Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/236

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. 3074: ‘ ( rRocLAMATioNs, 1905. ~ R San Jmm F°“?S* along the New Mexico Principal Meridian to the south-east corner of eserve—Contu1- b . . . , , _ ned. Township thirty-six (36) North, Range one (1) ll est; thence westerly to the south-west corner of Section thirty-six (36)., said township; thence northerly to the north-east corner of Section fourteen (14), said township; thence westerly to the north-west corner of said section; thence northerly to the north-east corner of Section ten (10) , ` said township; thence westerly to the north—west corner of said section; thence northerly to the north-east corner of Section four (1), , said township; thence westerly along the Ninth (9th) Correction . Line North to the south—west corner of the south-east quarter of Section thirty-four (34), Township thirty-seven (37) North, Range one (1) West; thence northerly to the north-east corner of the north-west quarter of Section twenty-seven (27), said township; thence westerly to the north—west corner of the north-east quarter of Section twenty- eight (28), said township; thence southerly to the south-west corner of the south-east quarter of Section thirty-three , said township; thence easterly along the Ninth (9th) Correction Line North to the north-east corner of Section six (6), Township thirty-six North, ‘ Range one (1) )Vest; thence southerly to the south-east corner of said section; thence westerly to the north-east corner of Section ten (10) , Township thirty-six (36) North, Range two )Vest; thence southerly to the south-east corner of the north-east quarter of said section; thence westerly to the north-west corner of the south-west quarter of said section; thence southerly to the south-east corner of the northeast quarter of Section twenty-one (21), said township; thence westerly to the north-west corner of the south-west quarter of said section; thence southerly to the south-east corner of Section twenty (20) , _ · said township; thence westerly to the south—west corner of said section; thence northerly to the south-east corner of Section eighteen (18), said township; thence westerly to the south—west corner of the south-east quarter of said section; thence northerly to the north-west corner of the north-east quarter of said section; thence westerly to the north—west corner of said section; thence southerly to the southeast corner of the north-east quarter of Section thirteen (13), fractional Township thirty-six (36) North, Range two and one—half (2g) lVest; thence westerly to the south—west corner of the north—west quarter of said section; thence northerly to the north—west corner of , said section-; thence westerly to the south-west corner of fractional Section ten (10), said township;. thence northerlv to the north-west corner of fractional Section three (3), said township; thence easterly along the Ninth (9th) Correction Line North to the south-east corner of Section thirty-one (31), Township thirty-seven (37) North. Range two (2) \Yest; thence northerly to the north-east corner of said section: thence westerly to the north-west corner of said section; thence northerly to the north-east corner of Section twelve (12), Township thirty-seven North. Range three (3) )Vest; thence ¥ westerly to the north—west corner of said section; thence southerly to i the south-east corner of Section eleven (11), said township; thence westerly to the south-west corner of said section: thence southerly to the north-east corner of Section twenty-two (22). said township: thence westerly to the north—west corner of the north-east quarter of said section; thence southerly to the south-east corner of the southwest quarter of said section; thence westerly along the Ninth (9th) Correction Line North to the north—west corner of Section four (4), Township thirty-six (36) North. Range three (3) YVest; thence southerly to the south·west corner of Section thirty-three (33). said townshipythence easterly to the` llOI'tl1—€'tL}t Corner of Section three (3), Township thirty-five (35) North. Range three (3) West; thence southerly to the south-west corner of the north-west quarter of Section fourteen (14), said township; thence easterly to the north-east