Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/875

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858 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 297. 1909. Cm i¤¤¤¢=°~ DISTRIBUTION or CARD rrvnmxnsz For ser·vice in connection with the distribution of card indexes and other dpublications of the Library, including not exceeding five hundred ollars for freight charges, ‘ expressagle, and traveling expenses connected with such distribution, sixteen thousand eight hundred dollars. ,,,,}*,*;::1,}) P°*'°’>’· °*°·· Tnmronnr snnvrcnsz For special and temporary service, including · ` extra special services of regular emlployees, at the discretion of the Librarian, to continue available unti expended, two thousand dollars. C°"*°' *°"i°°· Carrier service: Two messengers, at forty dollars per month each, during the first session of the Sixty-first Congress, being from Decem- ` ber first, nineteen hundred and nine, until June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, and for services in connection with the House Office Building, five hundred and sixty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Srmdsr emma- SUNDAY ormnms: To enable the Library of Congress to be kept open for reference use from two until ten o’clock post meridian on Sundays and legal holidays, within the discretion of the Librarian, including the extra services of employees and the services of additional employees under the Librarian, ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Increase or Library. INCREASE or LIBRARY or Conomrssc For purchase of books for the Library, and for freight, commissions, and traveling expenses incidental to the acquisition of books by purchase, gift, or exchange, one hundred thousand dollars; L"' b°°**- For purchase of books and for periodicals for the law library, imder the direction of the Chief Justice, three thousand dollars; For purchase of new books ofreference for the Supreme Court, to be a part of the Library of Con ess, and purchased Cy the marshal of the Supreme Court, under iilie direction of the ief Justice,` one thousand five hundred dollars; Periodicals- For purchase of miscellaneous periodicals and newspapers, including pa ent in advance for subscriptions to the same, five thousand dohiinrs; In all, one hundred and nine thousand five hundred dollars. Genunzenrexpemes- CONTINGENT mxrnxsnsz For miscellaneous and contingentexpenses of the Library, stationery supplies, and all stock and materials directly purchased miscel aneous traveling expenses, ostage, trans- ‘ portation, and all incidental ex nses connected with the adrninis— tration of the Library and the (ggpyright Office, which sum shall be so applortioned as to prevent a eficiency therein, seven thousand _ three undred dollars. Lgndexvv Sruriirw M Ixnnx T0 Tim STATUTES AT LARGE: For continuing the prepararg°` tion of an index to the Statutes at Large of the United States, ten thousand dollars, to be expended by the Librarian of Congress for the salaries of the persons whom he employs to prepare the index and for incidental expenses; the sco , classification, and st le of the index to be such as the Judiciary Cbmmittees of the two Hibuses of Con ress shall direct or approve. Transfer ofdbwkv. Thediibrarian of Congress may from time to time transfer to other °”°" ““°h°"" ‘ ovemmental libraries within the District of Columbia, including the Lublic Library, books and material in the possession of the Library of Congress in his judgment no longer necessa to its uses, but in the judgment of the custodians of such other cbllections likely to be useful to them, and may dispose of or destroy such material as has become useless. oaredorbuiidingaud Cosronr, CARE, AND MAINTENANCE OF LIBRARY BUILDING AND

  • `"§’Sf,`e;}5,ts¤ae¤r,€rt, osomvnsz For superintendent of the Library building and grounds,

five thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; clerk, one thousand dollars; one messenger; ‘one assistant