Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/849

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INDEX. 3569 Public Byiildiijnqs, Omnibus Act——Cont’d. Page ‘ Public Buildings, Omnibus Act—Cont’d. Pageacquiring site for, authorized at Missoula, at Watertown, N. Y., to be taken down, 3p£;%I;;i$i;- - —----··—-------- · -.~.. and nevfr one erected on site; use of _ 1011 or materia s ... 785 New London, Conn 782 appropriqtion for ... 796, 1305 N ar;€£rgpnationg0rN . ... rec0nst1%uc]g10r£ and enlarging authorized g Ogawa;] 3, _ ___________,____ yd, V _________________ 785 appropriation for 795 a rg riaiiorxiqgiii if . 9 1303 Nortg Yakima Wash ‘784 pp F · 7 671303 _ _ r ··-——· · -·-- · ---·—· · TBH -·-... . .. . ... , ..,,,_, 3PP\’0P¤3¢10¤ fo1‘ 796 disposal of, Grand Rapids, Mich., and N€Wl18¤, G2; ---..··... 782 erection of new one on site ___...__, 785 P5PlC;'1foP¤¥10¤ fol` appropriation for .. , 796, 1298 BS 1116 _ QI ...-. rent ...,. 1298 P 8·Pp1&0P§1&tl0I1 fo1’ 726 construetion of new building, New Orleans, 6111, 11 ·-------.----- 7 2 La.: cost .. 786 _8»p£l‘0pI’i3ti011 for 794 appropriation for .._._.,._,,,,_, 796, 1301 Pitts ll!`g,_P£} ... 784 construction of new, Atlanta; cost ,,..,.,, 786 appropriation for 795 appropriation for ,... _ , , 796, 1295 P13.ttSm0I1}Q]1,_ Nepr .. 783 disposal of old building on completion of appropriation or 795 n¤w one ._,._,_,_____ _ 786 Plymouth: ... 782 commisgon to investigate postal situation, P appropxgon for ‘ 795 New York ... . ...,, 786 _ ontnac. “ 783 continued ,._,.,_,_,__ _ _,___ , 1231 appropriation for 795 · appropriation for expenses .. 786 Punxsutawney, Ps. . ; .. 784 sale of portion of site of, Marblehead,)/[ass- 786 appropriation for .. J . A 795 purchase of site, authorized, at Oklahoma Rochester! Minn. ,.. 783 . City, Okla.; former appropriation apgrropnation for ,.. , 795 . available .., 787 San arccs, Tex 784 appropriation for .. 796 appropriation for ..,.,... 796 construction of, authorized, at Houston, Santa Cruz, Cal 782 Tex.; cost . 787 appropriation for 794 appropriation for ... 796, 1299 Sewickley, Pa. ...,. V 784 contraqts _ authorized; szile of present appropriation for 795 building on completion of new one, 787 Shampkm! Pa ,,,,.,,,. 784 sales of certain lands in Washington, D. C., appro nation for, ,... , ,v ,,,.. 795 to Sidney Bieber, authorized ,., 787 Sheminiyoah, Iowa, .. 782 condemnation of certain triangles for resergpgmpriation for ,.,,... ; .. 73; vgtionsdin District of Columbia, au- $0 t Chicago Ill ,_.. . . 7 t orize .. 787 gppmpyigugil for ________,,,, . ,.,,,.. 794 permission granted for monument by vol- Syracuse, N, Y _,_., 783 unteer firemen, Washington, D. C.., 788 appropriation for ______._,,,,,,,,..,. 795 offers for sites to be presented in writing. . 788 Temple, '1je;E___} _____,_,,,,,,_,, V .._... rent Spf btnildmgs standing; exposure to 788 nat;] r ___,,,,.,,,.. , .._... ·1‘€€ Q. . . . _ Tggyrgya ____ (T T1, fi __,_____,,.,,.._. 782 commi;siol1: gn gdditions to Rock (*1-eek ' { f __,_,__,,,_,,... 794 _ ar , . 788 W:¥;1;;(;I;,::igt0g14O?T _____,,_,,_,,... 783 proposals to be invited; examinations, utc. 788 appropriation for 795 exposure for protection from tire .. 789 Watertown, Wis ________,_,,.,...,. 784 quarters for all bmncheq of <_}uvernrne·nt ‘ appropriation for ,...,,..,.,., . . . serzziice to be provided in buildings 1236 W y W' _ _______, _, ,_,_,_,__,.,,. un er .. zppipgiagiéz fm- ______________ _ ___,_ 796 changes etc., to be within limit of cost , . 1236 Wgygggg, Ga ___,____,,,_, , ,.___.,,,,.,. 782 Clariuda, lowq, allowance for site . 1236 agpybpyigtign fm ______________, _ _,,, Lancaeiter&Oh10, purchase of site author- 1236 W 4; , _____________,_____,,___,_ .. nze . . gpggpjumn for ___________,,, , ,_,,, 795 Ocala, Fla., enlarqement of site _.. 1236 Wg; point, Miss ______________ _ ____,_, 783 Owusgo, Mich., en agement of site __ _, , 1236 Wagpmpgftiqm for _,,,,,,.. . . . Washington Paggléd . C., property restnc- 1236 , 355 ________,__, , , ,_,,,,,,,.. IODS l'€p . ... . . g ggpyiatiqm for ______________,,. . _ , 79.5 Perry, Okla., acceptance of post—of¥ice Y0&’ Pa ________________ _ ______________ 784 { building and site .. 1237 appycpriatign fgy ____________________ 795 § Des Moines, Iowa, acceptance of land ...__ 1239 size to gp sufficient for accommodation of ,-84 ggizll igibgidigiggaggiggd ... 0 ces etc .. . . i · :· ’ ···· .· · · we cr Old ¤¥¤i¤t». Damien ¢~>*<>—; p¤><=¤¢d¤ ’ C°"“' }§;?Tf‘?t.¥‘T‘f'?1?f‘}i’.?Yf’T?T‘ifF?‘}i‘i my I fg? nm; *{¤¤1d¤¤z5 · ········ · ‘ 784 1 Washington, D. C., sale of land on Anacosimit 0 COS iD€f€¤·¤€ , €¤V€¤’, 0 Ov tm River ... 1237 mint .--····--·--·-- ~ -·---·-··~———·- 784 , Duluth, Minn., extension of present build- B8] f ld b `ldi _ Los Angeles; pro- in . etc .. . . 1238 G Ocezdg fol;1m;;€>uilding . . .,. 785 Publk Buigidings, Omnibus Bill, 1906, sale of site 1238 Q conference committee on deficiency ap- Iimit of cost increased, Los Angeles, Cal. . . 785 l propriation bill authorized to insert appropriation for- , ,.,,,,.,.,.. 1300 appropriations to carry out 2834