Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1273

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IXXXVI INDEX. Interior Department-Coutinnied. Paso- 4 Intermmbnnl Boundary Commission, Mexican Page deficiencyappropriation forArmy pensions 30, 942 , Water, for printing and binding . . . 59, 616 w appropriation for continuing work of 176, 677 for Indian Office ... 507 International Bridge and Terminal Company, for Reclamation Service . . .. 507 ‘ time extended or bridging Rainy River in for Wnsions .. . .. 507, 517 Minnesota by . 168 for yatt Gilchrist ..,.. 519 International Bureau for Publication of Cusfor repairs to buildings . . 615 I toms Tarifs, for Fred Bender ... 924 . appropriation for annual contribution. . . 176, 67 7 for insane, Alaska. . 924 I Intcrnatumal Bureau fm- Repression of Ajiioan for expert accountant for Indian Office- - 924 ‘ Slave Trade, for Superintendent Capitol Building and appropriation for annual contribution . - 176, 677 Groimds .. 924 International Bureau of Weights and Measfor M. F. Mann 926 urea, for judgments United States courts, , appropriation for annual contribution,- . 175, 676 under . 937 g deficiency agpropriation for contribution. . 908 for surveyor- neral, Califomia . 941; Intcrnatikmal urcau, Permanent Court of Arfor Bureau ofggducation ... . 941 { bitration, for Freedmen’s Hospital ... 941 v appropriation for annual contribution. - . 177, 678 for examining surgeons, pensions 942 International Catalogue of Scientific Literafor stationery ... 945 ture, ` Patent Office models to be retained by 924 appropriation for expenses, preparation Inte:-married White Cherokee Oitizem of ... 323, 964 payment directed of share of tribal, funds to- 446 International Commission on International Intermarried Whites, Five Civilized Tribes, Law, alienation restrictions removed from allot- appropriation for expenses of commisments to .. 312 sioner .,... 680 Internal and Foreign Commerce, International Committee of Electrical Units, appropriation for experts, etc., procuring appropriation for expenses of delegates- . 242, 904 facts relative to .. 240, 902 International Committee of Weights and Meas- Internal Revenue, urea, appropriation for Commissioner, deputies, appropriation for expenses of member--- 242, 904 clerks, etc -...-.-.-. 204, 867 International Conferenoilfor Protecting Works for stamp agents, etc ...-- 204, 868 of Literature a Art, for salaries, collectors, surveyors, etc,- . 207, 870 deficiency appropriation for expenses of for agents, gaugers, etc --.-.-.- 207, 871 delegate -...-.-..-,,..---.._-,.-.-- 908 for miscellaneous expenses .-.-... 207, 871 Internatibnal Confferenoc an Maritime Law, for expenses under denatured-alcohol r appropriation or expenses of representalaw .---.-... 207, 871 ’ tion at ..-.---...--,_-..-..- 1019 for solicitor of --..--.-... 235, 898 International Congress of Applied Chemistry, for paper for stamps, etc ‘ . 325, 966 invited to hold next meeting in this counfor re nding collections ...-- 325, 966 try -- . 1170 for miscellaneous expenses, additional. . . 325 International Congress of Hygiene and Demogfor punishing violations of, laws .. 325, 966 raphy, for refunding stamp taxes illegally as-; appropriation for expenses participating in sessed on bills of exchange for ex-: twelfth, at Washington ..-.-,.-.---.. 680 ports . _ 590 3 International C‘on_qreaa on Letters of Exchange, deticiency appropriation for salaries, etc., appropriation for participation in - 680 agents, gaugers, etc 11 f Intemational Copyrights, for fees, etc., gaugers, storekeepers, etc,. 11 provisions governing issue of -...--... 1077 forredemption of stamps ... 28. 516, 939 [ International Exchanges, for refunding taxes illegally collected 28, 31, 516 4 appropriation for expenses of . . . . 323, 964 for paying judgments against officers 28, copies of daily Congressional Record to be 31, 516, 518, 939, 944 j furnished for distribution to foreign for W. H. M. Austin ... 481 g governments .. 1169 for allowance on drawbacks . 939 International Exposition, Tokyo, Japan, for refund of stamps on export maui- provisions for participating in ,,___________ 133 feats . . .. 939, 944 denciency appropriation for expenses to accounts to be rendered quarterly . 325 Fe mary 1, 1909; suspension of excollections to be turned in daily .. 325 penditures ... . .. . ___.,. 908 punishment. for forcibly resisting officers of; International Geodetic Association for Measuse of weapons 1100 urement of the Earth, false personation of, officer to collect appropriation for annual quota . . 176, 677 tax, etc 1100 or expenses of delegates _____________ 336, 974 embezzlement by officers of. ... 1106 International Indwztnhl Properly Bureau, tax on bay rum, etc., brought from Porto appropriation for share of expenses .. 228, 892 Rico ... 594 International Institute of Agriculture, Internal Revenue, Commismbner o_/Q appropriation for annual quota . 177, 678 appropriation for, deputies, chemists, International Investigation of Opium Evil, clerks, etc .. 204, 867 appropriation for commissioners __________ 380 Internal-Revenue Taxes, Philippine Islands, International Iation Congress, Albuquerlaws imposing, ratified and confirmed . 615 que, Nlrzesc., Internatimzal Association for Labour Legisla- , appropriation for assisting in dcfmying mm, expenses ..,, , ,,,.,,,__________ 39] appropriation for contribution ... 239, 901 I liability for debts, etc,, diselsimad ______ 332