Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/200

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182 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 183, 184. 1908. POBEIGN nosrrrans AT PANAMA. P°°°°°` Annual contributions toward the support of the foreign hospitals at Panama, five hundred dollars, to be paid by the Secretary of State upon the assurance that suifering seamen and citizens of the United States will be admitted to the privileges of said hospitals. smnmN’s msritrntrm AT xomt. gE§fY"°”"° Ima""' Contribution toward the support of the Seamen’s Institute at Kobe, to be paid by the Secretary of State upon the assurance that relief will be gifoxédticg by the sa1d institute to indigent American seamen, twenty- ve dollars. 00N1•rN0aN*r mxrmusns, tmrrno STATES oousumrms. °¤¤¢i¤¤v¤* ¢¤- E uses of rovidiu all such stationery, blanks, record and other mm"' me booliiieseals, prgsses, flags, signs, rent (allowance for rent not to exceed in any case t irty per cent of the 0ilicers’ salaryi), postage, furniture, statistics, newspapers, freight (foreign and omestic), telegrams, advertising, messenger service, traveling ex nses of consular officers and cons ar assistants, compensation of Chinese writers, loss by exchange, and such other miscellaneous cxpensesas the President may think necessary for the several consulates and consular agencies in the tlrsmsaction of their business, five hundred and twenty-five thousand o ars. Approved, May 21, 1908. ,*:,5*,5},;,*;*3 ;_?t;;k»;¤ Ae To mbiish » Umm sees com at Jams, in n.. m.,... [Public,No.128.] Be it enacted the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ju§i;g5¤$;dc$f¤°¤ States sfémerzca an Q'07|y7‘6·?8 qsaembled, That section nine of "An v0¤.m,p.1ss. Act to wide Kentucky into two ]udicial d1stricts," approved February twelfth, nineteen hundred and one, as amended by the Act entitled edY·>¥»=¤·r-58=¤¤¤¤d- "An Act_ establishing a United States court at Catlettsbn , in the eastern district of Kentucky," approved March tenth, nineteeddiundred and gwo, genlaipdt the same {s hereby, gmtgnded so as to read; rn-ms of mum, `nc. . a the regu ar terms o e circuit and district courts "°“‘°"‘ '“”‘“°" of the United States for the western district of Kentucky shall be held at the following times and places, namely: At Louisville, be 'nning on the second Monday in March and the second Monday in Ohtober in each year; at Owensboronbeginning on the fourth Mondayin November and the first Monday in May in each year; at Paducah, beginning on the third Monday in April and_the third Monday in November in each year; at Bowling Green, beginning on the third Monday in May and the second Monday in December in each year. Tmm · D, m,,,,,,, ‘jThat the regular terms of the circuit and district courts of the umm ¤¤¤¢rM· United States for the eastern district of Kentucky shall be held at the miéegn M -’~··¤··¤¤ following tunes and places, namely: At Jackson, beginning on the first Monday in March and the third Monday in September in each year; at Frankfortkbeginning on the second Monday in March and the fourth Monday in Septemberun each year; at Covington., beginning on the iirst Monday in April and the third Monday in October m each year; at Richmond, beginning. on the fourth Monday in April and thesecond Monday in Noyember in each year; at London, be 'n- ning on the second D onday in May and the fourth Moudav in {November in each year; at Catlettsburg, beginning on the fourthi Monday