Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/744

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L3464 INDEX. 'Lmnbard, Norman W, Page- g Lorch, J[a1*ia(wid0w), Pagew pension increased . 1661pension increased ... 2752 London, England, Lord, Charles P., classification and salary of consul-general. . , 99 pension increased .., 2048 apfprosriation for clerks at embassy . 289, 919 Lord, Napoleon D. O., or ispatch agent ... 289, 919 pension increased .., 1528 for clerk hire, consulate-general .. 293, 923 Lord, Thomas M., London, Ky., pension increased .,..,,. 2630 acquiring site and erecting public building L08 Angeles, Cal., at, authorized ... . .. 779 appropriation for public building ._.,,,___ 1300 W appropriation for ... 7 92, 1306 rent .. 698, 1300 Lonergzm, _Th0mas€;1 2 deficiepcy appropriation for public buildpension mcrems . 294mg, rent ,..,,,, 31 Lonqy, Philip, ‘ granted right of way for water sufply and L0pay1Ari5)i;t}?o . 2410 power plants, through pub ic lands, ng, a am G., etc 801 pension increased ... 1911 purchase of land .,_,.,...,_,,,. 801 Lang, Gecme F., limit of cost increased, public building, on . pension increased . 1963 site donated .., , , , , 785 Long, Hiram, sale of old building; proceeds for new one. 785 pension in]<3·ea.sed ... 1734 I L de?§rip;2i01}0f site corrected ... 1238 Long, Isaac ., os nge es nter- Urban Railway Compan , pensgm ... 2002 granted riglg of way acrogs ?au Pedro Maili- Long, acc ., » g tary reservation, a .. 915 pension increased .,. 1617 § Loss by Erchange, Lemg, Jawws M., { appropriation for, by Army disbursing pension increased ... 1444 agents abroad ,..,,.._,_ 247, 1164 Long, John, for consular service .. 295, 926 pensgau .,... 1914 L f1gh;i$c};l0matic service ..,, 289, 919 · Lang, a·nZ¢m .aw), ost c , · - pension .. . .. 1534 issue of duplicates for disbuming officefs, Long Pim Ifcrest Rcsqrveg, Mont., limit removed .. 301 · proclamation establishing 3235 Lost, ctc., Checks and Warrants, Lemg, §'amgwl C., L issue offuplicates for; limitation removed. 84 pension increascd ... 1533 osure, arwt, Long, Susan M. (widow), ‘ pension increased ...___. 1941 pension increased ... 1 . . .‘ 2249 Louisiana, Lang, Willjam C., 22 appropriation for surveyor-general, clerks, pension ipcreased ... 17 etc ,,., 435, 980 Long, Willwm H., for survey of certain lands in .. . 726 pension incieased ... 2726 bridge authorized across Bayou Bartholo. Longendyc e, mas, mew in ..,,..,,,,.,,______________ 1003 pension increased ... 2319 survey of unsurveyed public lands, di- Longfellow, Charles F.. rected ...,,,,.,,,,_,,______________ 199 pens;z;1wm1g;;easedvI. Q k ... 1554 title toccertain lands w%tl{}u claimbgf Isaac Lon?/e , enry ’a surort ., row, assignee 0 incent ichele, se action of site in Washington. D. (‘., for confirmed ,,...,,,._. _ ,,,,,, , ,,,___ 896 statue of .. 830 Louisiana Diszilling Company, anxzpropriation for prvpamtion. mv ... 830 relief of ,...,...,,.,.,_______,_______ 2822 Long t, Jams, Wichita Allotlw. g Louisiana, M0., L patc;;1t can<·<-lvd .., 364 deficiency appropriation for public build- 01198 Ur ,_ a .. ‘ mg, a vertising ... , ,___ 1375 pensii;1 igcrcilased ... 1534 i bridge authorized across Mississippi River Lmwgsta . ug , 1 at .,...,,,,__ _ __,__,_______ 933 pension linglrcasgad ...,... 1611 l Lowzlviana Molassvs Company (Limiled), Lmzgswart , am M., ‘ relief of _..__.____ _ ______________ 2822 pension increased ... 1609 I Louisville, Ky.,

 Apna M. (widow, l appropriation for improvement of Ohio

pension increased ... 2421River at ___________________________ 1096 LommLs_, James W, i Loumzberry, Joshua Jl., pension increased ... 2170 pension increased _______________________ 1931 L00m1Ls_, Mgry (widow), r Loumberry, Willwkzm, pension increased ... 2559 pension increased _______ _ _______________ 1546 Looalgyf Dgygielv 1 LO'Ll·7l8Qll7'y1 All.?/`gl1’I`€Z (w’Iid0’llI}, pension increased ... 2426 p¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤<>rease<1 . . ._ ...- 2288 Lorain, Ohio,Lrmravie, Lucy A., Indian Allotlee, appropriztticm for improvement of har- L f€Q`S1m%$? utk! to · · 1 ···‘··‘‘‘‘ ’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 365 bor .. , ____ _ ______ _ ______ 736_ 1094 ourenpg gzrquvz, Africa, preliminary examination of harbor, to be V . Lchgig; cv{;}.;(;¥1 ¤¤d¤=¤1==¤v of mnsul ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 99 Inside ____ _____ _____·___ U-·U__UH 1116v 0unSi£)ni'l !am» 1908 Lomnce, William H.. Leg; Hm nge ``````````````````'` p€¤¤i<>¤ i¤¤¤>¤¤€d ·------···-··------.--. 1605 p€},S;On7i{,c,;§aS€d _______________________ 2742 Lorwrcggrr, fimno J. Love, John M., A pension increased ... 2562 pension increased ___,._.,_,__.,...,.,_,. 1813