Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/651

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634 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 146. 1909. - mY¤Y*¤°¤* M ‘°°°· change in official position, desertion, or death. Compensation for any ` public property defaced, inglpred, lost, or destroyed through the neglect or default of a deceased officer may be recovered from his estate in the marmer provided in section thirty-two." _ _ °h§_ggg_i°¤ ¤¤=¤‘·°¤ Change the number of section thirty-six to "thirty-mne." ` Change the number of section thirty-seven to " forty.' ’ v°l‘ z" °' m' Change the number of section thirty-eight to " forty-one." Change the number of section thirtymine to " forty-two." ` Change the number of section forty to "forty-tlu·ee." Change the number of section forty-one to ‘ forty-four." Change the number of section forty-two to "forty-five." Change the number of section forty-three to "forty-six." Change the number of section forty-four to "forty-seven." Change the number of section forty-hve to "forty-eight." Change the number of section forty-six to "forty-nine." Change the number of section forty-seven to "fifty." Change the number of section forty-eight to “fifty-one." Change the number of section forty-nine to “fi£ty-two." mP··v f·¤ ¤<=¤v¤ wv- Following section forty-nine insert the following additional section: niiiimii moi. "Sec. 53. That whenever the National Guar of the District of Columbia shall be ordered to duty in case of riot, tumult, breach of the peace, or whenever called in aid of the civil authorities, all enlisted men who do duty shall be paid at the rate equivalent to two times commissioned or- the pay of enlisted men of the R§ixlar Army of like grade. Com- °"“"" missioned officers who do duty sh be entitled to and shall receive the same pay and allowances as commissioned officers of like grade of ¤•>¤¤¢¤~ the Regular Each mounted officer and enlisted man shall be pzild a reasonab e per diem compgnsation for each horse actually ggjggn Am ished and used y him: P , That when the National Guard y' of the District of Columbia is called into the actual service of the United States the omcers and enlisted men shall, during their time of service, be entitled to the same pay and allowances as are or may be rovided byl law for the Regular Army." vox. za, p. m, Strike out the whole of section fifty and insert in lieu thereof the ""‘°"d°°‘ following sections: Military com-is. “S1·:o. 54. That the military courts of the District of Columbia shall be: General courts-martial, garrison courts-martial, the summary court, and courts of inquiry, as now or hereafter provided b law. C,,,,,.,, 0, ,,,q,,,,,_ “Sec. 55. That courts of inquiry, to consist of not more than three officers, may be ordered by the commanding general for the purpose of investigating the conduct of any officer, either at his own re nest Rep,,,, or on comp aint or charge of conduct unbecoming an officer. (Such court of inquiry shall report the evidence adduced, a statement of facts, and an opinion thereon, when required, to the commanding general, who may, in his discretion, thereupon order a court-martial for the trial of the officer whose conduct has been inquired into." hS•¤¤;餤 ¤¤¤¤¤¢·r· Change number of section fifty-one to f‘fifty-six." ° 'mg_ _' After section fifty-one insert the following additional sections: d,f¥?,',}’§,€*§‘{Qf"],g_ ’“"“' "Sr:c. 57. That the constitution and jurisdiction of military courts, the form and manner in which their proceedings shall be conducted and reported, and the forms of oaths and aiiirmations taken in the administration of military law by such courts, the limits of punishment and the proceedings in revision shall be governed by the Articles of War and the law and rocedure of the militar courts of the United Stat s “P y » e . mf,;gj,i°}j,f’§,g;,*gf ‘tSsc. 58. That no action or proceeding shall be rosecuted or ima. maintained against a member of a military court, or officer or person acting under its authority or reviewing its proceedings on account of the approval or imposition or execution of any sentence, or the imposition or collection of line or penalty, or the execution of any warrant, writ, execution, process, or mandate of a military court,