Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1135

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1118 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 321. 1909. certificate, obligation, or other security of any; foreign government, issued or put forth und)er the authority of suc forgign govgrpment, . or any treasury note ill or romise to pay issue y suc oreign government, and intehded, to ciiculate as money, either by law, order, or decree of such foreign government; or whoever shall cause or pimcure to be so falsely made, altered, forged, or counterfeited, or s all knowingjybaiddor asggt mallpéng, altering, tiiprging, ortcounterfeiting, any suc on cer ca o ga ron or o er securi y or any suc treasury note, bill, or promise to pay; intended as aforesaid to circu- F¤¤¤*¤h¤¤¤¤¢ *9*- late as mocpey, shall behfineg not more than five thousand dollars and im risone not more t an ve ears. fofgeffgclggggeeif Sec. 157. Whoever, within the United States or any place subject VOI;xlZ3,p.23._ to the jurisdiction thereof, knowingly and with intent to defraud, shall utter, pass, or put off, in payment or negotiation, any false, forged, or counterfeited bond, certificate, obligation, security, treasury note, bill, or promise to pay, mentioned in the section last preceding, _ whether the same was ma e, altered, forged, or counterfeited within P“‘“*"““°“* ‘°"· the United States or not, shall be fined not more than three thousand _ _ dollars and 11r‘%·isoned not more than three years. 0{’}’,;;‘(;Q‘{},Q{{*{?·'sf‘°*°* SEc._15§. _ _ oever, the United States or ang place subject V¢>1.z&,p. 2a to the jurisdiction thereof, with intent to defraud, sha, alsely make, alter, forge, or counterfeit, or cause or procure to be so falsely made, altered, forged, or counterferted, or shall knowingly ard and assist in the giillse magigg, altlerinig, forging, opcounperfeitjng of any bink nots or 1 rssue y a an or co ora 10D o any orergn coun an mtended by the law or usage if such foreign country to circrilate as _ money, such bank or corporation being authorized by the laws of P“m¤’¤¤°¤' *°’· such coungry, shall be fined not more than two thousand dollars and im risone not more t an two ears. U¤·gj¤g¤9l¤¤*¤*f,•f* Sec. 159. Whoever, within the United States or any place subject mii$i.zi?§1?b°m S' to the jurisdiction thereof, shall utter, pass, put off, or tender in payment,_with intent to defraud, any such false, forged, altered, or lréolrmterfepiipd bank potle or bm,] as rpentignedtin gre prsceding Ectiog, owing e same o e so a se orge a ere an counte eit whether the same was made, forged, altered, or dounterfeited within P¤¤i¤h¤¤¤¤¢f<>¤‘· the United States or not, shall be fined not more than one thousand H v_ _ dollars and rnvjplrisoned not more than one year. S,An“‘g§,§¤,;},E{;°S§§§i Sec. 160. _ oever, within the United_States or any place subject e¤e/r;g;ir;r¤g,¤¢c. go cth; jurisdiciirorrj thireofl, shal; have in_his_possession any false, D‘Zi*:.° t§1"{»‘}`('fIi?S€°2Y. "`V ’ Wk °“E°’ °b1‘%il"*"’ S‘”2i’“if"" K'“‘f;"’”' ~, a_, a noe or 1 issue a an or corporatidn of any foreign country, wifh intent to utteryypass, or put off the same, or to deliver the same to any other person with intent that the same_ may thereafter be uttered, passed, or put off_as true, . _ or shall knowingly deliver the same to any other erson with such

  • """""“‘"“‘°’· intent, shall be fineld not more than one thousand) dollars and imp _ prisoner not more t an one year.

_,,{f,*f‘,j{}§, _;fj,mQQ;;‘g§{ Sec. 161, lihoever, within the United States or any place subject ry;»;§;·;w¤»r_L;»reig¤ se- to the] jurrsdrstron thereof, excgpt by llawful authority, shall have m.&h,"p.'2z. contro , custo y, or possession o any p ate, stone, or other thing, or . any part thereof, from which has been printed or may be rint ll. counterfeit note, bond, obligation, or other security, in $*1101; (oiiliii part, of any foreign government, bank, or corporation, or shall use such plate, stone, _0r other thing, or kIl0WlI1g'ly permit or suffer the same to be used rn counterfeiting such foreign obligations, or anv · part thereof; or whoever shall make or engrave, or cause or procurh to be made or engraved, or shall assist in making or engraving, any plate, stone, or ot_ er thing, in the likeness or similitude of any plate, stone, or other thing designated for the printing of the genuine issues of the obhgatrons of any foreign government, bank, or corporation;