Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/823

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806 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 263. 1909. ¢¤¤¤¤¤¤·· For permanent annuit for su ort of light horsemen, er thir-

§lii?i»?isft teenth article of treaty ozOctobe1I?Idig}1teenth, eighteen hundred and

twenty, and thirteenth article of treaty of June twenty-second, eiglhteen hundred and fifty-five, six hundred dollars; anemia. or permanent annuity for support of blacksmith, per sixth article V°’· 7* ""m* m of treaty of October eighteenth, eighteen hundred and twenty, ninth article of treaty of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty- Evehaiél thistgptnthd article of tiplatfy tpfltune twenty-second, eighteen un an -ve,six un e oars; mmm. For permanenb annuity for education, per second and thirteenth ¥Xij;3_’g,?§;, articles of last two treaties named above, six thousand dollars; ima me men. For permanent annuity for iron and steel, per ninth article of treaty

 {g_’,;%;_ of January twentieth, e` hteen hundred and twenty-five, and thir-

Qntg art1¢31e°gfltm::1t.y*,(pIgJ1(;ne twenty-tpcond, eighteen hundred and — ve t . un an twent dollars; gi all, ’ten thousand five hundredyand twenty dollars. semmeisi. smmwonns. (rnmyrr.) ‘ ggicrgst- M For Eve gr centum interest on two hundred and fifty thousand ‘ "" ‘ dollars, to paid as annuity pir eighth article of treat of A t aeyipnth, eighteen hundred and y-six, twelve thousand dve hunudifd o ars; For five KI centum interest on two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to _ paid as annuity (thefy having joined their brethren West), per eighth article of treaty o August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, twelve thousand five hundred dollars; Vol. 14, a 1s-:. For interest on fifty thousand dollars, at the rate of nve per centum » per annum, to be paid annually, for the support of schools, as per EEE? 3§.“*it$¤°fJ§S§£Kd°£€`3‘i.'.‘f}I.i¥".§".i"iiE°’ °'g*‘“°°“ h"”‘”°" “‘“" — ! c 0 ; For interest on twenty thousand dollars, at the rate of five per centum per annum, to be paid_ annually for the support of the Seminole goyerrttnent, its perlptaptle artrcteh sarlne tmtyé ope thousand dollars; n a , wen y-eig thousand ve un dollars. creeimmm uma. _ That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and . directed to place on the books of the reasury to the credit of the Seminole tribe of Indians, the sum of five undred and seventy · thousand dollars, said sum, or any part thereof, so long as it remains mum in the Treasury to draw interest at the rate of five per centum per _ annum, being the balance of the unappropriated amounts due said v,,,_u_,,_.m tribe under art1cle_ eigtit of the treaty of August seventh, eighteen vo, M_ ,,_ M hundred and fifty-six leventh Statutes at Large, page seven hundred and two), and article three_ of the treaty of March twenty-rst, eightein h(;1n<éred(tirit;ltsixt53·six (Fourteent Statutes at Large, page seven un re an y-six . Kiowa, Comanche, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereb , autho `zed ‘“,?,Q?,,'§‘{,$,*‘,_§ to withdraw from the Treasury of the United States, at dis discretion, W *¤¤d¤ °<>· the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as_ may be necessary, of the funds on deposit to the credit of the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache tribes of ndians in Oklahoma, and pay out the same for the benefit of the members of said tribes for their mamtenance and support, and improvement of their homesteads, for thesegrttbugng year in such manner and under such regulations as he may cocaine rama That the Secretary of the Interior is hereb authorized ' §,,§,’,f,‘,f‘“ ”"’“‘""" investigation, he deems it for the best interegt of the tribetlidigtt gid; mgggggdvéukww six hundred and forty acres of Choctaw land for the benefit of old Goodland Indian an Industrial School, and to convey the same to said school m conjunction with the principal chief of the Choctaw N ation and the governor of the Chickasaw ation.