Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/854

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. 11. Gus. 265, 266. 1909. 837 nineteen hundred and six. Said court shall, within one year from "i¤°·**°P°**· the date of its appointment, make a iinal report, and from time to time make partial reports, to the Secretary of War of the results of such incnéiry, and suc soldiers and noncommissioned officers of d,§,;°g}ig*5{;]€{¤,fgu¤tQ;; Compames , C, and D, of the Twentydifth Regiment United States mum qummea. Infantry, who were discharged from the military service as members of said regiment, under the provisions of S ecial Orders, Numbered Two hun and sixty-six, ated at the Wlsir Department the ninth day of November, nineteen hrmdred and six, as said court shall find and report as qualified for reenlistment in the Army of the United States shall thereby become eligible for reenlistment. Sec. 2. That any noncommissioned officer or private who shall be d_R,é°g°'}§_f',f,°”,m§•*; made elimble for reenlistment under the revisions of the preceding di·<=|n¤rs¢. section s all, if reenlisted, be` consideredp to have reenlisted immediatelynafter his discharge under the provisions of the special order herein fore cited, and to be entitled, from the date of his discharge d,§gY· °*’*·· ”°* °*** under said special order, to the pay, allowances, and other rights and ` benefits that he would have been entitled to receive accordin to his rank from said date of discharge as if he had been honorahly discharged under the provisions of said special order and had reenlisted immediately. Approved, March 3, 1909. cnn. 266.-AnActAuthori ‘ th e eemralwa r¤ta¤a»¤a\‘ peace ¥·*¤¤¢ 1****- officers such employees of the Alaszklilgchdollseturrwilicld as may be ngmoed by e Secretary of fhg Igjggriing . [Public, No. 319.] Be it mach:] the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives of the United States of Ama·i1:’s in Congress assernblerg Tlift the Attorney-General $#,5 mp;.,,,.. shall have ower to appoint, in his discretion, any p)erson employed ggggf mggg in the Alaska school service who may be designated y the Secretary of the Interior as a special peace officer of the division of the district _ of Alaska in which such person resides; and such special peace officer pg*,‘;‘,{‘§Q"°°,§§{},§§$,S,§ shall have authority to arrest, upon warrant duly issued, any native C¤·¤¤i¤¤¤ ¤<>¤<+· of the district of Alaska charged with the violation of any of the provisions of the Criminal Code 0 Alaska (Act March third, eighteen hun- VM- M. v- 1*53- dred and ninety-nine, second supplement Revised Statutes, page one thousand and three) or any amendment thereof, or any w ite man charged with the violation of any of said provisions to the detriment of any native of the district of Alaska; and such peace officer shall S“”"°°" ‘"“'°" also have authority to make such arrests, without warrant, for a crime committed or attempted in his plresence or when the person arrested has committed a felony, althoug not in his presence, or when a felony has in fact been committed an he has reasonable cause for believing the erson arrested to have committed it; and any person so arreste “'*""~ shall be taken, in accordance with such rules and regulations as may be prescribed gy the Attorney-General, and without unnecessary delay, before a nited States commissioner or other judicial officer for Pr W trial: Provided, however, That no person so appointed shall be entitled FJ}, éw., ma .1- to any fees or emoluments of any character whatsoever for performing ‘°j{§§;,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,_ any of the services herein mentioned, but may be allowed, in the cretion of the Attorney—General, expenses actually and necessarily incurred in connection with such services. Approved, March 3, 1909.