Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/127

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 163. 1908. 109 That hereafter the monthly pay of enlisted men of the Army during .uf,‘,§e{,;_f,;¤**¤¤¤d mw their first enlistment shall be as follows, namely: Master electricians, 1 R.S.,secs.1280,12S1, . master signal electricians, seventy-five dollars; engineers, sixty-five "§?,;,,'Q,'lj,°,§‘,‘;§‘0,,,,,, dollars; sergeants first class Hospital Corps, fifty dollars; regimental °¤°°¤- sergeants-major, regimental quartermaster-sergeants, regimental commissary-sergeauts, sergeants-major senior grade coast artillery, battalion sergeantsmajor of engineers, post quartermaster-sergeants, post commissary-sergeants, post ordnancesergeants, battalion quartermaster-sergeants of engineers, electriciamsergeants first class, sergeants first class Signal Corps, and first sergeants, forty-five dollars; battalion sergeants-major of infantry and field artillery, squadron sergeants— ma]or, sergeants-major junior grade coast artillery, battalion quartermastensergeants, field artillery, and master gunners, forty dollars; electrician-sergeants second class, sergeants of engineers, ordnance, and Signal Corps, quartermaster-sergeants of engineers, and colorsergeants, thirty-six dollars; sergeants and quartermaster-sergeants of cavalry, artillery, and infantry, stable-sergeants, sergeants, and acting cooks of the Hospital Corps, firemen, and cooks, thirty dollars: Hwzdcd, That mess sergeants shall receive six dollars r month in Prwwos. addition to their pay; corporals of engineers, ordnance, ggnal Corps, gag}? °° ’“°“ ’"` and Hospital Corps, chief mechanics, and mechanics, coast artillery, twenty-four dollars; corporals of cavalry, artillery, and infantry, mechanics of field artillery, blacksmiths and farriers, saddlers, wagoners, and artiiiccrs, twenty-one dollars: ]·`*rmrided, That not toexeeed nomnmm one blacksmith and farrier in each troop of cavalry and one mechanic I"' P m‘ in each battery of Held artillery shall receive nine dollars per month additional for performing the duty of horsesboer; `vates first class rumen of engineers, ordnance, Signal Corps, and Hospitgn Corps, eighteen dollars; fprivates, Hospita Collis, sixteen dollars;. trumpeters, musicians o infantry, arti lery, an engineers, privates of cavalry, artillery, infantry, Signal Corps, and privates second class, engineers and or nance, fifteen ollars. That hereafter any soldier hoaorably discharged at the termination t_R¤¤¤1i¤¤¤¤¢g¤¤ cynof an enlistment period who reenlists within three months thereafter uiiiisliisziilidszgiisi, shall be entitled to continuousservice pay as herein provided, which P·“·‘"‘°“"°‘*· shall be in addition to the initial pay provided for in this Act and shall be as follows, namely: For those whose initial pay as provided herein . is thirt -six dollars or more an increase of four dollars month? pay for anfidurin the second enlistment, and a further increase o four dollars for and during each subseqpent enlistment up to and including the seventh, after which the pay s all remain as in the seventh enlistment. For those whose initial pay as Iprovided for herein is eighteen, twenty-one, twenty-four, or thirty dollars, an increase of three dollars monthly pay for and during the second enlistment, and afurther increase of three dollars for and during each subsequent enlistment up to and including the seventh, after which the pay shall remain as in the seventh enlistment. For those whose initial pay as provided for herein is fifteen and sixteen dollars, an increase of three dollars monthly pay for and during the second and third enlistments each, and a further increase of one dollar for and during each subsequent enlistment up to and includ— ing the seventh, after which the pay shall remain as in the seventh enlistment: `ltovided, That hereafter any soldier honorably discharged mmm. at the termination of his first or any succeeding enlistment period who ,,,,’},2{{K§"°°;,, i°§ ‘ reenlists after the expiration of three months shall be regarded as in *¤°¤““·°'°- his second enlistment; that an enlistment shall not be regarded as complete until the soldier shall have made good any time lost during an enlistment period by unauthorized absences exceeding one day, but any soldier who receives an honorable discharge for the convenience of the Government after having served more than half of his enlistment shall be considered as having served an enlistment period within 80893-vo:. 35, m- 1-00--9 _