1780 Cwk. Phnhp .----.---». 1961 cmaghm, Solomon _____________________ 2262 C°°k· Pleasant W --·-·--·-·------------ - 2032 Craigo Ma met E 2706 °<>·>k· S¤¤¤w1 ----·------------.---- 2275 Umm}, A;E1mw...`.`,`.`.`ffZZ`.` .`." ff I Q Z Q X jj 2601 Cook, Sidney H --- 2150 cmm, Pam ._____ pu G00k, Stephen H. S 2455 Cram mu, David F ____________________ 1837 Cwk, Thomas H ---.--·-... 2527 Craucgll, Thomas P _..____,_,__________ 2080 Cook, William; . 1696 Crandgll, Henry ________________________ 1694 COOL Beuiamm H -·--·------..-... 2043 Cmndol, James ._,. 2044 COOIGY, Ad0lP}}\1¤ --·--·------...-- . . 2526 Crane, John H _______ _ ____________ , 1709 Cmiey, Frmklm ----·-»-·-- 1998 Crane, John W ..__. 2665 Cwlcy, George L ...·.-.·... 1638 Cnme, William ..._,_..,,,,_,___.,_____ 2472 C00l€y, Henrietta C 2711 Cmne, William B ______________________ 2393 Cooley, Marius S .. 1912 0mm0n, William H ..,,._,..._,..,,,__ 1440 Cwmer, Justus B ...---.».-. 2447 Cmvema, Benjamin B ,_,.,.,,,,,_ 2726 Cooney, Patrick 2713 Cravcus, John 0 ,,___,_________________ 2773 Cooper, Alonzo 2230 Cmwford, Anthony H __________________ 1533 Cooper, John .. 2,503 Crawford, Emery _______________________ 2327 Cooper, 10sJh J . . . 1566 Crawford, Francis M ,.,,,__..,__,,,,____ 2023 Cooper, Na amicl . 1522 Crawford, John .,..,,,,,.,_,.,.____ 196] Cooper, Seth H 1930 Crawford Robert B ,,.,,,__ 2238 - (boper, William T .. 2708 Crmger, john W ...,.,.,..,.,__ 1809 Coover, Samuel E ... 2452 Creamy, George W .,...,,,,__.,__.,.,___ 1793 Copher, Reuben 2588 Crccclms, Clark ..,...,,.,..,..,._ __ 2648 Coppage, Ioseiwh W . 1891 Crismou Charles ,..___ 1333 Corbin, Damie O ... 2330 Crissip, 1’1easa.nt .,...,,, 2400 gdncg Alber; D .. gg5g ggtas, yilligm 1; .. 1437 rey, eo c ... 1 tten en, nm ... . .. 1700 Corley, Wigam B .. 2570 Crockett, William G ... 1628 Cornell, Nelson 2547 Croft, James E 2419 gomcr, Xmwn L .. 2334 g;0ft0n,R\H1 H . - .. 2130 omett, k , . 17 ome, 'i iam ... 1,545 Commun, Phillip W . 1511 Cmmer, Richard S .. 1696 gorns, Ma.? T . 223 Cmnamet? Fxgrgtis W .. 2272 omwell. 01m S .. 2 er, SCO ... 2687 Corsine, Calvin .. . . . 2208 Crooks, William . . . 2464 Corwin, Quincy 1870 Cross, Lemuel ... . . . . 2125 Coggm, James C 2;:5 hevi E . . 1642 Cosgrove, Carrie E .. 2 mss, aria . . .. 2538 Cosgrove, James W 2495 Cross, Theron I 2584 Cotton, John R .. 7 .. 1620 Grossman, Gxjvcnlm-af \\ ..r.. 2381 (ioughanour. George W . 1855 Crouch, Dqvgd F ... 2061 Coughlin, Jour; _,,_,_,.,,._.,__.,,. grouchA 3N1I1mm H ,,__,_____,,._..,,,,. 214] (You sun, Sgu ,_,_,.,.._,..,__,,.,.,... mow, on .,...,,_,_____._,,,_.,,__,, 55 Coulter, John A 1512 { Crowe, (`harlvs E .,. 1582 (`gultgyu Andrew J .. . . . 1654 l Crowell, Jllhll H 1494 (`guntqgp, O(·i3v(?·, ,.. . . ,. 1856 Crowley. JOIIH . - ... 2388 Fcumrynmn. Joseph .---... 2654 Q Crowley, Thomas ., 1993 ("()“n([g‘ )[g_ v _1_ _ ____,, , .. L Crozcr, G . . . . (`ourter. Wgiam J . 2550 _ Crum, W1l11ap1 A ,..,.. 2506 (`fovvll, Thomas G . 1690 Q Cuendet, J uhus S .. 2142 Cowan, Vampboll .. 2568 1 Culberson, Sherwood F ..,.,... 2037 C<»w=m. Garrvttg -----·-·---·-·-·------. 231;: I gglbertesng 0;}:0 E. D . Cvwnn, Hen --------·--------------ms, q er -.---·- Cowan, Jephnq . ... 2557 Cullen, Mxchael ...,,_,.,... 2669 Coward, Nathan ... 1787 { Culver! C hgh-; H ..,...,.,. 1706 (Towel], James L 1440 1 Cummln. 11 11118111 E 2428 C<>w<·11. 0··<—¤r N ---·---·-----·-------··- 27% Gummgngs- Wl11mm ----·-------»-~----- 179*3 Cowgill, Alexander M .. 2453 Cummings. W 1I11am G ,... . . 2665 Cox, Columbus 2206 Cumrums, Joseph D ,`. 2173 (fox, Hurtlgv B ___ , 2021 Cundlff, Stephen ,._.,,___.. 2110 Cox. Hugh M .. 2584 ; Curanmggam. Edward R, ., 2273 ' __________,, , ,.,.A.. 1767 Cnr e . atric ‘ .. . .· 1608 ` gg; §:$g; _,,.,..._,,..,_ 2538 { Curmiit, John H ,,..,,. 2%] COX; Joanna L ____ _ __________ _ ______A__ 2319 Currgn. YY111i11m ... 2595 COL Vqedey G _____ _ ____________ _ ____ 2045 Curner, Aaron if . .. 1483