Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/761

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· INDEX. 3 4 8 1 Mississippi Rirer—Continued. Page- Missouri Ring-, Page. 00¤1¤11SS10¤ to répcrt on une of surplus appropriation fm- lighting ______________ 713, 1320 viaters of,l_bet§{een Saint Paul and for improvement of, to Kansas City . 1105 ¤!¤!€¤P0 ¤¤» mn ·-------·-···---.- 456 from Kansas Cit w Sioux Cit ,. 1105 °°mP°€”F“’¤ ----·--—--------·- _ -·------- 4 57 from Sioux (lit; to Fort Beniron; ap- _ propositions; whether there will be sur- plicatjon ___________________________ 1106 _ plug: for power Ylurposes .. t . 457 deficiency appropriation for destroiing ice if inaigggasfoggig t and power, public 457 b d gorgi-il near;/erinilionz S.BDaad.. 1381 _ _, 6 --.». _ -.·--.. fl ge authorize across, in ro water feasibility of disposing of power; and Gallatin counties, Mont 456 plans, etc .. 457 Glasgow, M0 __________________________ gig d meetings; urge oferizport ... E A. . 457 Kansas City, Kang ____________________ _ 884 am, etc., authoriz across, at emi ji, Kansas Cin; , M0 ________________ _ _______ 196 Mimi ---- 1 ----.-.. ’ 210 Lewis and }€)1arke County, Mont _,______ 457 ggearjwatcé, M¤;m.M_ ... 333 Sainltfharles and Saint Louis counties, _ ompon oun y, mn 0 ______________________________ _ _ glg Mqutncellc, Minn ... 264 Walworth County, S. Dak _,_____________ 193 Sami Child, Mlilll I .. · . .: _ 5 37 Walworth and Dewey counties, S. Dak_ _ 95 exchange of lands with Minneapolis, Minn., dams, etc., authorized across, in Montana. 111, 912 {Of Lock Bild Dam N0. 1 ... 188 preliminary examination Of, to bg made modificatg; autgorized of bridge across, from mouth to Sioux City; restricat irie u Jhien, Wis ,_..,,_,,__ _ 615 tion _____,_,,_,____,_,_,,,____,,__ 1115 time e?tend§1d for bridging, at Fort. Sue]- 1418 time exteréded fog lérilgging, between Kan- _ mg, _ nn . sas ity an i ey, M0 911 V _ Saint 1401118 M0 883 South Omaha, Nebr ,_,_,,________ _ ____ 817 tyume extended for dam, etc., at Clearwater, 1 Yankton, S. Dal; ,,_,__________ 9, 10, 897, 1q53 ef., 2 ...-.. » .. 1235 time extended for dam across, in Montana., 1415 Hculgccllo, MIQD ... 1735 Missouri River Improvevmmt Company, -

 C(é\l;l{?',_(¥.il1Il    dam, etciuauthorizegl across Missouri River

an 1 s ... ° in ontana, ...,,..,,,_, 912 Sauk Rapids, Ligllll . _ . 2 . 1058 M issouri Western Judabgal District, W d Sherbume counties, Mum . . 84 Phelps County transferred to eastern diause of ce for improving, from the Ohio tries from, ,_,,,,,,,,,,________ 875 to the Missouri, authorized 838 Mitchell, Andrew T.,

 Kim Commission, ‘ Mpension increased ...,.,,,,.,,,__ 2052

appropriation for exgxenses, improvements uchell, Catharine R. (widow), from Head of asses to the 01110. . 740, 1103 ion increased ...,.,...,,_,,, 1695 authorized tofmqke allotments of appropri- 208 Mitchell, Cm-a F. (daughter), ations or evees . . . - cnsion .,,_, 1775 gdrgétiomgoconmcm authorized- . . . 1103 { Milchell, Cornelia (widow of Nathan), ats, etc., to maintain - 00t pension, ___, 2008 gechannel ... 1103 Mitchell, Cofrmlia (widow of Leonard Peaalee), allotments for harbors, etc 1103 upension . 2563 with two engineer officers to report on 14- 1 itchell, David, foot c anne], Saint Louis to mouth 1104 Mpens§;>nJi1;lcreIz§se<% ._, 2244 of river, etc ..., : .. itche , 0 in ., ate a Senator, special subjects . 1104 deficiency appropriation for payment no Kummlfpi River Power Company, widow . . . . .. . .. 43 may am Mississippi River at Clearwater, Mitchell, Isaiah, ~ Minn ...,,,.,. 266 Mpension increased ... 1640 near Monticello, Minn .. 264 ilchell, John C'., time extended for dum, etc., across Missis- Mpension increased ... 2555 sippi River at Clearwater, Minn 1235 itchell, John T., gt, Monticello!} Mi?11 . 1235 Mpe}x;g>nLincrea,sed ... 2366 llisxissi `Soun ,Aa., itc » , evi, pmliiggilary examination to be made of Mpension increased ... 2519 chagnel Mobile Bay .. 1111 itchell, Mary (widow), 7

 · ’ 1 mm , iss., ension . 147

paymgrgi for dredging channel and anchor- gchell, Mildred W. (uwklaw), ago basin between Ship Island Har- Mpension increased ... . 1889 bqr and Gulfport _____,, , ,,.._,,,_, 833 1 itchell, Mollie J, (willow), Miggoliln Farm: Re;erinei]Mom., · 3259 Mpe;zxs;;>nqingeimed ,,. 2432 rox-lamntion estab is in . . itc e , r . a ., y¥,,m,,Lq, Mmm, g acquiring site and erecting public building gggqgiying site for public building at., au- A at, authorized .. . .., 781 ghwizgri ___,,,_,,_,_,. 783 _ apgrox/riatnon for. .. . .. . .. .. 794, 1301 appyoxyiation fm- __,,,,,,__... . ..,. 795 M1tche_ , zllmm B ., jggaww,- Jmgrql Railroad Company, Jfwenmon increased .,..,,. 1922 mn brid e Missouri River at Glasgow, Mo, 818 {mit Busan Kaisa, 5%,3;;; émrlgg and Saint Louis counties, payment to . 2660 M0 _____________ _ _______,__ _ _______ 818 Mitiag, Azelia (widow), yissouri Eqggm Judk-121lDixtrict, [pension . 2740 Phelps County transferred from western A oat.s,_Sanfm·d II., dim-ic; 150 eastern division of 875 pension . 2419