Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/1645

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CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. 2833 REVISION AND CODIFICATION OF THE LAWS. __ June 25,1906. _ _ _ · _ · L I 'J ng) That i on and codlfi Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate ooneurri B°'l¤i — a ]o1nt special committee be appointed consisting of five Senatbrs to mdxgertiiimdoiimkm be appomted by the Vice President and five members of the House of ilrileixdiildegpohgt r(Zi·¤°x¤`iY Representatives to be appointed by the Speaker, to examine, consider ’”°“°°“°¤= *° C¤¤· an _ submit to Congress recommendations upon the revision and codiii- gms` cation of laws prepared by the statutory revision commission heretofore authorizedto rev1se_and codify the laws of the United States; and that the said ]o1nt committee be authorized to sit during the recess of Con- _ gress and to employ necessary clerical and other assistance; to order such prmting and b1nding done as may be required in the transaction of its business and to incur such expense as may be deemed necessary, all such expense to be paid in equal proportions from the contingent funds of the Senate an House of Representatives. Passed June 25, 1906. · COLUMBIA INDIAN RESERVATION, WASH. J““° 2* 1*6- Resolved by the Hmtse of Re esentatzbes (the Senate conzrarring) That °°l°""’i']‘, I“‘"‘“ the President of the United States be, and he is hereby, requested to ?y§"¤'l;litE>f¥;Q{m¤¢i; return to the House of Representatives (H. B. 18668) "An Act ratifyiug ¤m1:l¤¤¤1t¤m¤e€:`h and confirming S0ldl0l`S’ additional homestead entries heretofore made °“'"°““‘· '°°“°"°"· and allowed upon lands embraced in what was formerly the Columbia Indian Reservation in the State of Washing·ton.” Passed June 25, 1906. HELEN C. SANDERSON. ‘ll“*° °°·1°°°· Resolved by the Senate (the House of Re resentatives concurring), That H°'°° °·S*°"°”P¤· the President be requested to return tge bill (S 3028) " granting an bilii>tlirr'$qi)»i>ni$i1'isl°“ increase of pension to Helen C. Sanderson? · Passed June 26, 1906. FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. · June as, 1006. Resolved by the Semite (the Hmase of Representativest·one~t:¢v·ing), That T|}f,je‘;*‘ C ‘ "* MM there be printed one thousand copies of the "Top1cal_ index to the twlggécaknsmpsx Rot twelve Annual Reports of the Commission to the Five Civihzed Tribes pom of communi; to the Secretary of the Interior "; two hundred copies for the use of °°b'{s’g§b'$l°},g,Q“'°°· the Senate, four hundred copies for the use of the House of Representatives, and four hundre copies for the use of the Department of the Interior. Passed June 28, 1906. ANNUAL maroizr or usrrno sums ramsunna. Resolved by the Ilbuae o_fRepresentatives (the Senate emzcuzwng), That ,,,E§{"°° s"““ T'“‘°' there be printed and bound, for the use of the Treasury Department. m_g;:g¤Ld%g§’* Oi five hundred additional copies of the Annual Report of the reasurer of the United States for the fiscal year ended June thirtieth, mneteen hundred and five. Passed June 29, 1906. v01. xxxiv, rr 2—--104