Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/834

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3o54 . INDEX. Pneumatic Tubes, etc., Postal Sermke. PBSG- Police, D. C.—C0ntinued. Pageapgropriation for mail transmission by; rules and regulations; authority of C0m— contracts ,. 472, 1211 missioners .. 221 extension limited to Brooklyn, Cincin- removals; additional privates and speuati, Kansas City, and Pittsburg. 472,1211 cials .. 222 Baltimczc a11d4San Francisco added . . . 1211 rigglatgn of charges ... 222 Pocahontas Be Assocwhticm, tria oar s; creation, powers, etc 222 donated historic metal of the Navy for bell. 1424 review of findings ... . . . i ... 222 Pocomoke River, Md., administering oaths, etc.; pending proa propriation for improvement of . 1081 ceedings .. 222 Pofembcrger, Hezekiah, rules in force ratified; changes 222 . pension iucycaseyi ,...,.. . . 2764 desk sergeants made privateq, claqs two. . . 222 Pohlcrs, Sqphw (wadow), surgeonsu. appomtment, QUBIIHCBHOIIS, and pension increased . 2042 duties 222 Poinsett County, Ark., salaries; allowance to mounted force .. 223 bridge authorized across Little River, iu. . 112 resignations restricted 223 A Sagit River in Cross County and . 819 former laws contiinéwd; ciiflect . . . . 223 Point cna, ., pensions to inc u c mot em 0 mem ers appropriation for rebuilding light station. . 710 _ who died prior to March 1, 1905 95 Pom! Arguello, Cal., inspectors added to beneficiaries of pen- P deiiciencyl3p]é;0lpdati0u for light station. - 1405 P I leg;} fund . 1003 aint Cabnl , .,0 itica emea, light and fog signal station directed ... 323 of aliens, not involving moral turpitude, P de§cienc¥,;?(¥r?r§ati0u for 659 » P lk Bugle? n8t(ex$ud)e admission. ... 899 aint, .., 0, nce.w`0w, appropriation for improvement of entrance pension .. I .. 2487 P _ _ to , --.,. ,.,.,,,,,.. ,. 1075 Polk, Charles G., aint Judith, R. I., pension increased . 1857 appropriation for improvement of harbor Polk, Ezdcial, of refuge; contracts ,...,,_... 739, 1075 pension increased ... . . 1615 exaxrinliuatioxéagar additional brcakwater 1075 Pollard, Allison W, Paint inog, ., pension . 1994 appro riation for rebuilding light station. . 710 Pollard and Wallace, Pom; Pznsant, W Vm, payment to . 2310 inspector of hulls and boilers provided for Pollard, Joseph, p "‘}¥“z2§‘m ‘‘‘‘‘ E ·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1 °“ p‘i?.§Z?}°‘i}“°»'%d‘1;;L;1"5 ‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ "‘ "°2 ointcaue , ria, 0 , art .('<rw, » appropriation for light-vessel ... 713, 1321 pension . . ... 2257 Points to State Surveys, ; P°l8t0'”;» A¥€m”d€T D-, appropriation for furnishing ,,,,_... 714, 1322 E Ingggggggtiniggaignedl --·--··--------·-··-- - - - 1790 Pois¢ms,.D.C., 1 .8,. ¤o I tions of the Bale OL · _ _ l I _ l i _ · _ · _ _ . ‘ _ 175 , naturalization denied to ,,,_,.__.,.,,_.,, 598 ’ for use in the arts permits etc ... 177 Polggqmws, etc". , ’ ’ = 2. mission of ahen, excluded ., 899 Polwe CQYLQTZ,-D. C., _ Polygamy or Plural Mmviagea, aPFr°P¥mU0“ for Salanes ·--·-—-·-·-···- 5073 1147to e rohibitcd by constitution of Arizona. 279 » or witness fees .. 507, 1147 gkghoma ______________________ _ _______ 269 fogmiscellaneouq; jurorsu: .. 507,1147 pommm Fanny G_ (widow), deficxeuc appropriation for jurors, etc. 642, 1379 pension increased 2193 for condemning land for new building. . . 642 ‘ Ponca Indian Auouéég ```'`°```°````` ’ f<>r furnishing, ew-, new building -·----- 886 l reeeim la patents anthorinbd to mmm 356 warrants of arrests by justices of the peace, r plmw Ingiam N·€b,._` ` P l_ geglmablc to ············ · ·······-· 126 payment. ofvshare in Sioux fund; minors, owe, . ., ’ etc ...,,,.. 356 ·a.pipr0pri:1t,i0n for mgjor, officers, etc 503,1142 Ponca Indzhns, Okla., or rent; Anacostia; fuel; repairs 503, 1143 appropriation for support, etc., of .. 362, 1043 for contingent expenses . 504, 1143 ~ Pemuao, _M1,e}g,, _ for flags, rent, etc ... 504,1143 { acqumug me for public building am, anfor lot for station, Anacostia ____,.,..._, 1143 { Lhorized , ,______,____________,,,_, 783 for house of detention 504, 1143 appropriation fo; ______________________ 795 for harbor patrol expenses ... 504, 1144 L Pool, jzzmea, deficiency approprismon for contingent ex- ? pension increased _________________________ 2644 pénses ... 642 g Pool, Martin, reorganization; subdivision of District in 5 pension increased _________________________ 2957 precincts and districts . 221 Pool, Wilson J, appointments; claasitication of privates. , . 221 3 pension increased ,...,., . . 1487 promotion of privates ..,,.,,. 221 g Poole, F, M,, in emergent cases; waiver of time re- Z ent, to. .,,,__,,,_,__,,___,,._.,.,.. 2662 - quirement .. _ ._ _ . 1252 Pgzigqg. _ appointment of addmoxml prwates of L appr0pr1ationforrel1ef of the .. 512,1153 class one to till vacancies ...,... 1253 5 Pope, James Vw officers and privates classified ..,.. 221 pension increased ___________________ _ _____ 1339 duties of officers _.,.,,.. 221 g Pope, Simeon D., status of present force ... 221 i pension increased _________________________ 2593