Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/97

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GENERAL ACT—MOROCCO. APRIL 7, 1906. 2937 tables, etablies par chaque Léga— lected from the lists of notables tion pour les etrangers et par le drawn up in the case of foreign Representant du Sultan pour les subjects by each legation, and in marocains. Ils seront designes, the case of Moors by the Sultan’s autant que possible, proportionel- representative. They shall be aplementaldmportance du commerce pointed as far as possible in prode chaque nation. portion to the importance of the commerce of each nation. La Commission sera nommée The committee shall be appointpdur trois années. ed for the term of three years. _ Le tarif des valeurs fixees par The schedule of values fixed by Scmdule °f“m°S° elle servir:1 debase aux estimations it shall serve as a basis for the · qui seront faites dans chaque bu- appraisals which the administrareau par Padministration des dou- tion of Moorish customs shall anes marocaines. Il sera amche make in every custom-house. It dans les bureaux de douane et dans shall be posted at all customles chancelleries des Legations ou houses and in the chanceries of des Consulats a Tanger. the legations and consulates at Tangier. Le tarif sera susceptible d’etre The schedule may be revised at revise au bout de six mois, si des the end of six months in case of modifications notables sont surve- considerable changes in the values nues hdarg la valeur de certaines of certain articles. marc an ses. . ABT. 97. Un Comité permanent, Am'. 97 .. A permanent commit- miifelellmuem com dit “C0mité des douanes", est ins- tee, to be known as the “Committitué 5. Tanger et nommé pour tee of Customs,"shall beorganized trois annees. Il sera compose d’un at Tangier and appointed for a Commissaire special de Sa Majcste term of three years. It shall con- Cheritienne,d’un membreduCorps sist of a special commissioner of Diplomatique ou Consulaire de- His Shereefian Majesty, of amemsigne par le Corps Diplomatique ber of the diplomatic or consular zi Tanger, et d’un delegue de la body apgointed by the Diplomatic Ban ue d’Etat. ll pourra s’ad» Body at angier, and ofadelegate joindre, zi titre consultatif, un ou from the State Bank. It shall be plusieurs representants du service empowered to add to its members, des Douanes. in an advisorycapacity, one or more representatives of the customs service. Ce Coniité exercera sa haute This committee shall exercise its D°“°°‘ surveillance sur le fonctionne- high supervision over the customs ment des Douanes et pourra pro- service, and shall have the right poser zi Sa Majeste Chérifienne les to propose to His Shereefian Majmesures qui seraient propres a esty such measures as are likely apporter des ameliorations dans le to effect improvement in the servservice ct zi assurer la regularite ice and assure the regularity and et le contréle des operations et supervision of operations and colgerceptions (debarquements, em- lections (landing, shipping, land arquements, transport a terre, transportation, handling, the inmanipulations, entrees et sorties coming and outgoing of merchandes marchandises, magasinage, es- dise, storage, appraisal, liquidation ‘ timation, liquidation et perception and collection of duties). The des taxes). Par la creation du creation of such a Committee of "C0mité des d0uanes", il ne sera Customs shall in no way infringe porté aucune atteinte aux droits the rights stipulated in favor of stipules en faveur des porteurs de the bondholders by articles 15 and titres par les articles 15 et 16 du ,16 in the loan contract of June Contrat d’empruut du 12 J uin 12th, 1904. 1904.