Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/65

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lxvi LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTION. Page. John A. ]lcGinty. An act granting an incruse of pension to John A. McGinty. January 18, 2281 1907 . . ...-...-.-- - ------·-····----- · ·--·--·----·-·· - ~-····-·--···· Holme; Clayton. An act granting an increase of pension to Holmes Clayton. January 18, 1907--. . 2281 Stephen E. Lemzm. An act granting an increase of pension to Stephen E. Lemon. January 18, 2281 1907 . . . ..--------- - -·-·------·----~·--- — ~----------··- Samuel Shawvcr. An act granting an increase of pension to Samuel Sbawver. January 18, 1907.. . 2282 Orin I . All act granting an increase of pension to Orin Ingram. January 18, 1907. ..--.--.. 2282 Joseph An act granting an increase of pension to_Josep Bolshaw. January 18, 1907- -... 2282 Hamm T. Homer. An act granting an increase of pensron to Manasa T. Houser. January 18, 1907 . . . ...·.---------··-·--· ~ --------·—--------------- 2282 Augurrtua Holbrook. An act granting an increase of pension to Augustus L. Holbrook. Janu- 2282 , 1907 . - . ..-..··---·--·-------—-----~

 Horgan. An act granting an increase of pension to Agusta P. Morgan. January 18, 2283

1907 .. . ..-·--·--·----·- - ---------·-----—--— John C. Brown. An act granting an increase of pension to John C. Brown. January 18, 1907 . 2283 Alia Bmworth. An act granting a pension to A11ce_Bosw0rt11. January 18, 1907 . . 2283 Nelson Bigalow. An act granting an increase of pension to Nelson Brgnlow. January 18, 1907 ...-.- 2283 Jonathan H. Adam. A11 act granting an increase of pension to onathan M. Adams. January 2284 18, 1907 .. . . C7n·i:lo'rI|zr Chriatophzraon. An act granting an increase of pension to Christopher Ohristopherson. B 8”““% "’;G"" ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ r ‘‘‘‘‘ — ‘’‘‘‘ 1; ‘‘‘‘‘ Cm. ‘‘‘‘ zirs ‘‘·‘‘‘‘ aware ·····‘ Z5 an . n act granting an increase o pension to yron . an 8, --.-- . mm Roberts. An act granting an increase of pension to Thomas M. January 2284 18 1907 - . .. Jacob An act granting an increase of pension to Jacob Turner. January 18, 1907- .-..-.- 2284 Thomas P. Cheney. An act granting an increase of pension to Thomas P. Cheney. January 18, 1907 . . 2285 Jgfersorn Bush. An act granting an increase of pension to Jefferson Bush. January 18, 1907- - 2285 E Lsha H. Stephens. An act granting an increase of pension to Elisha H. Stephens. January 18, 1907- -.-..-------...-.--.-.,.. 228 Jhomue WZ White. An act granting an increase of pension to Thomas W. White. January 18, 1907 . . 2285 William H. Anderson. An act granting an increase of pension to William H. Anderson. January 18, 1907 ..- 2286 William B. Dow. An act granting an increase of pension to William B. Dow. January 18, 1907-.- . . 2286 Samuel Jadcmn. An act granti an increase of pension to Samuel Jackson. January 18, 1907... 2286 VW1I1am Kennedy. An act gnnting an increase of pension to William Kennedy. January 18, 1907- . . .-. 2286 Lovin Donaldson. An act; granting an increase of pension to Lovin Donaldson. January 18, 1907 ...- . .--..-..-.-.--- _ _____ 2286 M E. Hatton. An act nting an increase of nsion to Mary E. Hattan. January 18, 1907..- 2287 Kélilgljlyers. An act $ an increase of pensrlotn to Kate Myers. January 18, 1907 . . ,-.. 2287 Frederic}: Rcsdrdiantzlqj. An act granting an increase of pension to Frederick Roschdiantzky. January 21, 1907 .. . ..-.,..,,---,,-,_,___, _ _____ 2287 John F. Jlohn. An act granting an increase of pension to John F. Mohn. January 21, 1907 .--... 2287 Oliver N. McLain. An act granting an increase of pension to Oliver N. McLain. January 21, 1907. ,_,...,..-...--.,,,.,.-..-,,,,---.-.,.--.---,.-,.-..--..--.-..-.. 2288 Robert Smith. An act granting an increase of pension to Robert Smith. January 21, 1907 . -. 2288 Thomafgorlg. mlm. An act granting an increase of pension to Thomas M. Wilcox. January 21, . . . . . .-.,-- _ ______ 2233 Jlargaret E. Loumbury. An act granting an increase of pension to Margaret E. Lounsbury. January 21, 1907 . ... , ... 2 288 Jacob Bender. An act granting an increase of pension to Jawb Bender. Janus 21. 1907 .. . . 2288 William S. Qjrrtgley. An act granting an increase of pension to William S. guigley. January 21, 190 .. . . ..,_,,________ _ _____ 2289 Oliver P. Pierce. An act granting an increase of ppnsion to Oliver P. Pierce. January 21, 1907... 2289 William R. Fulk. An act granting a pension to 'illiam R,. Fulk, Janug r 2]_ 1907 ____ _ _______ 2289 .lo:yepIii1w I. R·ichmrmd. An act granting a pension to Jose hine I. Richmonil. January 21, 1907... 2289 Emi y J. Sherman. An act granting a pension to Emily}? Sherman. January 21, 1907 ... 2290 Jmnw E. Edarm. An act granting an increase of pension to Jennie E. Edson. Januarv 21, 1907... 2290 James C. Daly. An act granting an increase of pension to James (‘. Daly. January 21. 1907. ,... 2290 Gm;-W2}?. l1;Vg_shbvrm. An act granting an increase of pension to George H. Washburn. January . - 1 . . . ,,,______________ _ ________ _ _ _ Brice P. Jlunns. An act granting an increase of pension to Brice P. Munns. January 21, 1907... Eliza J. Ingle. An act granting a pension to Eliza J. Iuglo, January 2], 1907 _______________ _ ____ 2291 Simeon York. An act granting an increase of pension to Simeon York. January 21, 1907 _____ _ _ _ 229] Nelson R. Sattcrlce. An act granting an increase of pension to Nelson R. Satterlee. January 21 1907 ... . ..,.. i Timmy.: Faulty. An act granting an increase of pension to Thomas B. Foutty. January 21, 2291 I. .. a. .. . ,...,,____ _____ _______ _____ _____________-.-.-- 2 Peler Reedy. An act granting an increase of pension to Peter Reedy. January 21, 1907 _, Earl K. Childs. An act granting an increase of pension to Earl K. Childs. January 2], 190;; _ _ _ _ 2292 Michael Mahoney. An act grrntrng an increase of pension to Michael Mahoney. January 21 1907. 2292 Levi Gates. An act granting an increase of pension to Levi Gates. January 21, 1907 v .. 2292