Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/469

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 216. 1908. 45] Sec. 16. That jurisdiction is hereb conferred u on the Court of C‘*°°'*°W¤¤d Chim Claims, with right of appeal to the Suypreme Court,i;)o hear and deter- asblgrilriiiiiiiiikliziiins mine the claims of Robert V. Belt, of Washington, District of Colum- }’f,,l;°l,§°‘f»t_l{;,,li‘{;§,°}{,‘l bia, and Joseph P. Mullen, formerly of Fort Smith, Arkansas, now of ¤°"i:=¤¤· Ardmore, Ok ahoma, for services rendered and expenses incurred by them as the attorneys for the Choctaw and Chickasaw freedmen, in the (prosecution of t cir claims for allotments of land within and of the omain of the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations of Indians, now in the State of Oklahoma. That the suits in said cases shall be begun by tiling petitions in the *"°°°‘“'°- Court `of Claims within sixty days after the approval of this Act, wherein shall be set out such facts and in the manner as prescribed by the rules of that court, by the said Robert V. Belt and Joseph P. Mullen, against the Choctaw freedmen in the one case and against the Chickasaw freedmen in the other case; service of said petitions shall be had by delivery of two copies of each to the Attorne —General,who, with such attorney as said freedmen may select andy employ, shall _ appear and defend for all of the defendants in each of said cases. hat the court may receive and consider all papers., documents, "“°‘”‘°"“” records, depositions, or other evidence offered by an of the parties to said suits; and for such amount, if any, as the court shall adjudge to be jpstly and equitably due to said attorneys, Robert V. Belt and Joseph . Mullen, as the value of the services rendered and ex nses incurred by them for and on behalf of the said Choctaw and Chibkasaw freedmen upon the evidence submitted it shall render judgment or decree against the individuals to whom such services were rendered, the same to be a lien against their respective allotments of land for their pro rata amounts thereof. Sm:. 17. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, m}§,°'g$*{,‘},‘{_R°“°"“‘ authorized to cause allotments to be made under the provisions of the Allgqplenrs gv liv- Act of March second, eighteen hundred and eight -nine, entitled “An in€:l.lL5,r;il8gS. Act to divide a portion of the reservation of the Sioux Nation in Dakota into separate reservations and secure the relinquishment of the Indian title to the remainder, and for other purposes," to an living children of the Sioux tribe of Indians belonging on the Rosebu<lReser— vation affected thereby, and who have not heretofore been allotted, so long as that tribe is in possession of an unallotted tribal or reservation _ lands: ]’mw`¢/ed, That no allotment shall be made to any allottee enti- C,,,,,,,,, S_ tled to the same under the provisions of this Act of any lands in the ¥>¤l*·· °¤<‘l*¤•*°•*· county of Tripp, in the State of South Dakota. _ Sec. 18. That the Secretary of the Interior be. and he hereby is, ]'§l,E§{{‘,,{{,§T‘Q§}";,;. authorized and directed to investigate the allotment made in the name l¤Qgf¤& $,*;;,4 of William Jondron, Yankton Sioux allottee numbered eleven hundred'` and forty-seven, and if it be shown to his satisfaction that no such erson as William J ondron was in existence at the time the Yankton indians were allotted he is hereby authorized and directed to cancel the atent issued in the name of Williarri J ondron and also the record of the allotment in his name, and to reallot the lands covered thereby h,§‘(§,Q,§l,‘;(§,’f,j,§‘ °' to a member or members of the Yankton tribe who were entitled to allotments, but failed to receive land when the Indians of the said tribe were allotted lands in severalty. _ Rm Sec. 19. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he hereby is, ,.,,({$f_S‘°"‘ " authorized to cause allotments to be made under the provisions of the chaléggyggkngllfhug Act of March second, eighteen hundred and ei%hty·u1ne, entitled "An vo1.2o,p. ass. Act to dividea portion of the reservation of the ioux Nation of Indians in Dakota into separate reservations, and to secure the relinquishment of the Indian title to the remainder, and for other purposes," to any living children of the Sioux tribe of Indians belonging on any of the Great Sioux reservations aifected thereby and who have not heretofore been allotted, so long as the tribe to which such Indian children belong