Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/97

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xcviii LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTION. Page. Milburn Wagon Compzmy. An act for the relief of the Milburn Wagon Company, of Toledo, Ohio. February 27, 1907 .. . I .. 2659 H. D. Wright and Robert Neill. An act for the relief of M. D. Wright and Robert Neill. Febru- 2659 ary 27, 1907 ,_,..,,. . .,..,.._..,,.._. : ,,_,.,.,,,._ . ,_,,,,, : .,,..___,,,. Columbia Hoalgtal and Dr. A. E. Boozer. An act for the relief of Columbia Hospital and Doctor A. . Boozcr. February 27, 1907 . _ ... 2 660 16.:.: Bernice Farrell. An act for the relief of Miss Bernice Farrell. Ifebruag 27, 1907 ... 2660 ‘ Mita-wi Busaun Kaiaha. An act for the relief of the M1tsuiBu¤rn Karsha. ebruary 27, 1907 2660 James P. Barney. An act for the relief of James P. Barney. February 27, 1907 . . 2661 Samuel Lcdgcrwood. An act granting an increase of pension to Samuel Ledgerwood. February 2661 27, 1907 . . ...-.-.--- · -----·-----·--·------—-—·-- Rod: Island Arsenal jira looses. An act for the relief of persons who sustained property damage caused by fire at the Rock Island Arsenal. February 27, 1907 . ... 2661 JL A. Phelps and John W. Runner. An act for the relief of the heirs at law of M. A. Phelps and the heirs at law of John W. Renner. February 27, 1907.  ; 2662 Hol¢ur·Cab0¢ Electric Com . An act authorizing and directing the Secretary of the Treasury to pu to the Holtzerzabot Electric Company the amount due sand company from the Postrgllice Department, February 27, 1907 . .-.-..-- 2662 Wig Corbett. An act for the relief of Wiley Corbett. February 27, 1907 . . - 2663 Mary E. Brown. An act granting an increase of pension to Magi E. Brown. February 27, 1907.. . 2663 Jolm Shinolt. An act. granting an increase of pension to John inolt. February 2/, 1907 2663 William F. Clmdening. An act grantingan increase of pension to William F. Clendening. Febru 27, 1907 .. . .. 2663 Ama Béllplsitcrrmb. An act granting an increase of pension to Anne B. Whitcornb. February 664 27, 1907 . . .. 2 Caéper W ler. An act nting an increase of pension in Casper W. Tyler. February 27, 1907.. . 2664 W iam Wygparh. An gs? granting a pension to William W. Sparks. February 27, 1907 2664 N E. Hwa:. An act granting a pension to Nanny E. Hayes. February 27, 1907 . ... 2664 Asa 2. Gardner. 'An act fainting an increase of pension to Asa A. Gardner. February 27, 1907 2664 William G. Czgmngggs. n act granting an increase of pension to William G. Cummings. Feb— mary , 1 . 2665 ' ]{1:'ll0T‘IJG Robimon. An act to repml the act approved January twcnt.y·socond, nineteen hundred and three, lgrdalnther pension to Minerva Robinson. February 27, 1907 . . 2665 Columbus E and Olnar G. ayward. An act for the relief of Edwin . Hayward, executor of Columbus F. Hayward, and the administrator of Charlotte G. Hayward. February 28, 1907- . . ... . . . . 2665 Gouvcrncur ll Pocket. An act for the relief of Second Lieutenant Gouverneur V. Packer, Twenty- fourth United States Infantry. February 28, 1907 ... . ... 2666 Iolm and David West. An act for the relief of John and David West. Februa 28, 1907 .. 2666 Edwin B. Lufkin. An act granting an increase of pension to Edwin B. Lulhin. February 28, 1907 ... , ...,..__ . ______ 2666 Nancy Littlefield. An act granting an increase of pension to Nancy Littlefield. February 28, 1907. ..,,..,.,,,__ _ _______ 2666 Ruth E. Rogers. An act granting an increase of pension to Ruth E. Rogers. February 28, 1907 2666 Alvah D. Wilson. An act granting an increase of pension to Alvah D. Wilson. Februa 28, 1907. . . 2667 Luther H.7C¢m/Feld. An act granting an increase of pension to Luther H. Caulfield. lyebruary 28, 190 .. . . r - . 2667 Justin Kennedy. An act granting an increase of pension to Justin C. Kennedy. February 28, I ..·.. . .. . . 2667 Lewis Young. An act granting an increase of pension to Lewis Young. February 28, 1907 ... 2667 John W. Crane. An act ganting an increase o pension to John W. Crane. February 28, 1907 2668 Priscilla Hamill. An act granting an increase of pension to Priscilla L. Hamill. February 28, 1 . ...,. 2668 Hmm A. Willson. An act granting an increase of pension to Thomas A. Willson. February 28, 1907- . . .._.,,___ _ ____ _ ____________ 266 Charles E. Foster. An act granting an increase of pension to ("har|es E. Foster. February 28,1907.. . 266g Rey' Bledsoe. An act granting an increase of pension to Relf Bledsoe. Februa 28, 1907 . 2668 Warren Wiggznipple. An act granting an increase of pension to Warren W. Wlhyipple. February 28, . .. . .. . ..,,,______ _ ___________ _ _________ 2 Edwin P. iigiggardson. An act granting an increase of pension to Edwin P. Richardson. February 669 28. .. . . ...,,,,_________ _ ___________ Ludwig Schultz. An act granting an increase of pension to Ludwi Schultz. February 28, 1907... Michael Cullen. An act granting an increase of pension to Michael Cullen. February 28, 1907... . 2669 Elizabeth Strong. An act granting an increase of pension to Elizabeth Stron . Februar 28, 1907.. . 2669 Laura M. Freenum. An act granting an increase of pension to Laura M. 1§reermm. Ii/ebrunry 28, 1907. .. . .,,,_.________ _ ______________ _ _____ __ -· Thpudm-50W. Gates. An act granting an increase of pension to Theodore W. Gates. February be 260 1< 7 . . ..,., - ____.__________ _ ________________ _ ’ ~ Jane Agnew. An act granting a pension to Jane Agnew. February 28, 1907 _____,__ _ _____ Smzf; Bledsoe. An act granting a pension to Smith Bledsoe. Febmary 28, 1907 . _,,,_,______ -_ 2670 Charles: Church. An act granting an increase of pension to Charles Church. February z3_ 1907.` 3570 Maw 0, Foam-. An act granting an increase of pension to Mary 0. Foster. February 28 1907.. · 2671 Aga K. Hm-bert. An act granting an increase of pension to Asa K. Harbert. February 2S` 1907--_ 2671 Elnehq T. Arnold. An act granting an increase of pension to Elisha T. Arnold. February 2d, 1907;;: 2571