Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1324

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DTDEX. cxxxvu Postmaster, House of Representation, P•¢•· Power Plame, Nam;-Yards, Pageapproprnatron for, amistant, messengers, detai1edreportonconso1idatjon,tnbemade. 142 - 6Vf ····---------·------·---·-- -= 191,854 P04v6V!, Llewellyn, late a Reprumtalfve in f pity increased. zi ... im x dsa Congress, 0T 01*5 im mm W3g0¤s ... , cien appropriation for to widow Postmaster, Senate, og .. . 933 appropriation for, assistant, etc . 186, 849 Powers of Attorney, or orses and mail wagons ... 187, 849 punishment for forging, em, m obtain P08¢1;¤8¢¢{¢,t_ { t_ 407 661 ha rnoneyfrom t»l18(;i*0V€l`l1H1BI1t lm appropna ion or compensa ion , ving m ponession urged, ew ... ,. 1 mcrsased, Boston and Ph11adelmn... 407 demanding money, etc., on false ... 1095 for assistant, first and second c of- Powhatan, Ark., ‘ _ ficss .. ‘ .. ._ _ . . 407, 661 bridgeauthorizedacrossBlack Riverat 3 increased, Boston and Philadelphia., 408 Prague, appointments restricted . 408, 662 claqification and salary of comujaw _,,__, 101 deficiency appropriation for compensation. 24, Precious Metals, _ _ 31, §10, 518, 930,943 a propriation for collectin statistics of. 205,869 pumshment for illegally approving postal Preliminary Examination for lti·v¢ra»ndHarbor bonds . 1133 Improvements; making false certificates ..,,...,. 1183 appropriation for . 822 restriction on depositing funds in national Prescott, bank in the county removed 415 classification and salary of consulate . 102 may deposit in State bank, and in ad- Pre•co¢tPla¤¢ NW, D. C., jacent State ... L15 denciency appropriation for joining Kalto receipt for and forward works to copy- orarna avenue with 494 rfht office ... . . 107 8 Presents, Porqmac venue, D. C., punishment for offe, torevenue omcers. 1100 name of Georgia avenue changed to . . 284 President Vilas-P1·£v•¢' , Electarafor, Powmac Elem-ia and Power Cvmpcmy, D. O'.,. appropriation for printing ucuuinment ot deieierérg appropriation for cum-mt, House vote for ... 380 - ce ni ding .. 506, 925 for messengers conveying votes of ... 381 Senate Office Building . - .. 925 Prcndmi of the United States, Potomac Park, D. C., apprppriation for compensation . 196, 850 ap priation for care and maintenance. 355, 994 859 E) improvement, continuing B street, increase to take effect March 4, 1909. . 859 etc . . ... 355, 995 for Secretary of, assistants, clerks, etc. 196, 860 acquisition of mhuares 63 and 89 ... 355 for traveling expenses of 356 junsdiction of street transferred to for cont.inum§ construction of Isthmian Chief oi Engineers ... z .. 356 _ Canal un cr ... 860, 1024 for roadway over tidal reservoir inlet 356 deficiency aplpropriation for purchase of au- {0; commencing improvement of sec- tomob' es, etc., for . _ 616 tim; 1 ______.,..,,. . ... 995 authorized to accept invitation to particilicenses for boathouses may be granted on pate in Japanese exposition . 183 tidal reservoir . 355 appointment of officers ... 183 Potomac River, consent to modification of bond for Chilimit of cost increased, light station, Ragged nese indemnity 577 Point, Va .,... 161 invite International Congress of Apappropriation for ... 382 plied Chemistry to ho d next moot- Potomac River, D. C., _ mg in United_States 1170 tugboats on, to have hinged smokestacks relieve, etc., Sicilian earthquake sufferfor passing under bridges .. 1068 _ ers .. 1 684 to have approval of Secretary of War to discretionary authority to change grade of be used on ... . 1066 diplomatic representatives, repealed 672 Pottawatmmb Indians, Kam., discretionarg powers of, in two kinds of appropriation for inliilli treaties with.. 80,791 punis ments ... . ... 1151 transfer of Wah-quligras-kuk land to duties in connection with organized militia. 400 Wisconsin .. 791 if estimates for expenses exceed probable for re iri , etc., old cemetery 81 revenue, statement to be made to. . 1027 road; tcillve established on reservation recommendations for reduction in exsection [ings ____,__.,_.. . .. 81 peuses or loans or new taxes may be lands of, granted for Sacred Heart Minion. 807 made . 1027 Powder De ts, Army (see Arsenals). , may appoint J. Randolph Peyton, second Powder, Ngiiu, . ieutenant, infantry, retired 1039 appropriation for; restriction ... 132, 758 · William Parker Sedgwick, ensign, reuchugs {mm trusts, etc., forbidden.. 759 tired, Navy ... 585 Powell? John Ilkley, _ William S. Shacklette, hospital steward, appropriation for monument to, in Grand retired, navy ._ ... :  : ,_,,,,_ 58 Canyon National Forest ... 992 Archibald G. Sterling, eusrgn, Lavy ..,. 570 Powells River, Tenn., ‘ may create new executive department in bri e authorized across, at Agee . 33 Philippine govermnent . _ 1 25 Pouviiloals, Postal Service, may grant eases of public lands rn Canal appropriation for mail transportation by. 412, 666 Zone . 658