Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/47

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XiV111 LIST OF PRIVATE ACIS AND RESOLUTION. ` Page. William Madison. An act rxan increase of nsion to William Mattison. June 6, 1906. . . 2031 Christopher (L Reeves. An gen: an increasepsf pension to Christopher C. Reeves. June 6, 1906 . ...- - ------·-------- — ----·---—----· · --—-·—-·-·· · 2**32 Pleasant W Cook. An act granting an increase of pension to Pleasant W. Cook. June 6, 1906--. 2032 James A. Dui An act granting an increase of pension to James A. Duff. June 6, 1906 . 2032 James Webb. An act granting an incream of pension to James Webb. _Ju¤e 6, 1906 2032 Louis Soecbig. An act granting an increase o pension to Lonas Stoeckrg. June 6, 1906 . . -. 2032 Philip Dumont. An act granting an incréame of pension to Plul¥:nDnmont. June 6, 1906 2033 Imnh Lapin:. An act granting an increase of pension_to Louis pine. June 6, 1906 ... 2033 Henry B. Tenor. An act grantintg an increase oi pension to Henry B. Teetor. June 6, 1906 . 2033 Lewin P. (llrandlcr. An act gran ng an increase o pension to Lewis P. Chandler. June 6, 1906-. 2033 8erling Hughes. An act granting an increase of pension to Sterling Hughes. June 6, 1906 .. 2034 James S. Burgess. An act granting an increase o pension to James S. Burgess. June 6, 1906 2034 Henry A. Jones. An act grantingan increase of pension to Henry A. Jones. June 6, 1906 . . 2034 Samuel Ilough. An act granting an increase of pension to Samuel Hough. June 6, 1906 2034 Angus An act granting an increase 0 pension to Angus Campvbellz June 6, 1906 . 2034 David W irkpalnkrk. An act granting an increase of pension to David . Kirkpatrick. June 6, 2035 1906 . Henry Brcnizer. An act granting an increase of pension to Henry Brenizer. June 6, 1906 ... 2035 Aen·ry C'. Jackson. An act granting an increase of pension to Henry C. Jackson. June 6, 1906 . . 2035 James Warhom. An act granting an increase of pension to James Waskom. June 6, 1906 ... 2035 Gem-A. Hugh:. An act granting an increase of pension to Georgia A. Haghs. June 6, 1906-. 2036 Joel Younglcin. An act granting an increase of pension to Joel R. Youngkm. June 6, 1906 . - . 2036 Dm-win Johnson. An act granting an increase of pension to Darwin Johnson. June 6, 1906 . 2036 William D. Woodcock. An act granting an increase of pension to William D. Woodcock. June 6, 2036 1906 . ... . . - . . Dennis Winn. An act granting an increase of pension to Dennis Winn. June 6, 1906 ... 2036 Sherwood E Oulberson. An act granting an increase of pensionto Sherwood F. Culberson. June 6, 2037 1906 ... - . Thomas IL Hogan. An act granting an increase of pension to Thomas H. Hogan. June 6, 1906. 2037 Sephen V ht. An act granting an increase of pension to Stephen Vaught. June 6, 1906 .. _ 2037 John R. Bm. An act graniang an increase of pension to John R. Baldwin. June 6, 1906 . . . 2037 Melroe Tartcr. An act granting an increase of {pension to Melroe Tarter. June 6, 1906 .. 2038 Harriet Payne. An act granting an increase o pension to Harriet Payne. June 6, 1906 2038 Joseph Delisle. An act granting an increase of pension to Joseph Dehsle. June 6, 1906 . 2038 Eleazer 61 Harmon. An act grantingan increase of pension to Eleazer C. Harmon. June 6, 1906. 2038 Willard E Sessions. Auact granting an increase of pension to Willard F. Sessions. June 6, 1906. 2038 Ilbuntain IL Erin. An act gllllullg an increase of pension to Fountain M. Fain. June 6, 1906. . 2039 Mary Thacbam. An act granting an increase of pension to Mary Thackara. June 6, 1906 .. 2039 Jackson D. Thornton. An act granting an increase of pension to Jackson D. Thornton. June 6, 1906 . 2039 Samuel Smith. An act granting an increase of pension to Samuel Smith. June 6, 1906 .. 2039 · Josephine L. Jordan. An act granting an increase of pension to Josephine L. Jordan: June 6, 1906 - 2040 George Hunted. An act granting an increase of pension to George Fankell. June 6, 1906 .. . 2040 Simeon Pierce. An act granting an increase of pension to Simeon Pierce. June 6, 1906 . 2040 William L. Wilcher. An act granting an increase of pension to William L. Wilcher. June 6, 1906. 2040 Thomas Blalcney. An act granting an increase of pension to Thomas Blakney. June 6, 1906 2040 George W Olin. An act granting an increase of pension to George W. Olis. June 6, 1906 ... 2041 John Burke. An act granting an increase of pension to John Burke. June 6, 1906 ,_,,__ _ ,_____ 2041 William Taylor. An act granting an increase of pension to William Taylor. June 6, 1906 ... 2011 Jesse Wiley An act granting an increase of pension to Jesse Wiley. June 6, 1906 ,,____________ 204] Scoll Roddick. An act granting an increase of pension to Scott Ruddick. June 6, 1906 . 2042 So iliie Polrlera. An act granting an increase of pension to So hiv Pohlcrs. June 6, 1906 ..., 2042 Thomas J Daria. An act granting an increase of pension to 'iihonms J. Davis. June 6, 1906 2042 A’a¢hai§i;6ét Sawyer. An act granting an increase of pension to Nathaniel C. Sawyer. June 6, .. . . ...,,,_,,____ _ __________________ _ gg4g Andrew E. Kinney. An act granting an increase of pension to Andrew E. Kinnev. June 6, 1906. 2012 Benjamin HZ Cool. An act granting an increase of pension to Benjamin H. (`ool: June 6, 1906.- 2043 .~1h·rr D. Smith. An act granting an increase of pension to Alva D. Smith. June 6, 1906 2043 1)niasp£1na¢Jean. An actgmnting an increase of pension to Derias Thomas Jean. June 6, ·---···-—---——-·-------—-—--·---·-—---·-··· — —----···---·---. . ... . 2043 Rachel Allen. An act granting an increase of pension to Rachel Allen. June 6, 1906 ... 2043 John G. Vassar. An act granting an increase of pension to John G. Vassar. June 6, 1906 .. 204-1 James l raridol. An act granting an increase of pension to James Crandol. June 6, 1906 .. ,, 2044 Charles L. Westfall. An act granting an increase of pension to Charles L. Westfall. June 6, 1906. 2044 Mary E Patterson. An act granting an increase of pension to Mary E. Patterson. June 6, 1906 . 2044 William H. Hester. An act granting an increase of pension to William H. Hester. June 6, 1906. 2044 Francis A. Hite. An art granting an increase of pension to Francis A. Hite. June 6, 1906 ...,,_ 2045 Esek W Hojil An act granting an increase of [pension to Esek W. Hoff. June 6, 1906 .. 2045 Wesley G. Coz:. An act granting an increase o pension to Wesley G. Cox. June 6, 1906 .,,_ 2045 John L. Fuhrman. An act granting an increase of pension to John L. Fuhrman. June 6, 1906. . 2045 Margaret J[cG¢]1in. An act granting an increase of pension to Margaret Mctiitiin. June 6, 1906. . 2046 Ardhuaa JL Pettit. An act granting an increase of pension to Arethusa Pettit. June 6, 1906. 2046