Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/545

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 228. 1908. 527 United States post-office at Austin, Minnesota, fifty thousand dollars. Austin, Minn. d United States post-office at Brainerd, Minnesota, forty-five thousand Brainerd, Minn. o ars. d Hipited States post-office at Rochester, Minnesota, fifty thousand Rochester. Minn. o rs. · United States post-office at Hattiesburg, Mississippi, seventy thou- unmesbmg, mss. sand dollars. d United States post-office at West Point, Mississippi, fifty thousand we¤c1>¤1n¤,1vn¤¤. o lars. la United States post-otiice at Carrollton, Missouri, sixty thousand dol- Carrollton, Mo. rs. d Uxpited States post-office at Clinton, Missouri, sixty-tive thousand clinmnmn. o rs. United States post~oiIice at lndependence, Missouri, eighty thou- independence, Mo. sand dollars: Provided, That not to exceed five thousand dollars shall gwé mud be available for additional ground. M ' d Hlnited States post-oliice at Lexington, Missouri, forty-five thousand L<=¤¤z¤>¤. M¤· o rs. United States post-office at Macon, Missouri, sixty thousand dollars._ M¤¤•>¤» M0- United States post-office at Warrensburg, Missouri, sixty-five thou- W¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤·M¤· sand dollars. United States (posboflice at Missoula, Montana, one hundred and ¤¤·*¤<>¤¤¤· M<>¤¤~ lifteen thousand ollars. d United States post-ofiice at Columbus, Nebraska, sixty-five thousand °¤1¤¤¤b¤¤· Nw'- o ars. dogsnited States post-otiice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, fifty thousand *’*¤*'¤¤¤“*h·N¢*>¤· rs. United States post-office at Keene, New Hampshire, seventy thou- K°°¤°·N·H· sand dollars. United States post-office at Amsterdam, New York, sixty-(ive *”¤¤'°*°*'¤· N- Y- thousand dollars. United States post-office at Malone, New York, fifty thousand dollars. M“°”°- N- Y- United States post-office at Middletown, New York, seventy-five M‘d‘“‘*'°°‘"*· N- Y- thousand dollars. United States post-oliice at Concord, North Carolina, sixty thousand °°“°°"‘· N- C- dollars. United States post-office at Henderson, North Carolina, sixty thou- H°"“°'“°“· N· (’· sand dollars. _ United States post—oiHce at High Point, North Carolina, sixty-five ***8** **0****- N· "· thousand dollars. United States post-otlioe at Ashtabula, Ohio, eighty thousand dollars. A*******°'****· °*“°· United States post-ofiice at Delaware, Ohio, sixty-five thousand D°*"•*'°· °""* dollars. United States dpost-office and courthouse at Enid, Oklahoma, one E”‘•*·°*'¤· hundred thousan dollars. t United States post-office at Bradford, Pennsylvania, seventy thou- B”‘"°"’·“ sand dollars. United States post-oflice at Carbondale, Pennsylvania, sixty thousand °“"’°“"“'°· P“· dollars. _ United States post-office at Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, sixty-five °l"““’°”b‘“`g·°'· thousand dollars. · United States post-office at Easton, Pennsylvania, one hundred thou- E“'·°“· P’· sand dollars. United States post-office at Greensburg, Pennsylvania, one hundred “"°°”"’"”· P“· thousand dollars. _ _ Semcuey PL United States post-office at Sewickley, Pennsylvania, sixty thousand ' d ll . . Ollsifiled States post-oliice at Slmmokln, Pennsylvania, seventy-five S'“‘“°l"”· "· thousand dollars.