Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/118

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]_()() SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cue. 157-159. 1908. at the meander corner between sections fifteen and sixteen, township twenty-five north, range three east, Willamette meridian; thence along the reservation boundary northerly, easterly, northerly, westerly, uortherl , westerly, northerly, westerly, and northerly to the meander P [ line on tie north side of section ten 0 said toyvnshxp and range: Pro- Bwé. cw- vided, That all expense of ogening and maintaining said street shall be borne by said city and that 1: e work of m0v1n€ the Government fenees to the location made necessary by this grunt s all be done by and cnty without expense to the Uuif#States and to the satisfaction of the military authorities. Approved, May 2,; . rk

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. CHAP. 8.- ‘ if ofastoel fe boatforusebetween [)€{*·2"%'g·] .. Angel I¤h¤}d5md 1f<?xirii§.,u£:]i1}?steelcuuerllIe5i- use of immigration [main, N0.1G.] oieials at Bm _' . Be it enamied and House of Repreaentat¢?ves oft/w United m;“‘”*’¤"'**""‘ “°"' States ofAvrsa¢@·@i;@gresa assembled, Thatjhe Secretary of Com- énchuedswcifer- meme and Lubo qbe, d he is hereby, authorized to secure by pur-

 Siiz chase or construction a steel ferryboat at a cost not exceeding one
  • P°*’**°“· hundred thousand dollars, to be used in the immigration service

between Angel Island and San Francisco, California, and a steel cut- Limitof wsu ter, at a cost not to exceed twentyfive thousand dollars, for the use of the ofHcials of the immigration service at San Francisco, California. Approved, May 2, 1908. lay 5. 190.GHAP. 159.-·—-All Act To relinquish, release, and confirm the title of eermin lands

 in California to the Western Power Company.

[Public' No` lm`] Be it enacted ky the Senate and House of Represen¢atives 0 f the United C:X,§§Q°§ 2'§;,P°w°r States of America in Congress assembled, That all the interest of the m';g¤d({gt§i‘;§*”‘gf)‘},€ United States in and to the land in the Susanville land district, in ¤¤¤m,_¤mq., co. the State of California, known and described as the north half of the D°“°“’“°“‘ northwest quarter of section twenty-two, the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter and the west bali of the southwest quarter of sec- ‘ tion t;wenty-seven, the west half of the northwest quarter of section tbirty-four, in township twenty-seven north, range seven east, Mount Diablo base and meridian, and the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section seven, the north half of the southwest quarter of section eight, the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section fifteen, the northwest quarter, the west half of the northeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section seventeen, the northeast uarter of the northeast quarter of section eighteen; also a portion oil section twenty-one, be inning at the east quarter corner o section twenty-one, thence soutg six hundred and sixty feet; thence south fortyfxive degrees west one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six feet, to a point six hundred and sixtv feet north from the south section line of the said section; thence north one thousand nine hundred and eighty feet, to the east and west half section line of said section; thence east one thousand three hundred and twenty feet, to the point of beginning, containing forty acres; and the east half of the northwest quarter of section twenty-two, in townshi twenty-seven north, range eight east, Mount Diablo base and merid? ian, and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the north— east quarter of section twenfyeight, in township twentv-eight north, range eight east, Mount Diablo base and meridian, aggregating in all eight hundred and ninety acres, is hereby relinquished, released, and confirmed to the \Vestern Power Company. a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California. Approved, May 5, 1908.