Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/115

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 153. 1908. 97 roman sono0L. For support and education of two hundred and fifty Indian pupils T°m**h ¤¤b°¤l· at the Irxlian school, Tomah, Wisconsin, and y of superintendent, forty-three thousand four hundred and fifty dollhrs; For general repairs and improvements, three thousand dollars; In al , forty-six thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. For support and civilization of the Chi pewas of Lake Superior, g¤Ch¥.’£€w°° °f L"" Wisconsin, to be expended for agricultural) and educational pu ses; Sl:PP°’*· °'°· pay of employees, including pay of physician, purchase of goddis) and pzpvisions, and for such other purposes as ma be deemed for the t interests of said Indians, seven thousand dohars. · . WYOMING. w’°"""" For support and civilization of Shoshone Indians in Wyoming, §§f,“,,'},‘}{"°§;,,_ twelve thousand dollars. snosuorm SCHOOL For support and education of one hundred and seventy·live Indian ugfgjlggg R¢¤¢¤·v•- pupils at the Indian school, Shoshone Reservation, Wyoming, and pay ' of superintendent, thirty-one thousand and twenty-five dollars; For general repairs and improvements, three thousand dollars; For remodeling buildings, five thousand dollars; In all, thirty-nine thousand and twenty-five dollars. _ For genera incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Wyoming, I“°“’°““"’· including traveling expenses of agents, one thousand dollars. - - X For oontinuinglthe work of constructing an irrigation aystem within summons Reservathe diminidied S oshone or Wind River Reservation in yomin , one “‘}'},:,,_,,,,,,,,, ,,.,,,,,,,_ hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars: Bwided, That san? sum mm. be reimbursed to the Treasury of the United States from the sale of R<>*¤¤*>¤¤<>¤¤•>¤¤- lands made under the provision of the Act of March third, nineteen v¤x.a:s,p.1ma hundred and five. (33 Statutes at Large, page 1016.) That all lands allotted to Indians in severalty or reserved for their ,u,‘;,§g_°°’ °‘ *"*¤°'°'° use in common on the Shoshone or Wind River Reservation, in \Vyo— ming, susceptible of irrigation, may be leased for a term not exceeding twenty years for cultivation under irri tion in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, and he is herdlily authorized to rform any and all acts and to make such rules and regulations as maybie necessary for the purpose of carryinglthis provision into full force and effect. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to issue a Episcopal Domes— patent to the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protes- §}§,Q,'}‘} S,,2{§}§f‘ ML" tant Episcolpal Church in the United States of America for and cover- mmgqajgf ¤¤¤*¤¤ ing the fo owing-described lands, amounting to approximately one " hundred and sixty acres, now and for many years reserved for and occupied by the said board of missions as an Indian school, to wit: The northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, the north half of the southwest quarter, andthe southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section eight, townshi one south, range one west of the Wind _ River meridian, on the Wihd River Reservation, in Vifyoming: Pm- €’,§°,,,"‘,1’,'{;,,, 1,,,,,,,,, vided, That the said patent shall not issue until the Indians of the said reservation have given their consent to the grant through their business committee or council in such manner as the Secretary of the Interior shall provide. _ That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to issue to ,n§g§{Q;,;;§0f,jff“°"° the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions a patent for and covering the Psnirp scr I¤<1i¤¤ following described lands, amounting approximately to three hundred °°l`°° “S` and eleven acres, now and for many years reserved for and occupied by the said Bureau `of Catholic Indian Missions as an Indian_scho0 . to